Artichoke - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Artichoke - General Description

Artichoke is a herbaceous plant with large inflorescences, which belongs to the family Asteraceae. It has a gray-green, branched, erect stem up to 2 m tall. Its flowers of blue or blue-violet color are large baskets (with a diameter of about 25 cm). Fruits are achenes. Artichoke flowering usually falls in June-July.

Artichoke - types and places of growth

Nowadays, about 140 species of this plant are known, but not more than forty of them are cultivated. In the wild, the artichoke grows in northern Africa and southern Europe. In the Mediterranean region, it has been grown for more than two millennia. Currently actively cultivated in Europe and South America.

Artichoke - healing properties

In recent years, new medications have been obtained from artichoke. It was experimentally possible to find out that it has hypocholesterolemic, choleretic, and also diuretic effects. Artichoke preparations are used in the treatment of hepatitis, endarteritis, jaundice, gallstone disease and atherosclerosis. The use of these drugs for the treatment of eczema, several forms of psoriasis, allergies (serum sickness, urticaria, etc.), syphilis and azotemia is quite successful. The artichoke has a positive effect in the postoperative period on patients who underwent surgery on the kidneys and liver.

Traditional medicine considers the artichoke as a choleretic, antirheumatic and diuretic agent, also for the treatment of scurvy, jaundice, rheumatism, edema, cardiovascular disease, as a diaphoretic drug and to increase appetite.

Artichoke - dosage forms

For medicinal purposes, the whole plant is used, but most often fleshy unblown receptacles and the base of the scales of unopened inflorescences. After cutting, they are kept in the cold. Artichoke roots are harvested in autumn; leaves - during flowering.

Artichoke - recipes

Artichoke tincture: 500 gr. pour dried leaves with a liter of alcohol or vodka (40%) and insist in a cool, dark place for 15 days. Use a tablespoon of ½ stack. liquid 3 times a day.

It is advisable to use the water-alcohol extract of artichoke in the form of pills, since otherwise strong bitterness will be felt. Usually take 5 gr. 30 minutes before eating.

Gelatin capsules with dry extract of artichoke are taken in an amount of 2 pcs. 3 times a day.

To prepare an infusion of artichoke you need 2 tables. tablespoons of its dried leaves pour one liter of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Take a glass a day 30 minutes before meals.

In the postoperative period, with atherosclerosis, you can use artichoke extract as a urinary and choleretic agent: grind a 100-200 basket of artichoke in a blender (on a grater), add 8 g. white willow bark, 15 gr. dry peppermint, 5 gr. fennel seeds, 6 gr. gentians and 20 gr. fruit sugar. Mix it all and pour a bottle of alcohol or vodka (40%). Insist at t 18 ° C for a week. After this period, the artichoke extract is drained from the sediment and stored in a dark container. Consume 1 tablespoon. 3 times a day after 2 hours after eating. With a weak secretion of the stomach, low motility of the intestines and poor appetite, the use of the drug is shown an hour before eating. Treatment is carried out in 2 courses of two weeks and a break of 7 days.

Artichoke - contraindications

The use of artichoke is contraindicated for children who are not yet 12 years old, as well as for women who are breast-feeding and pregnant. The same restriction applies to people suffering from liver failure and blockage of the biliary tract.


Victoria 10/14/2016
I agree that our organisms are different. I was prescribed tincture of artichoke to lower cholesterol, and after the course, the cholesterol increased by 50% instead of lowering. The doctor was perplexed, everyone and always he helped bring cholesterol back to normal.

Violetta 04/17/2016
It turns out that not only useful plants grow in our country!))) But, anyway - with our Siberia, it is unlikely that any country will be compared in the number of useful herbs and flowers. Everything that is needed for treatment is growing in our country. And even though we don’t have artichokes, we have Adonis, chamomile, and much more.

Snezhana 04/17/2016
Artichoke ... eat it, right? I heard something like that, but I have not tried it myself. And I didn’t even know about the healing properties of artichoke. In general, I am wary of foreign plants, and indeed everything else. But, not because I consider all of them to be bad, but because we have different organisms, and a lot of things may not manifest themselves that way.

Janochka 04/17/2016
I knew that the artichoke is used in the treatment of various skin diseases. And heals eczema, and more. My mom needs to buy a try. She has eczema, and from simple treatment, she only temporarily stops, and then starts again.

Little thing 04/17/2016
This is the first time I hear that an artichoke is used to treat any disease. I have never tried it either))) Although, I would really like to. Such an interesting name, artichoke))) And the plant itself, these cones, attract attention.


Watch the video: Massage Software Review: Artichoke (June 2024).