Valerian - what helps, is it true that it leads to impotence? Medicinal properties, indications, folk recipes for the use of valerian


Valerian is a medicinal plant, medicines from which can be found in any pharmacy. Some of this plant can be prepared at home. Accessibility and cheapness allowed Valerian to become a popular healing tool.

Dosage Forms

Pills. "Valerian extract" and "Valerian" - tablets with antispasmodic and sedative properties.

Tincture. Valerian root for alcohol should be taken dosed, since excessive alcohol consumption can interrupt the beneficial properties of the drug.

Decoction. Favorite remedy for home healers: 2 teaspoons of crushed root of the plant is poured with a liter of boiling water and allowed to infuse for 10-12 hours. It is better to prepare a decoction in small doses: this way it will retain more of its useful properties.

Powder. These are valerian roots turned into dust. It is prepared either at home alone or purchased at a pharmacy kiosk.

Dry roots. An excellent folk remedy in the cold season to strengthen immunity. The roots chew and wash down with water.

Tea. Dry or fresh plant roots are boiled with boiling water; after 15 minutes, the tea is ready to drink.

Galenovye medicines. Skepticism of many distinguished doctors, the science of homeopathy makes full use of the roots of the plant to prepare its preparations. The doubts of experienced specialists are as follows: if you take a drop of tincture of the medicine and dissolve it in a liter of clean water, and then take a drop from this liter of water and drop it into another clean liter of water (and so on another 10 times), then ultimately from the medicine itself will have nothing left. The announcement of homeopathy as a lie by many doctors does not stop the manufacturers of homeopathic tablets to release them in huge quantities, imposing them on the population through TV advertising, and at expensive prices. It is worth remembering that in any instruction for homeopathic tablets there is a line that the medicine is effective only if it is used for a long time. In fact, all homeopathic tablets are dummies.

What helps valerian

The range of therapeutic actions of valerian is very wide, but most often I use it for problems with the central nervous system and muscle spasms. Drops of tincture help with muscle cramps, headaches, stress, depression, sleep disturbance, asthma, shortness of breath. Healers infuse worms, treat flatulence, constipation and poor appetite. Powder from the roots previously helped with typhoid and scarlet fever, but today medicine offers more effective remedies for the treatment of such serious diseases.

Among women. Rhizomes and roots are used in medical practice for menopause, when disruptions in the body occur, accompanied by insomnia and regular fatigue. Decoctions and tablets perfectly cope with these symptoms, and also improve the condition of the entire female body.

Pregnant to take the medicine should be treated with caution and before taking, be sure to consult a doctor. Valerian is not a medicine that you can drink in the "free" mode while bearing the fetus. Valerian tincture can not be used in the treatment of women expecting a baby, since it contains alcohol. You can use only pills and decoctions with the permission of a doctor who has a registered future mother.

Insomnia, stress, increased nervous irritability - this will save pills, decoctions, tincture. Pleasantly relaxes and soothes taking a bath from a decoction of valerian (8 tablespoons are brewed with a liter of boiling water, the liquid is infused for several hours, then it can be added to the bath).

In children. With loss of appetite, apathy, hyperactivity, headaches, spasms. It is necessary to carefully treat children with medicines that include valerian, carefully and strictly under the supervision of a doctor, since in childhood the nervous system is not fully formed. Up to a year, the baby should not be given to valerian in any form, even in the form of a decoction.

For men. There is an opinion that taking Valerian for men is harmful by a decrease in potency. However, this misconception is broken down into information that testosterone controls the degree of male power, and, as you know, Valerian is completely unaffected by its level of production. It can cause drowsiness and temporary switching of men's thoughts from women to sleep, but when it comes to sexual intimacy, a man will still show himself in all its glory. Representatives of the stronger sex can safely be treated with such medicines for cardiovascular diseases, nervous tension and spasms.

Valerian: healing properties

The chemical composition of valerian is a real storehouse of elements useful for the body: esters, alcohols, acids, glycosides, sugars and many other components. First of all, medicines from this plant have a calming effect on the nervous system, improving blood circulation and lowering pressure.

Also, the medicine is able to relax the muscles and tissues of the patient, relieving spasms of the intestines and stomach, normalizes stool, and eliminates discomfort in the gall bladder and liver. In gynecology, it helps women to survive unpleasant mood swings and nervousness during menopause. With asthma and allergic manifestations, doctors often prescribe patients taking valerian, which relieves nervous tension and reduces itching.

The plant is unique in that there is no leader substance among its component. All the elements that make up its composition, comprehensively affect the body. For successful treatment, it is important to calculate the correct concentration of the drug.

Valerian: testimony

Even in ancient Greece, valerian was used in medicine quite often. Dioscorides, for example, believed that she helped to read minds, and added the plant to food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Today, the ancient philosopher would be laughed at, however, some of the ancient Greek medical traditions about Valerian are successfully used today. For example, with the treatment of stress and its consequences both then and now the plant copes well. But nobody uses valerian to treat seizures of epilepsy.

The root of the plant should be used systematically, then the necessary supply of vitamins and other useful elements will accumulate in the body. And the healing properties are determined by choleretic and tonic effects. Therefore, severe headaches, tachycardia, hypertension, diseases of the thyroid gland and digestive organs are being treated successfully with valerian.

Valerian: contraindications

Since tincture of valerian is prepared for alcohol, it is not used during the treatment of alcohol dependence. Eating a plant root is undesirable for people with liver diseases and enterocolitis. Elderly patients are also not recommended to exceed the recommended dose of the medicine, as they may experience drowsiness, apathy and fatigue. The tablets are not combined with alcohol, since valerian suppresses nervous tension exacerbated by alcoholic beverages, which can lead to depression. Also, with regular alcoholic infusions and the use of valerian, there is an increased secretion of mucus, which several times makes alcohol more toxic to the body.

Valerian: application in traditional medicine

Now it is not difficult to purchase drugs in a convenient form on the basis of this plant, however, folk healers still prefer to make drugs according to old recipes, believing that more useful properties are transmitted in this way.

With insomnia. Fresh roots are triturated or finely chopped, tied in a bag of gauze and placed at the head of the patient’s bed. Indeed, scientists have long proven that valerian pairs have a beneficial and calming effect on the central nervous system.

Stress. Mint leaves, valerian root and hop of cones are poured with boiling water and infused for about half an hour. This broth must be drunk throughout the day. The recipe is good, but carrying a jar of broth with you throughout the city during a working day is not a good idea. It’s easier to buy pills that have the same effect.

Hypertension, menopause. 2 decoctions are prepared, then they are mixed. First: rhizomes of valerian (10 gr.) Pour boiling water (300 gr.), Simmer for 15 minutes; the second - the fennel fruits are poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:10, boiled for an hour and insisted for 45 minutes. Again, the remedy is good, but only for those who are treated at home.

Migraine. The root is poured with alcohol (1: 4), put in a dark place for a week. Apply 20-30 drops three times a day, diluting with water. The tool has worked well - you can try.


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