Kefir cake - recipes for a delicious treat. How to quickly and tasty make a yogurt cake at home


Kefir is a tasty and healthy product that can always be used in the kitchen.

From it you can cook a variety of pastries - cakes, pancakes, pancakes, coulibes and, of course, delicious and delicate cakes.

Kefir cake: recipes, general principles of preparation

To prepare a cake on kefir, use a product of any fat content. The main thing is that unlike, for example, from pancakes or pancakes, kefir should be fresh, without a clear hint of acidification.

It is recommended to sift flour before cooking. Thanks to this simple procedure, the dough will rise well, and the finished cakes will turn out tender and airy.

And then there are no difficulties. For baking cakes, all the ingredients of the dough are mixed and baked in a greased form. The filling or cream for the cake on kefir is used either according to the recipe, or at your own discretion.

Decorate cakes mainly with creams, icing, nuts, powdered sugar, condensed milk, grated chocolate, coconut, berries and fruits.

1. Cake recipe on kefir "Ministerial"

Ingredients for cake:

• four eggs;

• a glass of flour;

• a glass of sugar;

• a glass of kefir;

• a glass of poppy;

• a teaspoon of soda without a slide.

Ingredients for Cream:

• can of condensed milk;

• pack of oil;

• four tablespoons of cocoa;

• optionally nuts.

Cooking method:

1. On the eve of cooking, beat eggs in a bowl, add poppy seeds and mix thoroughly. Clean in the refrigerator by covering the bowl with a lid or cling film.

2. After about 12-15 hours, remove the bowl of poppy seeds from the refrigerator.

3. Pour granulated sugar, stir until all sugar granules have dissolved.

4. Pour in kefir, pour soda without quenching it. Stir again.

5. Pour the sifted flour in small portions, not forgetting to stir the dough all the time, otherwise flour lumps will form, which will then take a long time to get rid of.

6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, put in it for 5 minutes a dry clean form, which you will use to bake the cake. Due to the fact that you fill the dough in a warm form, the cake will bake well and rise.

7. Cover the mold with parchment, grease it with oil. Pour a third of poppy dough.

8. Bake for about 15 minutes until golden brown.

9. Repeat the same with the remaining dough using a new parchment. As a result, you should get 3 cakes.

10. Spread the finished cake layers on sheets of paper until completely cooled.

11. While the base for the cake on kefir is freezing, start cooking the cream.

12. Soften the butter, but do not melt it. This can be done by removing it from the refrigerator in a few hours on a plate.

13. Add the condensed milk and cocoa powder, thoroughly beat with a mixer or whisk until smooth. The color of the cream should turn out to be a gentle light brown shade. If you want, you can add finely chopped nuts.

14. Pierce the cooled cakes in several places with a knife, so the dough is better saturated, and the cake comes out juicier and tastier.

15. Lubricate all the cakes with cream, decorate the top of the cake with kefir in any convenient way: it can be nuts, berries, candied fruits, sprinkles or icing.

16. Put the finished cake in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours.

2. Cake recipe on kefir "Almond-lemon"

Ingredients for cake:

• 250 grams of sweet cream butter;

• two glasses of flour;

• a glass of sugar;

• two teaspoons of baking powder;

• a glass of kefir;

• zest with two lemons;

• six egg proteins;

• half a teaspoon of vanillin;

• a quarter of a teaspoon of soda;

• a glass of crushed almond kernels.

Ingredients for Syrup:

• three tablespoons of lemon juice;

• half a glass of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Since the cake is preparing very quickly, immediately set the oven to heat up to 180 degrees.

2. Sift flour into a deep bowl with baking powder.

3. In another bowl, beat the softened butter with half a glass of sugar and zest. When rubbing the zest, be careful, rub so as not to touch the white part of the lemon, otherwise the cake will be bitter. As a result, you should get a creamy mass.

4. Pour kefir into the oil mixture and slowly pour the flour and vanilla, while constantly stirring the dough as thoroughly as possible.

5. Set the dough aside, whisk the whites in a small bowl.

6. Add the remaining sugar to the proteins, continue to beat until the resulting foam becomes strong and flows out when the container is turned over.

7. Transfer the proteins to the dough, gently, without intensive and chaotic movements, mix the mass.

8. Lastly, put chopped almonds in the dough.

9. Transfer the dough into a mold, bake for 1 hour.

10. Meanwhile, mix lemon juice with powdered sugar in a saucepan, put the mixture on a small fire. While stirring, simmer until aromatic syrup is formed.

11. Remove the finished cake from the oven, make even punctures with a knife, pour hot lemon syrup.

12. Once the kefir cake has cooled, put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

3. Cake recipe on kefir "Coconut with ginger and honey"

Ingredients for cake:

• 150 grams of sugar;

• two tablespoons of cocoa;

• 160 ml of kefir;

• 30 ml of vegetable oil;

• 300 grams of flour;

• a tablespoon of honey;

• a teaspoon of grated ginger;

• a teaspoon of slaked vinegar soda.

Ingredients for the filling:

• 200 grams of coconut flakes;

• 50 ml of sugar syrup;

• 200 grams of butter;

• a glass of milk.

Ingredients for Cream:

• 0.5 liter cream 33%;

• a teaspoon of lemon juice;

• a third of a glass of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Mix sugar and cocoa with kefir until all sugar has dissolved.

2. Add a spoonful of honey, ginger, pour in vegetable oil, mix.

3. Quench the soda over the mixture, add the sifted flour.

4. Thoroughly mix the dough so that there is not a single lump left, the mass should turn out to be tender and uniform, with a pleasant beige-brown color.

5. Pour the dough into a greased form, bake at 180 degrees for about half an hour. You can check the readiness with a toothpick, but you should not overexpose it so that the cake does not turn out to be dry.

6. Remove the cake, cool, cut lengthwise into two parts.

7. Pour coconut flakes for half an hour with sugar syrup. After the allotted time, transfer the mass to the pan.

8. Pour in milk, put softened butter. Cook the filling, stirring, but simmer until thickened.

9. For cream, warm the cream, pour in the lemon juice, simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes, then drop it onto a sieve or cheesecloth to glass the whey. Add the powdered sugar to the remaining cooled mass and beat well.

10. Put the first cake on a large flat dish, grease it with filling, cover it with a second cake, fill with cream.

11. Stir in the refrigerator for 3 hours before serving.

4. Cake recipe for kefir "Honey"


• 500 ml of kefir;

• two glasses of sugar;

• two eggs;

• two glasses of flour;

• half a teaspoon of soda;

• three tablespoons of honey;

• 200 grams of cream (sour cream, cream, chocolate).

Cooking method:

1. Mix sugar with eggs, pour flour (it is advisable to sift it before cooking), pour in kefir. Mix well.

2. Add honey to the dough. If it’s not liquid, sugared, you can thaw it in a water bath or in a microwave.

3. Pour soda and mix thoroughly again.

4. Pour the dough into a greased form. To make all cakes the same size, use a ladle. For one cake, roughly two soup ladles are enough.

5. Bake the cakes each for 15 minutes in the oven, heated to 190 degrees.

6. Lay out the finished cake layers on sheets of paper, separately from each other, so that they do not stick together.

7. When all the cakes are ready (usually 6-7 pieces come out) and cool, make a cake out of them, soaking each layer with your favorite cream.

8. Lubricate with cream and sides, and the top of the cake on kefir. Decorate as desired.

9. Remove the cake for 8-12 hours in the refrigerator. The longer it stays there, the better it will soak and, accordingly, it will taste better.

5. Cake recipe for kefir "rotten stump"

Ingredients for cake:

• a glass of sugar;

• two eggs;

• a glass of kefir;

• a glass of currant or cherry pitted jam;

• two glasses of flour;

• two teaspoons of soda.

Cream Ingredients:

• 200 ml of sugar syrup;

• 500 grams of sour cream;

• 130 grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Beat eggs with sugar. Pour jam into the mixture and mix well.

2. Pour kefir into a large pot and pour soda, mix. Keep in mind that with the interaction of these two ingredients begin to foam very much, so take the dishes that are suitable in size.

3. Pour the eggs with sugar and jam into kefir, pour the sifted flour. Mix well.

4. The dough should not be thick, a little thicker than the pancakes.

5. Divide the dough into two parts, bake the cakes in a high oiled form at 180 degrees, each for 20 minutes.

6. Cool the finished two cakes and cut them in half along. Thus, you should get four cakes.

7. Beat sour cream with sugar.

8. Sprinkle each cake with syrup to soak, grease with sour cream, decorate as desired.

6. The recipe for kefir "Night"

Ingredients for cakes:

• half a liter of kefir;

• two teaspoons of soda;

• two glasses of flour;

• two glasses of sugar;

• 50 grams of cocoa;

• two eggs.

Ingredients for Cream:

• two glasses of milk;

• a third glass of flour;

• egg;

• 3/4 cup sugar;

• 150 grams of softened butter.

Cooking method:

1. In a large bowl, mix a little warmed kefir with soda.

2. As soon as the kefir stops foaming, pour sugar and cocoa, mix thoroughly.

3. Add eggs and flour, stir thoroughly again. You can beat the mass with a submersible blender at low speeds.

4. From the resulting test volume, you should get about 4-6 cakes, depending on the size of the form. Bake each oiled for 15 minutes at 170 degrees.

5. For cream, boil a mixture of one and a half glasses of milk and sugar.

6. In another container, beat half a glass of milk with egg and flour.

7. Introduce the flour mixture into boiling milk, stirring, simmer, not allowing the mass to boil, about 7-8 minutes. This time will be enough to thicken the cream.

8. Remove the finished cream from the heat and cool.

9. Put butter in a cooled mixture, whisk in a blender until tender.

10. Lubricate the cake cakes with kefir cream, remove soaking in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.

7. The recipe for kefir cake "Classic Mannick"


• 500 ml of kefir;

• 200 grams of semolina;

• three eggs;

• 100 grams of granulated sugar;

• vanilla sugar to taste;

• half a teaspoon of soda;

• a pinch of salt;

• lubricating oil.

Cooking method:

1. Pour semolina into a bowl, pour kefir. Stir the mass and let it swell for an hour.

2. Beat with a mixer the eggs with salt and sugar, vanilla sugar and soda.

3. Pour the egg mixture into the swollen semolina, mix.

4. Pour the finished dough into a greased form, bake 40 minutes at 190 degrees.

5. Ready-made semolina cake on kefir can be sprinkled with icing sugar, pour over glaze or condensed milk.

Kefir cake: tips and tricks

• Do not open the oven when baking cakes, otherwise they will settle.

• Cover the form with parchment paper, it is easier to remove the finished cakes from the form without deforming them.

• Decorate kefir cakes prepared according to these recipes, at your discretion. There are no restrictions, it all depends on your imagination.


Watch the video: VLOG 165Kefir Whey Soda-Fruit Leather orJANics 50nRaw (June 2024).