Top 5 effective remedies for fungus. Ointment, spray, varnish or gel from a fungus - what to choose?


Fungal infection or mycosis is one of the common diseases of modern man. The real scourge - fungal infection of the skin of the legs and nails over the past decade has progressed markedly.

What is “rich” in modern medicine and what means does it have to combat the disease?

Exoderil - an effective remedy for fungal cumulative action

This drug can rightly be called safe. The cream or solution is strong against mold and other pathogens. The main active ingredient is naftifin hydrochloride. Exoderil is not only distinguished by its undoubted anti-inflammatory effect. It quickly relieves itching and combing. By the way, the latter often leads to infection, as a result of which the patient suffers doubly.

The drug is immediately absorbed into the skin, has the ability to quickly accumulate. Therefore, experts limit its use once a day.

Exoderil is used not only when the fungal infection becomes noticeable. Fans of visiting swimming pools, saunas, gyms, the drug will provide an "indispensable service", because it is good for preventive purposes.

What is attractive exoderil? Its security. The tool does not have the ability to accumulate in the liver. In addition, it is easily absorbed and, very importantly, leaves no greasy marks.

What do women who once used the drug say?

“It really works. The approximate duration of treatment is 2 months. ”

“I understand that external diseases, as a rule, come from the inside. This time I got rid of the problem without pills and medical manipulations only with the help of Exoderil. ”

“A fungus is an insidious disease that has been encountered more than once or twice. The drug helps. True, I used it for a long time and hard. After treatment, I use it as a prophylaxis. ”

Based on the foregoing, this tool can be attributed to really working.

So, Exoderyl:

1. Quickly relieves itching, does not allow scratching problem areas, thereby spreading the lesion.

2. Slows down the rapid development of the disease.

3. Does not allow re-infection.

Of the shortcomings, the presence of some contraindications, which are clearly written in the instructions, should be noted.

Important! One of the serious moments of treatment is the patient’s desire to complete the work that he has begun, that is, to complete growth of a healthy nail.

Nizoral - Ambulance for fungus

The long-known drug is no less effective and relatively safe in the fight against mushrooms. Its main advantage, I would call the possibility of use during pregnancy and lactation.

In its composition, the product contains ketoconazole, which, in fact, inhibits the development of the disease. Nizoral quickly enters the problem area, eliminates itching, immediately eases the patient's condition, and prevents the infection from spreading further. If the fungus on the legs is not treated, over time it will calmly “migrate” to the hands.

Nizoral best treats yeast, staphylococci, streptococci. Apply it once a day. However, with extensive lesions, cream and tablets should be used. Whatever the case, it is advisable to seek the advice of a specialist before purchasing a drug.

Nizoral has its own side effects: rash, itching, and when used together with pills, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea can occur. Nizoral is forbidden for serious diseases of the liver and kidneys, and it is also prohibited for pregnant women, nursing women, as well as for women of "Balzac" age.

Most women who used the drug noted its ability to quickly alleviate the symptoms of the disease, in some, the therapeutic effect came in 1-2 weeks. Almost everyone improved their condition every day. Does this fact speak in favor of the choice of Nizoral?

Lamisil - third place in the TOP of effective anti-fungal agents

Another rating drug in the fight against annoying fungus - Lamisil is released in the form of a spray, gel, ointment and solution. Use exclusively locally. The composition includes terbinafine. It is he who stops the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

What is the difference between Lamisil and its own kind? Firstly, high efficiency, secondly, it does not allow re-infection, thirdly, undoubtedly, it is convenient to use due to various forms of release.

One of the disadvantages of the drug is its high cost. But remember the proverb: "Avaricious pays twice"? Perhaps this is just the case when quality is equal to price.

Lamisil is not approved for pregnant and lactating children, young children (under 12 years old).

Reviews of patients who once used the drug:

“When the fungus is running, I did not see a lasting effect.”

“Do you think that baby’s heels are a dream?” But no. Lamisil helped to cope with the fungus of the foot, and my legs became smooth as in childhood. ”

“I would not recommend the drug because of its high cost. There are analogues that are not inferior in quality. ”

Nail - the trip to the surgeon is canceled

The composition of another effective remedy for the fungus is slightly unusual: stearic acid and urea. They help to "die" the affected nail plate, after which it (not without your help) disappears. This is undoubtedly a big plus, a good opportunity to postpone the visit to the surgeon.

The advantages of the drug include its low cost, and the disadvantages are not so significant: it is a little inconvenient to use, it requires special precautions.

What do those who used Nail Art say?

“Than to suffer at a doctor’s appointment, it’s better to remove the affected nail itself. Which I did. Quickly and relatively painlessly. ”

“After my suffering, I will say that the method is excellent.”

“I suffered a little. Still, you need to constantly make lotions, fix the patch, scrape. But the result is worth it. ”

“Long and tedious. I got rid of the fungus with Nogtevit for about a year. There’s no point in starting in the summer. ”

Clotrimazole is an “old acquaintance”, the enemy of any fungus

In the last place in our rating list of effective remedies for fungus is Clotrimazole - an ointment or cream that has a destructive effect on microorganisms. The drug is good in the treatment of foot and nail fungus, it is indispensable in the fight against lichen, and is also used for problems of an intimate nature.

Clotrimazole treatment does not occur for approximately 1 month. How else? The fungus is extremely insidious, and it is not so easy to get rid of it. After therapy, the drug is used for some time for prevention.

Clotrimazole should not be applied to the breast area of ​​nursing mothers. It is forbidden to pregnant women in the first months of bearing a child. By the way, any antifungal agent is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. Penetrating through the skin, the medicine enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, you need to be informed and not in a hurry to buy the ointment, which "people suggested". Clotrimazole is prohibited for children under 13 years of age and for those suffering from liver and kidney diseases.

Girls and women who used clotrimazole for the most part give a positive assessment to this remedy:

“Used from a foot fungus, which was not slow to switch to the skin of the lower leg. For about 3 months I got rid of the problem with the help of Clotrimazole. "

“Mom had a foot fungus. She was severely tormented by itching and burning. After treatment with Clotrimazole (the doctor advised), it became much easier, the skin does not dry out, and trishins disappeared. ”

“3 times a day I smeared the feet affected by the fungus (picked up in the sauna). In a month I got rid of the disease. Now I use the drug as a prophylaxis before going to public places. ”

In conclusion, I would like to share my own thoughts, formed on the basis of the information collected on the World Wide Web.

1. Fungus is not just a local problem. Doctors consider it a parasitic infection of the body. Yes, it is not fatal in itself, but, nevertheless, it is a kind of catalyst for existing diseases.

2. The fungus can be identified by such signs:

• itching, burning

• skin redness

• unaesthetic appearance of the nail (compaction, thinning, fragility)

• cracks between the fingers

3. If the fungus is not killed "standing", it will easily spread to all nails and feet.

4. Antifungal ointments are quite effective when used correctly. First of all, before applying the product, the legs need to be washed and dried well (infusions of herbs with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect are suitable for washing). The cream is applied directly to the sore spot, without forgetting the healthy areas of the skin. Everything needs to be done as if massaging.

Therapy is carried out immediately in all problem areas. To improve the effect, the cream is used for some time after treatment for prevention.

5. Fungus is not just a cosmetic defect. It is a serious disease, which, if not treated, will necessarily manifest itself as an exacerbation of diseases, an allergic reaction, and a weakened immune system.

6. As for folk remedies, I think salt baths, lubricating the feet or nails with apple cider vinegar, applying birch tar are useful.

Tip: if you live in a family, until you recover, do not go around the house barefoot, and especially do not sit barefoot on a sofa or chair. Wipe your shoes with vinegar, replace the bath mats with rubber. After bathing, wipe your legs and interdigital folds very well.

It would seem that a simple problem is a fungus! But it’s not so simple really. However, in the arsenal of modern medicine there are excellent tools that can defeat the scourge.

I hope the article prepared for you will help determine the choice of the drug for the fungus. However, this is just informational material. The last word remains with the attending physician.


Watch the video: CURE TOENAIL FUNGUS IN A WEEK! (July 2024).