8 difficulties learning a first-grader: tips for parents


Practically every child in the first few years of education faces the difficulties of adaptation in a new team. The task of parents is to provide all possible assistance to their child, to identify the causes of failures and eliminate them. If everything is done correctly, the child will quickly get used to the new conditions. In this article we will analyze the main problems and nuances that often appear during training, the probable causes and ways to solve them.


Every child is somewhat distracted. But there are particularly difficult cases.

What are the causes of distraction? First, too low levels of development of arbitrariness, mental stability and concentration of attention can lead to absent-mindedness. Secondly, the prevalence of gaming motivation in the learning process.

How to deal with distraction? It is necessary to give the child to the visual arts, to give him the opportunity to participate in role-playing plot games. In addition, the entire learning process is desirable to carry out using the game. It is very important to communicate with him more emotionally (especially when it comes to learning). If necessary, involve a psychologist who can correct the child’s psyche, carry out diagnostics, find the most useful exercises.


Many parents complain that the child is very restless. In principle, there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is to measure.

What are the causes of restlessness? Firstly, the peculiarities of the child’s psyche play a special role. Secondly, low arbitrariness.

How to deal with restlessness? It is necessary to interest the child, to pay more attention to plot-role-playing games, visual arts, and so on.

Misunderstanding of the material

The child may not immediately grab the material that he is given in school. The reasons may be different - lack of concentration, the use of unformed methods of learning activities, insufficient development of intelligence and perception.

You can fight the complexity of the perception of the material through role-playing games. The main thing is to teach the child to move from one position to another, the ability to unleash tasks through playing the game according to the rules.

Inaccuracy in the notebook

Often there are situations when the child untidy keeps records. The reasons may be different - the inability to apply the methods of learning activities, poor development of finger motor, poor attention and memory. But you can fight it. In particular, the motility of the fingers can be developed with the help of a variety of exercises. In addition, you can use the help of a specialist who will diagnose, select good exercises and prepare a program.

The need for frequent repetition

There are students who do not immediately understand the task and begin to perform it only after further clarification. The main reason may be: low level of attention and arbitrariness, lack of formation of the prerequisites for learning and the inability to perform tasks after oral instruction. In order to overcome this problem, it is necessary to engage in more role-playing plot games, to teach the child to become the position of another person.

Poor orientation in the notebook

Not all children can properly navigate in notebooks. The reasons are simple - low productivity, poor development of the muscles of the hands, poor level of orientation in space. Solving the problem in the timely help of a psychologist, the development of the motility of the fingers, the formation of voluntary attention.

Fear asking teacher

Many children in the process of adaptation are afraid to ask the teacher questions. The reasons may be different - reduced self-esteem, frequent stress, family problems or psychological personality characteristics. How to fight? Very simple. We need to work on improving the self-esteem of the baby. Much depends on the teacher, who should not use the authoritarian style during the training.

The student is distracted in class (eats, plays, talks)

Such problems are quite common when the child is completely out of control and breaks lessons. The reasons are different - inadequate perception of oneself as a schoolchild, individual personality traits, powerful gaming motivation in learning, poor concentration, lack of education in learning. The main methods of struggle - the help of a psychologist and consideration of the individual qualities of the baby.


Watch the video: School "Misbehavior" & What to Do About It (July 2024).