Breast with prunes: it will be juicy for sure! Recipes tender chicken breast with prunes in the oven, slow cooker, pots


For some reason, chicken breast is considered to be dry and tough meat, devoid of any taste.

In fact, this is not the case, from this wonderful product you can cook incredibly juicy, aromatic and rich dishes.

Especially, if to add a breast with prunes.

Breasts with prunes - the general principles of cooking

To breast with prunes always get excellent, you need to remember only one rule - never cook white meat for a long time. The more it is kept on the stove (in the oven, multicooker), the harder it will be. For example, for cooking in water and stewing on a stove just 20-25 minutes is enough, and for sliced ​​meat you need even less.

From the breast with prunes cooked mainly main dishes with sauce and without it. The meat is cut into layers, cubes, strips, cubes or straws. It all depends on the recipe. If it does not specify the exact option or the shape of the cut is not fundamental, then you can make pieces at your discretion, but the cuts should always go across the fibers. Sometimes the breast is marinated in sauces before cooking.

Prunes in recipes, you can use any: small, large, wet, overdried, sour, sweet. It is only important that it is not spoiled. If the fruit is a bone, it must first be removed. The dried fruit is soaked in water. If the fruit needs to be cut, it is usually indicated in the recipe what form to do it.

Recipe 1: Spicy Breast with Prunes and Curry

A dish for those who love fragrant oriental spices. Breast with prunes cooked in the oven in portions. Beforehand white meat needs to be beaten off, for greater softness you can marinate in soy sauce, mayonnaise or sour cream. From the listed ingredients 5 servings will turn out.


• 5 slices of breast, 1.5 cm thick;

• 1 tsp. curry;

• 15 prunes;

• 0.2 kg of cheese;

• salt, mayonnaise.


1. Slightly beat the pieces of breast on both sides, salt and sprinkle with curry. Spread on a greased baking sheet.

2. Prune it is necessary to pre-fill with warm water and let stand for half an hour, then squeeze.

3. We put on each breast on 3 prunes, we grease from above with mayonnaise.

4. Cheese three on a coarse grater, sprinkle each turkey breast with a thick layer.

5. Bake at a temperature of 190 for about 30 minutes.

Recipe 2: Breast with prunes with bechamel sauce

Bechamel sauce goes well with white meat than red gravy. Breast with prunes under it will turn out quite tender, pleasant to the taste. The dish is prepared in two stages, first the sauce is made and the pieces are fried, then the whole is baked.


• 0.5 kg chicken breast;

• 0.1 kg of prunes;

• Butter.

For the sauce:

• 30 gr. butter;

• Spoonful of wheat flour;

• salt pepper;

• 0.25 liters of milk.


1. Chicken cut into large straws, like beef stroganoff. Fry a few minutes in hot oil and remove.

2. Cooking bechamel sauce. To do this, melt butter in a skillet, add flour to it and fry until golden brown. Pour in a thin stream of milk, continuously stir. Salt, pepper and turn off the fire.

3. Put the meat in the form, cut into half prunes, pour the cooked sauce and bake in the oven for 15 minutes. Served breast with prunes, sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Recipe 3: Dietary boiled pork from the breast with prunes

This dish is a real miracle for athletes and slimming people. After all, sitting on a diet, so you want some harm, such as sausages or ham. Such a breast with prunes will help to satisfy a harmful hunger. It can be cooled under cutting, but also deliciously consumed hot with various side dishes and sauces.


• 1 breast;

• 10-15 prunes;

• ready seasoning for chicken;

• salt pepper;

• adjika or ketchup.


1. Breast to wash, dry with a napkin.

2. Mix a pinch of salt with pepper, seasonings for chicken. You can simply use hops-suneli or any spice mix for meat.

3. Pour prunes with warm water, hold for 5 minutes and drain.

4. Rolls each prunes in prepared spices.

5. Make holes in the breast and force white meat with flavored fruit. With the remains of spices we rub a piece from all directions.

6. Wrap in foil, send to bake in the oven for 40 minutes.

Recipe 4: Breast with prunes in a creamy wine sauce

This option of cooking breasts with prunes can be called festive. The dish really has amazing taste and aroma. White dry wine is used, but at will it is possible to take and table.


• 0.7 kg breasts;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• a large onion or two small ones;

• 200 ml of wine;

• 2 spoons of butter;

• 200 ml of cream;

• 200 gr. prunes;

• salt.


1. Cut the fillet into cubes, pan in wheat flour and fry in a pan with butter. You can use cream or vegetable.

2. We shift the chicken to the saucepan, fry the onion sliced ​​in half rings and send to the filet.

3. Put the saucepan on the stove, add the wine and simmer for 15 minutes.

4. Salt, add chopped prunes, pour in the cream and cook under the lid for another 10 minutes.

Recipe 5: Italian duck breast with prunes and mozzarella

To cook the prune breast with this recipe, you will need one fillet from a large carcass. On average, its weight should be 0.5-0.7 kg. Bacon gives additional juiciness to the dish, but if desired it can be removed or replaced with grated cheese.


• breast;

• 5-6 strips of bacon;

• 10 prune stuff;

• 0.1 kg mozzarella;

• spices: oregano, salt, pepper, ground paprika.


1. Prepare the fillet, remove the film, cartilage. We wash and do with a side a large incision in the form of a pocket.

2. Mix all the spices, thickly rub a piece inside and outside, put in a container and place in the refrigerator for an hour.

3. Soak the prunes, cut the mozzarella into several pieces.

4. We take out the fillet, put the fruit and cheese in the pocket, close it and fix the edge with a toothpick. If the pieces of stuffing stick out, it's okay, the bacon will close.

5. Wrap the stuffed pocket with stripes of bacon and put it on the tray in the oven. Cooking breasts with prunes for about 40 minutes, periodically pouring the released fat.

Recipe 6: Spicy breast with prunes in pots

This version of the breast with prunes will please with its bright taste and spicy, while just preparing. The dish is ideally combined with mashed potatoes, cereal and vegetable side dishes.


• 0.8 kg breast;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 0.2 kg of prunes.

For the sauce:

• 0.25 kg sour cream;

• salt;

• 1 tsp. red pepper;

• 0.5 tsp. dry mustard.


1. Cooking the sauce. To do this, simply mix all the ingredients, interrupt with a fork.

2. Chop the breasts into strips, chop the garlic randomly and mix with the fillet pieces.

3. Add the washed and halved prunes.

4. Fill the white meat with sauce, leave to marinate for an hour.

5. Put the meat in pots, put in the oven for 40 minutes. Then take out and still let it brew for about half an hour.

Recipe 7: Breast with prunes in a slow cooker

The fillet in this recipe should be cooked as for chops. Stews meat in a spicy prune-based sauce with mustard, which turns out to be saturated, fragrant. The same dish can be made spicy. To do this, simply add chilli or ground red pepper.


• 0.7 kg fillet;

• 0.15 kg of prunes;

• 2 tablespoons of mustard;

• salt, spices for chicken, sugar.


1. Prunes need to pour 300 ml of boiling water and let it limp to a soft state.

2. Scroll the cooled prunes in a blender, add salt, a spoonful of sugar, mustard and spices, punch everything well.

3. Cut the chicken into plates, slightly beat off, put in a slow cooker, pour sauce over each layer.

4. Cover with a lid and let stand for an hour. Cook on fire mode no more than 40 minutes.

Recipe 8: Breast Salad with Prunes and Nuts

Breasts with prunes are wonderfully combined not only in hot dishes, but also in salads. Of course, mayonnaise salads can hardly be called healthy and low-calorie, but they are incredibly tasty. Meat is pre-boiled, but can also be used baked or stewed. The salad is made in layers, but if you like, you can mix everything together.


• 0.4 kg boiled breast;

• 0.15 kg of prunes;

• 4 eggs, cook hard boiled;

• fresh cucumber;

• a good handful of walnuts;

• mayonnaise.


1. Cut the chicken into cubes and place the first layer on a salad bowl. It should be well greased with mayonnaise so that the meat is soaked. The remaining layers can be applied less sauce.

2. Grind prunes, sprinkle over meat. Pre-soak is not necessary.

3. Cut the cucumber finely, sprinkle on prunes, grease with mayonnaise.

4. Eggs clean, three grated, we fall asleep the whole salad, you can impose sides. Lubricate the sauce from all sides.

5. Dry the nuts in a dry frying pan, chop with a knife and sprinkle the salad.

Recipe 9: Breast with prunes and vegetables

A simple recipe for a delicious, but at the same time healthy dish of the breast with vegetables, which is prepared without a drop of fat in its juice. You will need a deep baking dish, it is better to use a glass or ceramic heat-resistant container. Vegetables are indicated in the tricks, but you can simply take by eye. The dish will be tastier if the meat is pre-marinated.


• 700 gr. breasts;

• 0.2 kg of prunes;

• 1 onion, carrot, pepper;

• 1 zucchini;

• dried basil, salt.


1. Cut white meat in arbitrary pieces, put in a baking dish. Sprinkle with basil, salt.

2. Cut the prunes into pieces and fold over the meat.

3. Shred onions, carrots and also lay out, sprinkle with salt and spices.

4. The last layer put chopped zucchini.

5. Now we wrap the form two times with food foil and put it in a preheated oven at 200 degrees.

6. Cooking vegetables with breast and prunes for exactly an hour.

Recipe 10: Breast with prunes and apples in a wine pot.

Another fruit and meat recipe for cooking breasts with prunes in the oven. A special feature is the original wine pouring, which gives the dish not only an unmatched taste, but also a beautiful color. It is prepared in two stages, on the basis of boiled meat.


• 0.8 kg breast;

• green apple;

• a handful of prunes;

• half a lemon.

To fill:

• 0.15 liters of red wine;

• 1 tbsp. spoon honey, ready mustard, tomato ketchup.


1. Breast should be boiled for 15-20 minutes in salted water, cool and cut into neat pieces, approximately like a kebab.

2. Place the pieces in the form, between them we place slices of apples, lemon and prunes.

3. In wine we dissolve honey, mustard and ketchup, add salt and pour the sauce into the form with the rest of the products.

4. Cover with foil, firmly press the edges and set in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 170-180 degrees. During this time, almost all the wine is absorbed into the meat, and the dish will acquire an unmatched flavor.

Prune Breast - Tricks and Tips

• Breasts that were frozen are difficult to make tender and juicy. Therefore, it is better to use chilled meat. If it is necessary to use frozen, then it must be pre-marinated or put into mincemeat with the addition of other products.

• Foil and baking bags are chicken breast best friends. In them, the meat retains its juiciness, quickly prepared and does not require the use of fat.

• Do not know what to marinate white meat? Use regular brine: a liter of water will require a full spoonful of salt with a mountain and a couple of peas of allspice. It is necessary to boil, cool and squeeze the juice of a quarter of a lemon. Also, this option is good because we allow the meat to salt well inside.

• Baked breasts with prunes turned out dry? Fill them with cream (milk, sour cream) and put in the oven again for 10-15 minutes. Often this technique helps to soak the upper crust and make the white meat juicier.


Watch the video: Chicken Marbella (June 2024).