Inflammation of the appendix - reasons for avoiding complications. Symptoms and treatments for inflammation of the appendix


Inflammation of the appendix occurs on average in six people per thousand ... After the diagnosis, an appendectomy is detected, then an operation is performed to remove the appendix. At an early stage, inflammation is easier to remove, but in some cases peritonitis or inflammation of the peritoneum develops. The patient needs medical attention.

Cause appendix inflammation

Specialists distinguish several reasons due to which the process of the cecum becomes inflamed. But which of them is as true as possible, unfortunately, it is impossible to say.

Common causes include the following:

1. The problem with the vessels - in this case it is generally accepted that appendicitis is provoked by periodically occurring vasculitis.

2. Immunity is weakened. In the event of a deterioration in the body’s defenses, it cannot fully resist infections. It can decrease due to frequent stresses, overwork, as well as as a result of hypothermia.

3. The digestive organs are mechanically damaged: the lumen of the blind process is clogged. Feces, stones, neoplasms, and also worms can contribute to this.

4. The development of infection: this includes many serious diseases, for example, tuberculosis, typhoid fever.

In the first case, the body cannot fully function, because the blood is simply not able to run through the circulatory system, as before. This condition will lead to blood clots and other troubles. This becomes the main reason for the reproduction and active growth of bacteria, after which pus will appear.

Blockage of blood vessels will also lead to the development of an inflammatory process. But this is where everything is quite understandable and understandable - mucus and liquid will not be able to function as before, because the duct is completely or partially blocked. Gradually, everything will gather in the appendix and begin to rot.

Determining the exact problem will be difficult. Firstly, the inflammatory process does not always develop rapidly, and it is not easy to combine all past events (for example, hypothermia or stress) and the development of inflammation. Secondly, appendicitis can occur due to various problems, for example, if the immune system is weakened and the body is vulnerable to infection.

If you have inflammation of the appendix, the causes may be different, only an experienced doctor can find out.

Inflammation of the appendix symptoms

Inflammation of the appendix, symptoms are manifested primarily by severe and sharp pain in the abdomen. The usual pathogenesis, as a rule, is manifested by symptoms with the following sequence: sharp pain, nausea, accompanied by a company, body temperature rises, dyspepsia. Below we look at each symptom in more detail.

Sudden pain

This is a characteristic symptom for an acute form of the disease. At this time, the development of pain is possible without the ability to accurately determine the location of its localization. Its intensity is different, sometimes strong, then weak. A little later, it will begin to shift to the right. When coughing, changing body position, moving, the intensity of the pain will change.

Vomiting and nausea

In the vomit, you can see the food that you took earlier. With an empty stomach, vomiting will be in the form of a normal liquid with yellow mucus. Vomiting is a consequence of a reflex to severe pain, with no appetite.


The most common companion of the disease - body temperature rises to 39 degrees, but not higher.


As a result of increased intoxication, defecation will occur, hence the occurrence of constipation, in some patients diarrhea appears. Dyspepsia is accompanied by frequent urination, since the bladder is involved in pathogenesis. In this case, the urine has a dark color.

The dangerous symptoms of the disease are as follows:

1. Symptoms are kind of distracting in nature from the underlying disease.

2. The development of peritonitis.

Thanks to the availability of modern diagnostic methods, the doctor can easily distinguish the true source of pain. In order to make it easier for a specialist, tell us about the diseases you had previously, especially if they are related to the main pathogenesis:

1. Sexual infections - it is possible that the body has a hidden focus of inflamed infection.

2. A woman has no menstruation for a long time, this may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

3. During bowel movements, you observed that the stool is black, this may indicate bleeding in the stomach.

4. Heartburn, feces volumetric - the pancreas is inflamed.

5. Vomiting without bile - indicates that the gallbladder is obstructed.

The main danger of such symptoms is that it is difficult to make a true diagnosis, so the doctor may go the wrong way.

But these are far from all the symptoms; another category can be distinguished, called the "most dangerous":

1. The pain subsides and is not felt for several hours in a row - perhaps the walls of the appendix are torn.

2. The patient constantly feels the urge to vomit, and it does not alleviate the patient's condition.

3. Body temperature sharply exceeds 39.

4. When tapping the abdomen, the muscles are tense, severe pain.

5. The patient is confused in consciousness.

All this is quite dangerous, medical care not provided on time can lead to death.

Inflammation of the appendix treatment

If you experience symptoms similar to inflammation of the appendicitis, you must call an ambulance. Cold can be applied to the stomach to reduce pain. After examining the patient and confirming the diagnosis, an operation is performed during which the inflamed process is removed. But this is not done in all cases. Few people know, but appendicitis can be cured without such extreme measures.

For several years, scientists conducted research and found that antibiotic treatment is possible. For two days, two different drugs were administered to patients, one of them intravenously, once every 12 hours, and the second once every 8 hours. The next week, take the medicine orally.

After the specialists analyzed such treatment, they came to the conclusion that antibiotic treatment is not inferior to the traditional one in its effectiveness. In approximately 90% of cases, patients recovered.

The use of this method is preferable, since after surgery, adhesions or abscesses may form. Very often an infection gets into the wounds.

Within a year after taking antibiotics, relapse is unlikely to recur. But, unfortunately, such therapy is in doubt, because it will not be possible to establish the cause of inflammation. So, for example, if a foreign body has got into the process, then under the influence of antibiotics it will not disappear. The appendix will only increase in size. That is why, most often the appendix is ​​removed, and not treated with antibiotics.

After the operation, the patient can roll over and sit down a little. Within six months, it is necessary to adhere to certain doctor's recommendations. You can not lift weights more than 10 kilograms, exercise, abdominal muscles should not be tensed.

Inflammation of the appendix prophylaxis

Since appendicitis can become inflamed due to stool, it should be ruled out as a preventative measure. In other words, you must actively fight constipation. After all, they can irritate the surface of the intestine from the inside, it will overflow, while feces penetrate into the lumen of the rectum. Bacteria will gradually begin to grow and multiply, and the appendix will become inflamed. To avoid all this, follow certain preventative measures:

1. Watch your diet. Eat food with coarse fibers, the intestines will be cleaned, which means that constipation will not occur. It is recommended to eat two apples a day.

2. Engage in active sports. Metabolism is normalized. People often involved in sports are protected from stagnation of food in the intestines.

3. Drink plenty of fluids. At least two liters of water should be drunk per day. If you cannot "overpower" this amount, replenish the water balance with fruits. The most useful are pears, apples and watermelons.

With inflammation of the appendix, treatment is always complex, its outcome is almost always favorable. Listen to the advice of your doctor and pay due attention to prevention.


Watch the video: Laparoscopic Appendectomy Surgery. Nucleus Health (July 2024).