How to eat and not get fat? 7 important conditions for the normal course of metabolism in the human body


There are people who can eat any food, even the most high-calorie, and at the same time have a slim figure and not a gram of excess weight. Well, for some it is enough just to cast a glance at the ice cream - and now: several grams have already been added! The first ones were just lucky: they naturally have such a constitution and an accelerated metabolism. However, all other people can afford to eat a lot of what they want.

It is only necessary to observe a few recommendations of specialists.

Breakfast is a must!

This meal is the most useful, it charges us with energy for the whole day. For breakfast, porridge or eggs are good. If you have an active day physically, allow yourself sweetness, but only in the morning!

Watch the water balance

Not everyone understands the importance of this issue, and some even believe that you should drink water as little as possible so as not to add weight. In fact, you need to drink it in sufficient quantity, based on calculations: for men, increase body weight by 35, for women - by 31.

Drive more

It is not necessary to regularly train in the gym. You can just dance at home or in a club to the music, go jogging, take long walks. Movements activate metabolism.

Sleep enough

Efforts will not succeed if your body does not recover properly. Sleep should be sufficient, at least seven hours a day. It is during this period that hormones are produced that contribute to weight loss and skin condition.

Preference for low-calorie foods

There are many tasty, healthy and at the same time low-calorie foods. This, for example, cabbage, cucumbers and others. They contain vitamins, minerals and at the same time - only 50 kcal per 100 grams. Unsweetened fruits and vegetables should be guests of honor on the table of everyone who wants to lose weight.

Fractional nutrition

Eat more often, but little by little. Between light breakfast, lunch and dinner, take light snacks - so the body will not feel hunger throughout the day. Accordingly, you will not overeat.

Do not get involved in diets

Many diets suggest extreme weight loss based on calorie deficiency. They, although it will allow you to lose weight in a short time, when you return to normal nutrition, they return it "to normal." The body, as if frightened, begins to store fat "in reserve".

If you follow these simple recommendations, the weight will gradually go away, your health will improve, and your skin will become young, healthy.


Watch the video: Metabolism & Nutrition, Part 1: Crash Course A&P #36 (July 2024).