Chin up! Is it possible to improve the shape of the nose?


Dreams of a beautiful neat nose are easily accomplished. The main thing is to find a competent specialist! - sure Anastasia Kovaleva

Probably, in every girl's life there comes a moment when you want to change something. I had such a turning point in December of last year, when I broke up with my boyfriend ... Of course, before I had thought of changing the shape of my nose a little. But it was just a fantasy.

Now I was determined and I began to look for a surgeon who could do the job qualitatively, so that the result was as natural as possible. Igor Bely caught my attention. Reviews about him on the Internet were extremely positive, examples of work spoke for themselves. Signing up for an appointment and talking to him personally, my last doubts disappeared. I was sure he would help me. At the end of my visit, Igor Anatolyevich asked: "When will I be ready for surgery?" I replied: "Right now."

And I understood that now is a week before the new year. Is it risky? Ha! Not at all! I admit, my courage disappeared somewhere on the day of the operation. Still, for the first time, I was expecting a serious intervention. In general, the operation was easy. 40 minutes. There was an incomprehensible fatigue. A terrible headache. And on the nose plaster. In the mirror did not hurry to look. She knew that immediately after the operation, it was not worth waiting for beauty. When the cast was removed, I first saw my new nose - beautiful, neat, though, at that moment a little swollen.

But the swelling disappeared quickly and literally 10 days after the operation I was already in Thailand (Igor Anatolyevich allowed me to go to the sea and sunbathe). I am glad that I decided on rhinoplasty and fell into the hands of the master of my craft - Igor Anatolyevich. He performed everything so professionally that my friends did not even notice any changes. And also: my ex made me an offer! I do not know what influenced (laughs): a new nose, or is it just a coincidence!

"Twenty or thirty years ago, rhinoplasty was something supernatural. Today it is a common operation that has been included in the category of popular procedures for aesthetic correction of the nose. Now you should not be shy, put up with your shortcomings and try to live with them. Rhinoplasty allows you to solve various aesthetic problems , among which the correction of the shape of the nose, the elimination of the humpback or snub.

In rare cases, rhinoplasty should not be done. As a rule, it is not recommended to resort to its help, if there are anatomical features of the structure of the face, and more precisely the upper jaw, which affect the final result. An experienced surgeon will be able to see all the nuances, warn and tell you how best to act in a given situation. Modern technologies allow specialists to manage with minimal incisions in the case when endoscopic intervention is possible.

In addition, the rehabilitation process is simplified. If you follow all the recommendations, in particular not to injure the skin (you can not do peels, sanding and other cosmetic procedures), then the result of the rhinoplasty performed will be pleasantly surprised. As a rule, the first visible effect will be in about a month and a half. But the final result is only six months or a year. "

Igor Bely, MD, plastic surgeon, leading specialist of the clinic of aesthetic surgery "OTTIMO"

st. Myasnitskaya, 24, bldg. 1, 6 entrance, 3rd floor, (495) 621-7557, (903) 700-1624, //


Watch the video: Push Your Nose Upward for 10 Seconds, See What Happens (June 2024).