The secret of the rose: they must be loved, then they will bloom


Roses are considered the recognized queens of any garden. Their rich colors, recognizable bud shape and enchanting aroma do not leave indifferent any gardener. Spring is the best time to plant or prune them. Rose, in the cold season, is at rest, because you can plant, transplant or prune it with minimal risk of plant death. In this article we will show and tell you how to do it right.

Types of roses

Roses come in various shapes, sizes and colors. They are widely used in landscape design: they form cascades, curl along the walls and carpet the ground.

Climbing roses

Roses are allowed to curl over fences, arches and facades of old buildings to decorate and mask defects.

Shrub roses

Such roses as hybrid hybrid, floribunda, bourbon David David Austin, are planted to form the volume and height of the plantings. To diversify the compositions being built, perennials are planted together with annuals.

Ground cover roses

They form a dense layer of vegetation so that they can be used as low hedges and form flower beds. They grow well in containers.

Classic roses

Old varieties of roses are usually planted individually. They are used to add emphasis to the design project of the garden.

How to dig

Rose transplantation is needed every 10-15 years, depending on the variety. To take out a plant, first abundantly water it to form a mud computer near the roots. First, the plant is dug, creating around it a trench 35 cm deep. When this is done, the bush is carefully removed from the ground. If the plant needs to be led to another place for planting, an earthen lump must be moistened periodically along the way.

How to plant

After purchase, roses should always be inspected. Particular attention to the roots. If you notice dry and damaged roots - they need to be cut. Place the seedling in a bucket of water during the preparation of the pit.

  1. Prepare nutrient ground for planting. Mix one part of manure and humus with three parts of soil.
  2. Dig up the landing pit. Its diameter should be at least 50 cm, the depth a little more: 60-70 cm. Place drainage on the bottom: crushed stone or broken brick.
  3. After setting the plant exactly in the middle of the pit and spreading the roots, fill them with nutritious soil. The grafted kidney should be above the ground.
  4. After abundant watering of the seedling with water, push the soil with your hands so that it sits a little. When finishing the planting, sprinkle 3-5 cm of dry earth, hiding the place of vaccination. Lay the mulch on top: dry hay, mowed grass.


Roses may look tender and vulnerable, but with proper care they can grow in both the hot southern and cold northern regions of the country.

  • The choice of landing site affects the growth and health of plants. Roses need to be at least six hours under the sun. In this case, the bushes must be protected from drafts. Do not plant these flowers too close to the trees. Their roots will fight for water and nutrients.
  • Watering roses after planting is necessary every 2-3 days for three to four weeks. At this time, the roots require frequent, but not plentiful soil moisture for rooting. The groundwater level should be below the roots below the bushes. Excessive moisture will cause fungal diseases in the plant and rotting of its roots. Watering should be carried out early in the morning, so that by noon the plant has time to absorb moisture.
  • After trimming the plant, it needs to be fed with liquid cow manure. Fertilizer is poured around the base of each plant. With the advent of spring, you need to start feeding bushes with complex mineral fertilizers. This must be done every 6-8 weeks until the onset of deep autumn. Another option is to use slow acting fertilizers. The first time they are used in the spring, and the second - after the flowering of all buds. Before dressing and after it is necessary to water the plants with water.
  • Mulching helps keep the roots moist, promotes the growth of earthworms, inhibits the growth of weeds and reduces the spread of diseases. The thickness of the mulch should be about 5 cm. During the summer, you need to add freshly cut grass to it. Alfalfa and peas are ideal as mulch. It should be laid around the rose, but not too close to the stem.

Garden Calendar

Untimely pruning or planting will destroy the plant. Conduct any type of work in your calendar period.


Shrub and curly roses cover with the onset of weak frosts at -1, -2 degrees. In the middle zone of Russia - in the middle-end of October. At the same time carry out pruning and top dressing. Planting plants in autumn is not recommended. It does not have time to get stronger before the onset of winter.


Suitable time for planting and transplanting roses. Top dressing is not as plentiful as in the fall. Trimming is carried out only in curly and hybrid varieties.


During the active growth of plants, only forming pruning is carried out. In the first half of summer, you can trim the buds with part of the stem. After flowering, the buds are immediately removed from the bush so that the plant retains its strength before wintering.


Roses need pruning to stimulate the growth of new stems and the formation of flowers. Pruning keeps roses healthy, helps to keep the bush in a tidy condition and prevents its thickening. It is performed above the nearest repair 1 cm at an angle of 45 °.

In hybrid tea, Pernetian and remontant varieties, the trimming height is about 30 cm above the ground.

In ground and climbing roses, old and diseased branches are removed and young shoots are slightly shortened.

In floribunda, some stems are cut off near the ground, some are left genuine - 7-10 cm.

Before the procedure, the secateurs should be disinfected with potassium permanganate, alcohol or an antiseptic. After trimming diseased branches, it is necessary to re-wipe the knives before proceeding to trimming healthy ones. Cut branches, to prevent the spread of disease, must be collected and discarded in a trash can or burn.

Pests and diseases

Check your roses regularly to start treating diseases and pests in a timely manner.


Leaves begin to curl. Inside them are small, green insects.

Use Fitoverm or Aktara insecticides

Black spotting

The leaves are covered with black spots, they begin to turn yellow and fall prematurely.

Treat with fungicides Profit, Ridomil Gold or Topaz


These are tiny insects that suck juice from flowers and buds of roses, causing premature dropping of buds and darkening of petals in the opened plants.

Use insecticides Vertimek, Spark or Actellik

Powdery mildew

This fungal disease manifests itself in the form of a white coating, resembling a web. It overgrows fully covers leaves, stems and buds.

Treat with Skor, Vitaros or Previkur


Watch the video: Seal - Kiss From A Rose Official Music Video 720p HD + Lyrics (June 2024).