A little about the benefits and composition of curry: how to use it, whether it helps with weight loss. Can Curry Do Harm?


Curry is a popular Indian seasoning that is considered the true symbol of this sunny country. The popularity of spices has long crossed the borders of India and today curry has become a favorite seasoning in many countries. And this is understandable, because in addition to a bright, rich taste and unique aroma, the benefits of spice include the benefit of curry for the body.

Curry Composition

Curry is a mixture of several spices. Such an unusual and original combination allows you to give a piquant sharp note to meat and fish delicacies. Seasoning is also added to cold dishes, drinks and even pastries.

Curry Composition:

· Turmeric - improves blood composition, helps to eliminate toxins from the body;

· Cayenne pepper - stimulates blood circulation, accelerates the digestion of food and fat burning;

Coriander - activates the digestive processes;

· Cumin - normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;

Cardamom - has an antioxidant effect, tidies the nervous system;

· Basil - considered a natural antidepressant, improves sleep, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

Seasoning recipe and its ingredients may vary depending on the region of India. Ginger, fenugreek, cinnamon, fennel or mustard seeds, as well as garlic and nutmeg are added to curry.

The calorie content of the spice is 325 kcal per 100 g. But since seasoning has the ability to speed up the metabolism and burn fat, it is recommended to include it in the menu for weight loss.

About the benefits of curry

The benefits of curry for the human body have been known since ancient times. One of the useful properties of seasoning is its unique composition - a combination of several spices in the correct proportions gives an interesting, original taste that perfectly complements almost any dish. At the same time, each of the ingredients has its own positive effect on the body.

Turmeric - improves the functioning of the brain, effectively fights against various tumors, improves blood quality.

Pepper enhances the benefits of curry. It activates blood circulation, promotes the rapid digestion of food, normalizes stool. People who often eat healthy condiments never experience constipation and diarrhea.

Coriander in the composition of curry spice has a choleretic effect, normalizes the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Eating regular foods with this seasoning helps improve digestion.

Quite often, caraway seeds are included in the composition of a fragrant seasoning, which increases immunity and activates the body's defenses to fight viruses and microbes.

Cardamom is known for its ability to tidy up the intestinal microflora, accelerate tissue regeneration, normalize the nervous system, and protect against stress.

Curry is ideal for people who want to lose a few extra pounds without much effort. Due to its beneficial properties, this spicy spice activates digestion, as a result of which fatty tissue does not form. Seasoning is also a natural diuretic, removing excess fluid from the body and preventing the occurrence of edema.

Dishes seasoned with curry must be present on the table of people suffering from frequent headaches and migraines. Herbs that are part of it have antispasmodic properties and help solve the problem without pills.

In India, it is believed that acute spice stimulates the work of the muscular system, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, and removes accumulated toxins and toxins. Due to its benefits, curry is recommended for regular use in the following diseases:

1. Bronchial asthma.

2. Influenza and other acute respiratory infections.

3. Arthritis.

4. Gout.

5. Rheumatism.

6. Tendency to bloating.

7. Alzheimer's disease.

In the course of scientific research, it was found that the aromatic mixture activates the body's defenses to fight cancer cells. In addition, people who regularly use curry dishes notice improvements in heart function and the state of the vascular system. Spice cleanses the blood vessels of atherosclerotic plaques, removes cholesterol and prevents the development of thrombosis.

Can Curry Do Harm?

Despite the huge list of useful properties of spices, it is also known about the dangers of curry. Most often, the negative effect of seasoning is associated with an individual intolerance to the body or an allergic reaction to the spice.

Who should not eat Indian spice?

· Women treating breast cancer;

With kidney pathologies;

After a heart attack or stroke;

· People suffering from gastrointestinal diseases;

· With obstruction of stones in the gall bladder.

Fragrant spice has a strong influence on the process of blood formation. The harm of curry lies in the fact that it leads to a slowdown in blood coagulation, and also increases the likelihood of bleeding. Therefore, dishes generously seasoned with curry should not be consumed by hemophilia patients.


Fragrant spice is able to give notes of oriental sophistication even to the most ordinary dish. But for the original taste, do not forget about the dangers of curry and its combination with some medications.

Indian spice is known for its effect on the circulatory system. Therefore, if a person takes blood thinning medications, curry consumption should be strictly limited. Excessive passion for hot seasoning can lead to internal bleeding.

Also, doctors do not recommend combining the intake of Warfarin, Clopidogrel or Aspirin with a dish that includes an Indian spicy mixture. This can cause poor health and other side effects.

The use of curry for weight loss

The herbs in the aromatic mixture contain a huge amount of antioxidants and folic acid. This means that it is simply indispensable for female beauty and health. Curry enhances sexual activity, improves skin condition, stimulates rejuvenation processes.

Indian spice is also indispensable for people who want to lose weight. Thanks to its pungent spicy taste, curry perfectly accelerates metabolism and activates the metabolism in the body. As a result, the accumulated kilograms simply “burn out”.

Curry is part of the eponymous dish, which is considered ideal for fast weight loss. Many varieties of it are known - with rice, lentils, fish, meat, vegetables, nuts and other spices. For diet food, it is best to use low-fat varieties of fish and meat, skinless chicken, tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, corn, bell pepper.

In addition, a spicy Indian mixture can be added to various meat, fish and vegetable dishes, rice, to prepare aromatic broths and sauces based on it.

The harm to curry for weight loss is that such a diet should not be long. Regular spicy foods will be a real blow to the digestive system and can lead to such sad consequences as gastritis.


Watch the video: 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Curry Leaves (July 2024).