The wild cat Manul became the mascot of the zoo of the capital


All visitors to the Moscow zoo are delighted with the wild cat, the Pallas Cat, who has been living there with his family for many years. This year, he became the official symbol of the zoo, and from now on his image will show off not only on the emblem, but also on other symbols of the institution. According to the results of the online voting for the mascot, held on the official site of the zoo in the period from August 13 to October 1, 2012, it became clear that the manul has no competitors. He received an indisputable victory in this nomination and is the favorite of many.

Representatives of the zoo said that six thousand one hundred twenty-six respondents took part in the survey, of which two thousand five hundred and sixty-six people voted for the manul. The second place went to the hedgehog, for whom one thousand four hundred and ninety-four respondents voted. Among all applicants for the title of the mascot of the Moscow Zoo - a fox, a tiger cub, a white bear cub and a powerful eagle - the manul stood out and honestly won his championship.

The image of a wild cat has already taken its place of honor on the zoo logo. Where else the zoo will place it is unknown.

Soon the zoo will hold a contest for the best image of a mascot. Everyone will be able to take part in it. According to forecasts, the contestants will be given the opportunity to portray both an adult manul and his young cub.

Manul is a rare species that is on the verge of extinction. Moscow Zoo takes an active part in the program for its conservation. How many such wild cats remain in nature cannot be counted. The zoo has recently replenished its ranks with several individuals of the manul, which will soon please posterity.


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