What prayer to read when tying a red thread


Many believe that the presence of a red thread on the wrist is a symbol of belonging to a different faith or some kind of pagan witch guard. However, we forget that the red thread has a much more extensive meaning and also applies to Orthodoxy. In this article, we understand the true meaning of the red thread, learn to tie it up correctly, learn the necessary prayer and ways to wear a talisman.

The value of the red thread, the requirements for the charm

The red thread is the most popular and widespread amulet in the world. It is believed that such a talisman protects from the evil eye, negative energy from the outside, the negative influence of enemies. In other words, such a guardian is the most powerful defense against all kinds of evil emanating from outsiders. It will suit both adults, and children, and elderly people.

It is important to remember that the red thread is worn on the left hand. It is believed that all the negative comes from the left side of the body, so the presence of the charm does not allow negative energy to penetrate to the body and harm the person.

The red thread has two main functions:

  • protection from unkind envious glances;
  • protection of the carrier from envy and anger in the soul.

On any side, such a talisman brings only good to life and contributes to a harmonious existence, as well as spiritual refinement. If you wear it on your right hand - it will bring good luck. That is why choose the thread for the guardian of pure red color from natural wool.

How to tie?

In order for the thread to perform its function correctly and last as long as possible, one should pay attention not only to the material from which it is made, but also to the setting method. Usually, various conspiracies are used in the process, but for the Orthodox there is a prayer on the red thread on the wrist of 7 knots.

Reading the prayer also follows the rules, taking into account all instructions:

  1. Only another person can tie the thread on the arm. Doing it yourself is not worth it. And ask about it better than someone with a good heart and good intentions. It is best if a close relative does it: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather.
  2. Wrapping the thread around the wrist, you need to tie it with seven knots.
  3. A prayer is read on the knots.

Of course, you can do it yourself, but the effect will not be so strong. In any case, you should not give up this talisman, as it has a powerful energy, contributing to prosperity and a happy life.

Prayer to be read when tying a red thread

7 knots is an obligatory lucky number corresponding to each knot. Accordingly, the red thread on the wrist is properly tied with a prayer, where each node contains a separate line:

  1. We pray: with the great power of your right hand untie the fetters!
  2. Accept the prayer of your people, strengthen and cleanse us, Grozny!
  3. We pray: Almighty! Proclaiming the unity of Thy save as the pupil of the eye!
  4. Bless them, purify them, show them mercy, grant them Your righteousness invariably!
  5. Unbreakable and holy, with great kindness rule your people!
  6. Only, the Most High, turn to His people, remembering Your holiness!
  7. Accept our prayer and hear our cry, Thou, before whom secret is revealed!

After the knots are tied up all seven times, the one who was put on the talisman must pronounce the final words: "Blessed be the Name of the Glory of His Kingdom forevermore!"

The second version of the correct tying of the red thread on the wrist includes an Orthodox prayer. It is read throughout the formation of all the nodules from the first to the last:

“Put on, Lord, protect me with this inexhaustible power, ability to protect from troubles and ailments, from enemies and evil spirits. This thread will become an indestructible wall, (name) protecting, not allowing anyone to create harm and unkind thoughts. Seven keys, seven locks will lock, never break, as your hard word is in heaven and on earth. Amen!"

It is obligatory to tie a talisman only with good intentions, not wanting evil to a person and praying solely for his well-being.

How to wear a talisman?

Prayer for tying the red thread on the wrist is read for a reason. Its main task is to concentrate the heavenly powers on the sacrament performed, to implore them to help and to invest part of their power in the amulet. However, few know how to properly wear such a protective accessory and what to do if it is torn or worn out.

When choosing a red thread as an amulet, it is enough to remember:

  • He is worn on his left hand for protection from the evil eye, damage, unkind words, wiles, diseases. In this case, only prayer is used.
  • On the right hand is worn to attract good luck, wealth, love, money. Some of the ways of tying the thread on the right are conspiracies.
  • At the same time, it is not recommended to tie the talisman on both hands, otherwise none of them will work.
  • If the guardian has worn out - it should be replaced with a new one. It must be the same length as before.
  • A torn thread is a sign that the talisman has done its job and protected it from a strong curse. It must also be replaced with an identical one.
  • Supplementing the talisman with auxiliary attributes or decorations (beads, hearts, crosses, other symbols) is not prohibited, but not recommended. You can wear another bracelet on the same hand, but the thread is preferably not worn.

The thread is not removed, and the more so is not subjected to washing. Just trust the higher forces and believe in the omnipotence of the Lord, who will certainly protect and save.

Red Story Legends

Everyone has ever heard of the red thread of fate, but hardly thought about where this expression comes from. It’s all about the legends telling about the miraculous effects of such amulets and their role in various events. The most popular story about the red thread refers to the connection between two people who are destined to be with each other. This romantic story gives hope that everyone in this world has a destined second half.

Both connected people will always find each other, regardless of age, social status and even country of residence. No matter how many roads are covered, whatever trials come across, they will meet, for they are attracted by the red thread.


Watch the video: RED THREAD IS a miracle: You certainly did not know that about the red thread on the hand! (July 2024).