10 most dangerous nutritional supplements. What are the harms of sweeteners, flavor enhancers, trans fats and corn syrup?


The diet of modern man is significantly different from the diet of ancestors. Over the past decades, as a result of the advent of new technologies, products that have not been heard of before have become available. Of course, this is good, but ... positive changes in the field of nutrition have also brought negative aspects.

In pursuit of improving the appearance of products, their consumer properties, manufacturers add ingredients to them that are not as harmless as it seems to the average consumer. What kind of additives are we talking about?

Artificial Sweeteners

They improve the taste of the product and its cost, but their health is not bad. This is especially true for aspartame and acesulfame potassium. As a result of research, it was proved that the first sweetener, if used for a long time, affects the skin and destroys tooth enamel.

But its main drawback is the ability to have a carcinogenic effect. In addition, phenylalanine, which is part of aspartame, has a detrimental effect on the psyche: it causes depression and panic attacks.

As for Acesulfame, it can cause kidney pathology, including a malignant tumor.

Manufacturers add both of these artificial sweeteners to drinks, pastries, pastries, and, quite surprisingly, to the icing that some tablets are coated on.

Corn syrup

Such a product does not belong to particularly harmful additives, but it is enriched with enzymes and fructose in the manufacture. The end result is a syrup several times more saturated with harmful substances than the "white death" - ordinary sugar.

Sweet water, "sweets" for children such as chewing sweets and candies are composed, and as a main component, corn syrup. With the frequent intake of such treats, the body is under a heavy load, they cause an excessive increase in blood sugar, which leads to the development of type 2 diabetes, the occurrence of excess weight, and also to food dependence.

Monosodium glutamate

This flavor enhancer is labeled on E621 or MSG packages. It is fraught with the possibility of erosion in the stomach and intestines. Another danger: for those who often use products with this supplement, all other dishes seem fresh, devoid of any taste. Yes, and these products themselves are by no means useful, however, a person quickly gets used to them.

If adults still try not to get involved in E621, then adolescents who are not yet aware of the dangers of such food actively absorb chips, fast food, snacks, etc. These products, if you can eat, are only occasionally and in small quantities.

Trans fats

Designed to reduce the cost of production, these substances are used by unscrupulous manufacturers as a substitute for natural animals and vegetable fats. Trans fats negatively affect the composition of the blood, the work of the heart and the state of blood vessels, contribute to the development of obesity, as well as diabetes mellitus.

The reproductive sphere also suffers, especially in men. In some countries, a law has been enacted to notify consumers that a product contains trans fats.

Artificial Dyes

If dyes made from plant materials are harmless and do not color the product very brightly, then synthetic ones, on the contrary, give it a rich color. Thus, the sausages, cheese, fish delicacies, water and much more offered by the trade attract the consumer with an appetizing, catchy appearance.

Artificial dyes can cause not only allergies, but also digestive upsets. The central nervous system may suffer from them, especially for kids who like brightly colored lollipops, marmalade and other sweets. Children can become overly excitable, distracted, their development of intelligence slows down.

Sodium Sulfate

Designated on the product as E514, this not only preservative, but also an emulsifier is used in the manufacture of shampoos and other products to improve hair growth and appearance. Sodium sulfate can cause rashes on the scalp, allergies, headaches and shortness of breath.

Sodium nitrite

E250 - a preservative added to sausage, meat and fish, fixes the paint of the product and protects it from oxidation. A dose of 2-6 grams of this substance is dangerous. When a component enters the human body, it enters into chemical reactions and causes poisoning by products obtained as a result of these reactions.

Such a food supplement is fraught with the possibility of developing diseases of the intestines and liver, in addition, the appearance of allergies.

Sulphur dioxide

The preservative designated E220 is a gas used to smoke fresh vegetables and fruits in order to preserve them well. Juices, dried fruits, wine in the production process - all this is processed with sulfur dioxide, which is toxic. The poisoned person has difficulty breathing and swallowing, coughing and vomiting begin.

Not excluded and pulmonary edema. Particularly severe are the consequences of poisoning in people with asthma: seizures can even pose a threat to life. Wine treated with sulfur dioxide sometimes causes diarrhea, nausea, as well as headaches, and fresh fruits lose some of their vitamins.

Potassium bromate

This additive loosens and improves the properties of flour and pastries from it. It has been experimentally established that the substance E924a can cause the development of malignant neoplasms. Potassium bromate, in addition, is toxic and can cause kidney failure.

No wonder this supplement was banned in many countries, including ours. It is used only in the USA in the food and cosmetic industries.

Synthetic antioxidants BHA and BHT

They are used in the manufacture of lipstick as a means of anti-oxidation and for conservation. When ingested, they cause allergies and negatively affect the nervous system. There is an opinion of scientists that such substances can trigger the appearance of a malignant tumor.

In accordance with the requirements of the legislation, the manufacturer is obliged to list all components on the product packaging. The consumer, when purchasing goods, must be vigilant, not rush to make a purchase, but carefully read what is written on the package. Well, of course, armed with knowledge of harmful additives, he will be able to maintain health and avoid trouble.


Watch the video: Top 10 Food Additives to Avoid (June 2024).