Hawthorn tincture at home: popular recipes. How to prepare tincture of hawthorn at home


For most people, the very mention of tincture of hawthorn immediately mentally sends them to the pharmacy, where these familiar drugs are in dark bottles. However, not everyone knows that not only medicinal, but also simple drinking tinctures are prepared from these berries. It is the recipes for how to prepare tincture of hawthorn at home, and we will devote the following material.

The presence of tincture of hawthorn at home will always be the right and necessary solution. This drink has long been recognized by doctors and is recommended by them in the treatment of angina pectoris, hypertension and many other diseases of the cardiovascular system. However, this is not all the beneficial properties of this drink, the list of which is very wide. It is also included in the list of medicines, but it was used by the people long before it received official recognition.

Today, this tincture is publicly available for any person, because, firstly, its cost is very low, and secondly, it can be purchased at any pharmacy kiosk. The benefits of hawthorn have long been proven, and even today it is very popular among people who care about their health.

Useful properties of hawthorn

Hawthorn contains many useful substances, which makes it possible to prepare a healing tincture from it. Such an infusion can be used in the treatment of many diseases, including such complex ones as cardiovascular diseases and impotence. It is also good as a preventative. We have prepared some of the most popular recipes, which are very useful and, at the same time, very simple means, the healing properties of which will undoubtedly pleasantly surprise you.

Also, using hawthorn, you can help the body cope with regular fatigue, fatigue, which are a consequence of cardiovascular diseases. So, through hawthorn, you can prevent many diseases at the very beginning of development.

Tincture of hawthorn at home on moonshine

To obtain a product sold in pharmacies, we need to prepare the following ingredients:

undiluted moonshine of triple distillation;

fresh berries.

cleaned glass container with a well-closing lid.

The most serious attention must be paid to the ratio of components. So, for 1 glass of moonshine, you should pick up 1 glass of berries. First, do not forget to thoroughly crush them, this is necessary so that the drink gets its usual unique taste and aroma.

The tincture will be ready for use in 20 days. To insist, the container with the drink should be put in the refrigerator, not forgetting to shake it from time to time. When using the finished drink, one should not forget that this is primarily a medicine, therefore, the prescribed norm should be observed, which should be only a few drops before eating.

For people suffering from poor sleep and nervous stress, this recipe is perfect: we mix berries with moonshine, valerian and motherwort. After this, the mixture should stand for 15 days, not forgetting to interfere with it several times a day. After the expiration of the term, the infusion can be filtered and consumed as a medicine. If the drink is too strong for you, it should be diluted with vodka.

Everything, tincture is ready, you can try!

Tincture of hawthorn at home on vodka with wild rose and galangal

A mixture of hawthorn and rosehip is a classic combination. Rosehip gives the drink a slight acidity, gives the taste a greater fullness, enhances its healing properties and improves color. Kalgan also gives a slight sharpness, which is familiar to bitter tinctures, the taste of oak barrels and cognac.

We take 0.5 vodka and prepare the following components for it:

1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of hawthorn;

1 tbsp. rosehip spoon;

1/2 teaspoon ground galangal root;

1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar and water - for syrup.

Preparing this infusion is also quite simple. To do this, put dried berries and galangal in a jar, pour vodka and stand for about 20-30 days in a dark warm place, not forgetting to shake it periodically. At the end of this period, the liquid is drained and filtered, the berries are squeezed using gauze. A regular syrup is prepared from equal parts of sugar and water, added to the infusion and set aside for a couple more days. That's it, the process is complete!

Tincture of hawthorn at home with spices

In the XVIII-XIX century, the Russian district nobility began to get involved in the production of home-made moonshine - at that time the purchased vodka was of poor quality (as, indeed, today). The distillation taste had to be improved - so in the recipes all kinds of herbs, roots, spices and berries appeared that could only be found, which gave rise to many different recipes for this tincture.

You should immediately make a reservation - the abundance of ingredients should not scare you, although some of them can be problematic. If any of the components is absent - it’s not scary, we cook from what we have, and keep the recipe on a note.

So, for the manufacture of this tincture with spices, you need to make a number of simple procedures.

1. Pour fresh berries into a dark jar to the brim, fill with high-quality vodka or medical alcohol. After that, you can cover well with a lid and set for insisting.

2. Please note that the infusion process is quite lengthy and lasts at least 30 days. At the end of the month, the tincture turns red. It should be poured into convenient containers and stored for the duration of use in the refrigerator.

3. To improve the taste of the drink, it is worth adding honey, cinnamon or vanilla to it. Additives need to be added to the tincture for the 3rd week of infusion.

One-component tincture of hawthorn at home

Various formulations of medicinal tinctures provide for the use of one type of basic raw material, as well as a combination of many plant substances that can complement and enhance the healing effect of the drug. For example, there is a recipe that does not include a large number of herbs.

This recipe is prepared in almost the same way as the previous one, the only difference is that here dried fruits will be used as a basic component. Before mixing, dried fruits must be carefully chopped. Thus, a much larger number of useful elements will fall into the tincture. So, for 260 g, you need to prepare 0.5 l of vodka.

We take a clean, sterilized glass jar and pour the washed, dried fruits into it and pour them on top of the alcohol. Next, add sugar and hawthorn flowers, mix and cover. It is necessary to insist it for 2 weeks in a dark, cool room, to peel through cheesecloth.

This completes the process of preparing the tincture. It is imperative that you leave it for storage in the refrigerator, in a closed container. Keep track of dosages, the drink has a strong effect.

Hawthorn tincture at home with mountain ash

To prepare tincture with mountain ash, we need:

ü hawthorn berries - 100 g.

ü chokeberry berries - 100 g.

ü vodka - 1 l.

ü sugar - 1 tbsp.

Preparing this option tincture is quite simple. The berries should be mixed in a previously prepared container, pour vodka and set to insist for 14 days in a dark, cool place. After this, the infusion is filtered, sugar is added and thoroughly mixed.

Next, the container must be corked and set for two days for ripening. After that, the infusion is poured into 0.5 bottles and closed with corks. It is stored in the refrigerator, used in small doses.

The cooking process is very simple, especially if there are excellent kitchen scales in your inventory. Thus, we pour all the components into a jar, fill it with moonshine, shake well and put it in a dark place for storage.

Tincture of hawthorn at home from dried berries

The infusion should be prepared from fresh raw materials, however, if the season is not appropriate, and the drink is needed now, drying can also be used, but in this case the cooking process will be slightly longer so that the hawthorn is well infused and the cooker hood is ready.

So, you need to put chopped berries or flowers in a container and pour them with vodka or 70% alcohol. After this, the container should be corked and put away in a dark place, not forgetting to shake periodically. After 2-3 weeks, the tincture will be ready. We filter it through cheesecloth and take 20 drops with the addition of a small amount of water or juice 3 times a day before meals.

Tincture of hawthorn at home: contraindications

Despite the mass of positive properties, tincture of hawthorn, like any other medicinal product, has its contraindications, although in fact there are not very many of them. So, since such tinctures are the rhythm of contractions of the heart muscle, for a certain group of people they may be prohibited. You should also strictly monitor the schedule and dosages of the drug. The main symptoms of an overdose are weakness, malaise.

Also, relative contraindications can be considered pregnancy, lactation, an allergy to some tincture ingredients. Therefore, before using it for medicinal purposes, it is recommended that you first consult with an experienced doctor about the dosage and timing of the drink, especially with alcohol-based tinctures.

Be healthy!


Watch the video: How to make a Hawthorn berry tincture! (July 2024).