Fried cabbage - the best recipes. How to cook fried cabbage properly and tasty.


Fried cabbage - general principles and methods of preparation

We continue the theme of simple and delicious dishes. Fried cabbage is undoubtedly an excellent side dish for meat dishes. Many will say that it is impossible to fry cabbage, it is more like stewing. We will not argue. Whatever you call this process, cabbage cooked in a pan or in a thick-walled pan is very tasty. And useful. Different, more intense tastes are obtained by adding meat, sausages, offal, mushrooms and other products. Interesting and completely unlike ordinary dishes can be obtained from cauliflower. In this case, unopened flowers (buds) go to food. Cauliflower is appreciated for its delicate taste and ease of preparation. For second courses, cabbage can be not just fried, but also baked in pots, cooked into a casserole or added to vegetable stew. Do not throw away young cats - they have the most beneficial substances. They can also be used by rubbing on a coarse grater.

Fried Cabbage - Food Preparation

Ordinary cabbage does not need special preparation - it is enough to remove the upper leaves, chop it or cut into squares. But the color in the cooking process may change and become pale and ugly. To prevent this from happening, you can pour boiled water over chopped cabbage and pour cold water for a moment. Now after frying it will have a fresh look and will not get a brown tint.

Fried Cabbage - Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Fried Cabbage with Garlic and Herbs

It is herbs and garlic that make this dish a bit oriental. A very simple dish, quickly cooked, does not require special knowledge. Cut the cabbage and fry, make sure that it does not burn and add the ingredients on time, the result in any case will be amazing.

Ingredients: fresh cabbage (white cabbage, 700 grams), garlic (3 cloves), dill, thyme, bay leaf, lemon juice (from ¼ part), vegetable oil (4 tablespoons), zest from half a lemon, salt, pepper.

Cooking method

We clean the cloves of garlic (crush them with a knife so that the skin can be easily removed), fry them in oil until golden brown, without slicing, in a pan. Chop the cabbage and put in a pan. Do not pour water so that the cabbage does not look like boiled cabbage. After 10 minutes, add salt and thyme. After 5 minutes, the cabbage will fall off, losing fluid. Only now, after thorough mixing, add 100 grams of water. It will turn out harsh, slightly under-salted, but this is exactly what tastes good, fried cabbage. Reduce the fire and put the lemon peel and bay leaf. Simmer under the lid for another 5 minutes, then turn on the fire and pour over lemon juice. Sprinkle with dill and black pepper. To our cabbage, only fried sausages and beer are missing. Or meat and wine - the choice is yours!

Recipe 2: Cabbage Fried with Sausage

A tasty and mouth-watering dish will turn out with smoked or not very greasy half-smoked sausage. This is the fastest recipe, only 25 minutes - and a hearty dinner for the whole family is ready.

Ingredients: cabbage (1 kg), carrot (2 pcs), onion (1-2 pcs), smoked sausage (300-400 grams), salt, pepper, vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Thinly chop the cabbage. First, fry it under a lid in vegetable oil for 15-20 minutes. Then add chopped vegetables and fry until cooked. Salt and pepper. We cut the sausage separately in circles or squares and fry separately. Add sausage to the finished cabbage and mix. You can also cook cabbage with boiled sausage or sausages.

Recipe 3: Fried Cauliflower

Some people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract may need to limit their use of white cabbage. But what about the nutrients that cabbage is so rich in? Pay attention to the so-called curly cabbage, or more correctly, cauliflower. It contains almost all the vitamins and useful substances necessary for a person. It is absorbed by the body much better. In addition, inflorescences are so convenient to divide into small parts and fry.

Ingredients: cauliflower (1 fork, about 400 grams), breadcrumbs, (50 gr.), egg, salt, vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method

Boil cauliflower forks in salted water for about 10 minutes, almost until done. Divide into inflorescences and beat off slightly. Prepare a breading - beat the egg, salt it and mix with breadcrumbs (you can replace them with semolina). Fry cabbage in a hot pan on all sides until browning. The remaining breading can be poured on top of the pieces. The perfect dish is ready, use it separately or as a side dish for meat dishes.

Recipe 4: Fried Cabbage with Mushrooms

Ordinary white cabbage and champignons are simple and delicious. Make sure that the cabbage does not burn, but still do not pour water until the cabbage is well cooked. So the taste will not be watery but more intense.

Ingredients: cabbage (300 grams), champignons (200 grams), salt, vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Shred the cabbage with straws and put in the pan. Pour in vegetable oil and salt. Fry the cabbage, and then stew until half cooked. You can add carrots, a spoonful of tomato or finely chopped tomato. Cut the mushrooms into large pieces and add to the cabbage. Simmer for another 30 minutes without a lid.

Recipe 5: Bigus - Fried Cabbage with Meat

For the most saturated cabbage and meat dish, you can choose different products. Real assortment with fried cabbage - smoked meats, boiled and fried meat, sausage. Very similar to a hodgepodge, but more dense. Cabbage should be slightly larger than other products, even taking into account the change in the volume of the dish at the end of cooking.

Ingredients: cabbage (white and fermented 1 kg), pork (400 grams) of smoked meat (200 grams), carrots (1-2), onions (1-2), ketchup (100 grams), prunes (6-8 pcs), vegetable oil, salt, a little wine, seasoning to taste.

Cooking method

Pour oil into a cauldron or stewpan and fry the chopped large cubes of pork. Add grated carrots and onions. Chop fresh cabbage, and add to the cauldron along with a portion of sauerkraut. Fry for about 10 minutes until the cabbage is softer. Smoked sausages and bacon cut into squares, add to the total mass along with chopped prunes. Add water and simmer under the lid for another 40 minutes. Add seasonings, ketchup and greens, wine, simmer another 10 minutes. This dish can be prepared for future use and heated, it insists and becomes even tastier.

Fried Cabbage - Tips from Experienced Cooks

To give fried cabbage a richer flavor, add chopped half rings and blanched onions, and at the end - 2-3 raw eggs. Turn off the fire and mix - the egg has time to bake, and gives an interesting flavor. Another option is to add some hard-boiled and diced eggs. Instead of dill, cilantro or parsley is perfect. Fans of oriental tastes can add a little turmeric five minutes before the end of cooking - the color will change and a characteristic aroma will appear.


Watch the video: Fried Cabbage and Onions - Southern Fried Cabbage Recipe - Healthier Version (July 2024).