Very easy and affordable salad recipes with cheese and corn. What else to add to salads with cheese and corn


Juicy, soft grains of sweet corn - the basis for quick salads loved by many housewives.

Cheese is also an almost unchanged ingredient in cold dishes.

Both products combine just fine, and sharp and tender cheeses perfectly complement the soft sweetness of corn kernels.

Salads with cheese and corn - general principles of preparation

• Use only canned corn. Before adding from the cans, the liquid is decanted, and the grains, in order to better dry, are laid out on a sieve or in a colander.

• Hard cheese is usually added to corn snacks. Smoked or cream cheese is occasionally placed in them. Grind cheese products more often on a grater, cut with a knife extremely rarely.

• Salads with corn and cheese are seasoned with mayonnaise only. If the fat content of the product indicated in the recipe does not suit, it is replaced with more or less fat, but not sour cream or yogurt.

• Shredded components are usually immediately laid out on a serving plate in layers, they are mixed with each other much less often.

• The neutral taste of the main components allows you to combine them with many products. The most used: smoked chicken, crab sticks, eggs, squid, boiled potatoes, mushrooms or liver. Original and unusual, you can cook a snack with the addition of sprats.

• Cheese and corn are not only used to add to the dish. These same products can also decorate the dish in an original way.

Puff salad with cheese and corn from smoked chicken breast - "Fir cones"


• 300 gr. smoked chicken fillet;

• two onions;

• three boiled potatoes;

• hard-boiled eggs - 4 pcs .;

• three processed "Dutch" cheese cakes;

• canned corn - 100 gr.;

• 200 gr. peeled almonds;

• mayonnaise, with a fat content of 65% - 200 ml.

For serving:

• feathers of a young onion.

Cooking method:

1. Finely chop the onions and pour boiling water for 10 minutes. Drain the water, and discard the onion slices on a sieve or colander.

2. Cut the smoked chicken and egg fillets into small cubes.

3. Grind the processed cheese and boiled potatoes with a coarse grater.

4. Grind about 50 grams of peeled almonds with a knife and mix with grated cream cheese.

5. On a wide dish, lay out the layers in the form of two large cones. Grease each layer with mayonnaise.

6. First put the grated potatoes, chicken on it. Then dried onions from the water, dried corn and eggs from the marinade. Put the processed cheese mixed with nuts on top, and spread whole almonds in rows on its surface.

7. Onion feathers cut lengthwise and unfold. On both sides, cut the onion feathers with a sharp knife and lay out between the cones in the form of a fir branch. To prevent the feathers from folding, soak them for some time in the water.

Salad with squid cheese and corn - "Medan"


• frozen squid - 300 gr.;

• one large sweet and sour apple;

• four boiled eggs;

• one large onion;

• cheese, varieties "Dutch" - 100 gr.;

• four tablespoons of canned corn;

• three full spoons of mayonnaise 72% fat;

• spices "For fish" - to taste;

• leaf parsley.

Cooking method:

1. Put boiling half a liter of filtered water. Lightly salt and season with spices. Add the lavrushka. Dip carefully washed squids into boiling water. Boil the carcass for four minutes and immediately remove. Cool and clean the squid meat from the transparent chords.

2. Chop the onions with thin half rings, cut the boiled squids into thin slices. Cheese, peeled apple and eggs, cut into cubes less than a centimeter and about the same size.

3. Combine all the crushed components in a large salad bowl. Pour corn on them, add mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.

Mushroom salad with cheese and corn - "Royal"


• fresh champignons - 800 gr.;

• canned corn and colored beans - in a small jar;

• Dutch cheese - 200 gr.;

• low fat mayonnaise - 200 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the mushrooms from the dirt. Cut dried mushrooms into slices and fry in butter until the moisture evaporates completely. At the end, salt, season with spices, cool and put in a salad bowl.

2. Dry the corn from the marinade in a colander. Rinse canned beans with cold water and also lay out to dry.

3. Cut the cheese into small, medium-sized and thin slices, and transfer it to the mushrooms. You can rub the cheese on the largest grater.

4. Add dried canned grains and season with mayonnaise.

Tender sprat salad with cheese and corn


• can of sprat;

• three boiled potatoes;

• six hard-boiled eggs;

• 100 gr. "Kostroma" hard cheese;

• onion feathers;

• a can of canned corn;

• several branches of parsley;

• mayonnaise - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. On a flat plate in a coarse grater, grate boiled potatoes, without peel. With a spoon or fork, gently smooth it with an even layer and give the desired shape.

2. Pour the potato layer with oil drained from a jar of sprats. You can add a little salt, but this is optional.

3. In fish, remove the tails with ridges and mash the sprats with a fork. Chop the green onion finely, mix it with sprats and put on the potatoes in a second layer.

4. Apply a rare mayonnaise net to the fish layer, and rub cheese on top with coarse chips and cover it with mayonnaise net.

5. A fourth layer of grate the eggs and cover them with a layer of canned corn dried from the marinade.

6. Lubricate the top of the dish with mayonnaise and decorate it with the parsley taken apart.

Liver salad with cheese and corn


• non-frozen calf liver - 300 gr .;

• 200 gr. chilled crab sticks;

• boiled eggs - 6 pcs.;

• three small onions;

• 72% mayonnaise - 200 ml;

• a jar of canned corn;

• two tablespoons of vinegar;

• hard mild cheese - 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Finely chop the onion with a sharp knife and scald it with boiling water. Then rinse quickly with cold water and pour vinegar diluted with water (1: 1 ratio). After ten minutes, drain the marinade and dry the onion.

2. Clean the calf liver from the films and ducts. The film will be removed easier if the liver is lowered for a minute in hot water. Pour cool water and boil for 20 minutes. Count the time from the moment of boiling and carefully monitor it. The digested liver will be dry and hard. Rub the liver with a coarse grater.

3. Cut the crab sticks into small cubes. Rub the cheese into a fine grater, and grind the eggs on a large grater.

4. On a wide flat plate, form a salad in layers, smearing each new layer with mayonnaise.

5. First, place the calf liver on the bottom of the shallow plate with wide edges. Onions are on it, then eggs, and on them crab sticks. Cover the pieces of chopsticks with a corn layer, and pour grated cheese over it with an even layer.

6. Keep the salad in the cold for at least an hour before serving.

Chicken Salad with Cheese and Corn - Bee


• four hard-boiled eggs;

• a small packet of crackers;

• 150 gr. Russian cheese;

• a small jar of seedless black olives;

• 400 gr. low-fat liquid mayonnaise;

• a small bunch of onion feathers;

• lettuce leaves;

• a jar of corn;

• large smoked ham;

• one red fresh tomato.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the skin from the legs and separate the meat from the bones.

2. Cut the peeled eggs and chicken into small pieces and transfer to a large bowl.

3. Rub the cheese into a coarse grater. Set aside a third of the cheese shavings, and add the rest in a bowl with eggs and minced meat. Put finely chopped onion greens and crackers here.

4. Add two thirds of the corn dried from the marinade, and season with mayonnaise, add a little salt to taste, season with pepper.

5. Put the mass in the shape of a bee on an oval dish.

6. Decorate the appetizer. Put black stripes on the body from the olives cut in half, and yellow stripes from the deferred corn kernels. Sprinkle the head of the "bee" with yolk chopped on a fine grater. Make the eyes out of olives, and cut the wings out of cheese.

7. Around the salad, lay the salad leaves and fresh herbs on a plate. Cut flowers from tomatoes and place them on lettuce leaves.

Salad with cheese and corn - "Special"


• a can of canned corn grains - 200 gr.;

• 250 ml of 65% mayonnaise;

• one juicy ham, cold smoked;

• a small clove of garlic;

• 200 gr. canned pineapples;

• 200 gr. "Russian" or "Kostroma" cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Dry the pineapple syrup washers and cut them into medium-sized cubes.

2. Remove the skin from the chicken, remove the bones, and cut the meat into strips and transfer to the pineapples.

3. Add mayonnaise, crushed garlic, grated cheese and corn. Stir and put the salad on a serving platter.

A simple salad with cheese, ham and corn


• 100 gr. cheese, smoked Suluguni;

• five boiled eggs;

• 300 gr. ham;

• canned corn grains - 1 can;

• 200 gr. mayonnaise of any fat content;

• a small pack of white crackers with a taste of smoked meats;

• A small bunch of cilantro fresh.

Cooking method:

1. Finely chop the eggs with a knife. Cut cheese and ham into medium-sized cubes.

2. Combine all crushed products in one bowl. Add finely chopped greens, dried canned grains, mayonnaise and mix well.

3. Sprinkle croutons on top of the salad and mix well before serving.

Cheese and Corn Salads - Cooking Tips and Useful Tips

• Special rings for the formation of puff salads greatly facilitate its assembly, and their unusual shape allows you to design them in an original way.

• To make cream cheese grated easier - grease the surface of the grater with vegetable oil or slightly freeze the cheese. Put it in the freezer for 20 minutes.

• Rub hard cheese when forming a salad, not in a separate bowl, but on the previous layer. This will allow you to apply it more evenly, as the cheese chips will not be knocked together.

• Puffed salads with cheese and corn, it is advisable to keep it cool for a while so that its layers are well saturated with mayonnaise.


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