Beef stroganoff: a classic recipe for a meat dish. Beef Stroganov secrets from beef: classic and different options


Beef stroganoff - a meat dish with sauce, which can be supplemented with absolutely any side dishes.

There are many different recipes for this dish.

The most delicious option is the classic one.

Moreover, such a dish is prepared very simply, quickly, always turns out.

Classic Beef Stroganoff - General Cooking Principles

Beef for beef stroganoff is cut into long sticks or thickened straws. The fresher and younger the meat, the tastier the dish will turn out, and it will cook faster. Pieces are breaded in flour, then fried in parts or all at once. Next, add the remaining ingredients.

What else is added to beef stroganoff:

• vegetables;

• sour cream;

• tomato sauce;

• spices, herbs.

Vegetables are also usually sautéed in oil to give the dish a rich flavor. Sour cream or tomato is used together or separately. In the classic version, water is not added to the meat. But if you plan to serve a dish with dry side dishes, you can pour a little boiling water. The beef stewing time in the sauce directly depends on the quality of the meat, but in any case it must be brought to softness.

Beef stroganoff is cooked in a deep frying pan, a cauldron, a saucepan or in other dishes with a thick bottom, in which you can fry. But there are classic recipes for this dish in a slow cooker or in the oven, they can be found a little lower.

Beef stroganoff: classic recipe with sour cream and tomato

Another popular classic beef stroganoff recipe for beef, which has a very tasty sauce. Sour cream is better to use oily.


• 0.7 kg of meat;

• 3 onions;

• 100 g tomato paste;

• 200 g sour cream;

• some oil;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• pepper, salt and dill;

• 100 grams of flour.


1. Pour flour into a bowl. It may take a little less.

2. Cut the meat into small sticks, each roll in flour, fry in oil until golden brown. If you can’t put everything in one layer at once, you can do it one at a time or use two pans. Take out all the beef in a bowl.

3. Cut the onion, put it in a pan, fry until transparent and return to oil.

4. Stir, fry for a minute together to combine tastes.

5. Combine sour cream and tomato sauce, pour the dish. Squeeze a clove of garlic, pepper and salt, simmer under the lid over low heat until soft.

6. At the end, add a little dill to the beef stroganoff, throw the laurel leaf and turn it off.

Beef stroganoff: classic recipe with cucumbers

A recipe for an amazing beef stroganoff with pickles, which used to be often found in Soviet canteens. The dish is very tasty, unusual.


• 500 g of beef;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• 1 onion head;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• 20 ml of tomato sauce;

• 300 g sour cream;

• 100 g of cucumbers;

• 3 tablespoons of oil;

• spices, herbs.


1. Fry the chopped onion in oil until golden brown.

2. Straw pickled cucumbers, add to the onion, fry everything together for several minutes. Put in a bowl.

3. Add oil to the pan. Cut beef, sprinkle with flour and fry until golden brown. Return the previously fried onions with cucumbers to the pan.

4. Combine sour cream with tomato sauce or a teaspoon of ketchup, squeeze a clove of garlic, salt.

5. Pour the sauce into a skillet for meat with onions and cucumbers, cover.

6. Stew the appetizing beef stroganoff for about twenty minutes, we focus on the softness of the meat.

7. Dress the beef with herbs, laurel and turn it off. Serve with various vegetable and cereal side dishes.

Beef stroganoff: classic recipe with tomato and mayonnaise

The recipe will help out if there is no sour cream at home, but there is mayonnaise. To prepare such beef stroganoff from beef according to the classic recipe, you will need tomato sauce and mayonnaise. If the paste will be used, then you need to dilute it with a small amount of water.


• 700 g of beef pulp;

• 150 grams of onions;

• 50 grams of flour;

• 50 grams of tomato sauce;

• 150 grams of mayonnaise;

• 50 grams of butter;

• salt and pepper.


1. Rinse, dry and cut the beef into thin cubes, set aside.

2. Onion crumble in large half rings, put in butter and fry for a couple of minutes.

3. Sprinkle the beef with flour, mix and put in an even layer on the onion.

4. After a couple of minutes, mix, fry until golden brown on the meat. But make sure that the onion does not burn.

5. We remove fire to a minimum, we begin to extinguish beef stroganoff under a cover in the juice. Beef should be almost ready. If necessary, you can add a little boiling water, literally a couple of spoons.

6. Add tomato sauce mixed with mayonnaise, put salt and pepper, you can add other spices.

7. Cover and simmer the beef stroganoff for about half an hour, so that it is saturated with sauce, and comes to readiness.

8. We supplement the dish with fresh or dried herbs, throw a laurel, you can turn it off.

Beef stroganoff: classic recipe in the oven

In the oven of beef stroganoff according to the classic recipe, the dish turns out to be especially tender, juicy. It can be prepared in the form, in a casserole, but the option in a clay pot is especially successful. You can use several small pots.


• 0.5 kg of beef;

• 3 onion heads;

• flour, butter;

• spices, herbs;

• 120 g of mayonnaise;

• 150 g sour cream;

• 2 cloves of garlic.


1. Rinse beef, wipe dry with napkins, cut into bars, but not very finely.

2. Take a wide frying pan, pour a thin layer of oil so that it barely covers the bottom, put on fire.

3. Bread pieces of meat in flour, put one at a time in a frying pan, fry over high heat until crusted so that juices are sealed inside the beef.

4. Cut the onion into half rings or straws.

5. Combine sour cream and mayonnaise, put crushed garlic and spices, mix the sauce. Dressed with dry herbs, all to taste.

6. Lay the roasted beef and onions in the pot in layers, coat the meat with a small amount of sauce.

7. If the sauce remains, then simply lay on top.

8. Put the pots in the oven, cover and cook at 200 degrees for at least one hour.

Beef stroganoff: a classic recipe in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, you can also cook delicious beef stroganoff, but the technology will be slightly different. Classical pouring from sour cream and tomato paste.


• 0.8 kg of meat;

• 0.15 kg of onions;

• 35 ml of oil;

• 250 g sour cream;

• 3 tablespoons of flour (with mountain);

• 1 tbsp. l tomato paste;

• spices, garlic.


1. Pour oil into the multicooker, turn on the frying mode, let it warm up.

2. Cut the meat into slices, roll in flour, fry in parts in a slow cooker.

3. Once all the meat is ready, free the crock pot, add a little oil.

4. Cut the peeled onions into strips, sauté them after meat until slightly transparent, and do not need to brown the vegetable for a long time.

5. We return previously fried meat.

6. Combine the tomato paste and sour cream. Fat can be taken any.

7. Season the sauce with spices, add to the multicooker saucepan. Do not forget to salt the beef stroganoff. Stir and cover.

8. We switch the device to the stewing mode, cook the dish for about an hour, look at the softness of beef. It may take a little less time.

Beef stroganoff: classic recipe with mushrooms

Another beef stroganoff recipe for the oven. You can use any mushrooms here, but you will need to boil the forest ones.


• 500 g of beef;

• 200 g of onion;

• 300 g of mushrooms;

• spices and flour;

• 1 tomato;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• 300 g sour cream.


1. Cut the beef, roll the slices in flour and fry in a pan on both sides. We clean.

2. We cut mushrooms and also fry in a pan, a few minutes are enough.

3. Onions can also be fried, but not necessary. Just cut it thin enough.

4. Mix sour cream and garlic, season with spices, deliver chopped tomato.

5. Put half the meat in a fireproof dish or just in a pot, then half the onion and mushrooms, pour half the sauce. Repeat layers.

6. Close the dishes or simply stretch the foil. Cook at 180 degrees for 60-80 minutes.

Beef stroganoff: classic recipe with mustard and sour cream

This recipe is ideal for beef stroganoff if the meat is old and tough.


• 500 g of meat;

• 1 onion;

• 1 tbsp. l mustard;

• 200 g sour cream;

• 50 g flour;

• seasonings, oil.


1. Cut beef into layers, 0.5 cm thick. Tap with a hammer, but do not need to beat meat strongly, just soften the fibers slightly.

2. Grate pieces with mustard, leave for a couple of hours, covered with cling film.

3. Cut the prepared beef into strips, roll in flour and fry.

4. At the end, put onions, lightly fry with meat and pour sour cream.

5. Season the dish with any spices, cover, simmer over low heat until soft.

Classic Beef Stroganoff - Tips & Tricks

• If the meat is not very young or has already been frozen, then you can grease the pieces of beef with vodka or sprinkle before stewing. It will soften the meat fibers, beef stroganoff will cook faster, the dish will turn out tastier.

• Dried mushrooms will help to add a deep, rich taste and an incomparable aroma to a beef dish. You just need to grind a few pieces and add together with other spices.

• It is not necessary to use tomato paste for the sauce. You can take ketchup, grated tomatoes, including canned vegetables. But in these cases, you need to adjust the quantity yourself. If there is a lot of acid, the beef will be stiff, the stew time in the sauce will increase.
