The shoulders and neck hurt: symptoms, diagnosis, the basics of cure. Possible causes of pain in the shoulders and neck: different approaches to treatment


Pain in the shoulders and neck is the first sign of an inflammatory process in the cervical spine.

Let us consider in more detail what factors provoke the occurrence of pain in the neck and shoulders, how to properly treat this disease, what symptoms it manifests itself and much more.

Sore shoulders and neck: symptoms

Most often, with pain in the neck and shoulders, a person feels the following symptoms:

• crunch or clicks in the neck;

• acute pain after being in the cold;

• numbness of the area from the shoulder to the neck;

• a feeling of heaviness in the shoulders, giving into the hands;

• pain in the ligaments;

• sharp pain when turning or lifting the head;

• burning in the neck.

Shoulders and neck hurt: reasons

Pathological pains in the neck and shoulders can provoke such factors:

• sedentary lifestyle;

• overweight;

• sedentary work;

• carrying weights;

• injuries or bruises of the shoulder joint or cervical spine;

• scoliosis that has not been treated;

• degenerative processes in the intervertebral discs;

• sleep on non-orthopedic pillows and mattresses;

• metabolic disease;

• circulatory disorders in the neck;

• development of the inflammatory process.

Shoulders and neck hurt: diagnosis

For pain in the shoulders and neck, a thorough diagnosis is necessary. It includes such procedures:

• radiography (provides information on the condition of the vertebrae of the cervical spine);

• ultrasound;

• computed tomography (will show the state of soft tissues);

• MRI.

Also, the subject must undergo a neurological examination by a doctor who will assess the safety of his reflexes on the limbs with a hammer. This will narrow the list of alleged diseases.

Pain in the shoulders and neck is a sign of many diseases. The most common ones are:

1. Arthritis. Doctors divide it into two varieties: rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints. It develops due to chronic inflammation of the articular cartilage, which leads to pain in the neck. Osteoarthritis occurs due to wear of the cartilage tissue and their subsequent destruction.

As a rule, arthritis can be manifested not only in pain. Often it causes severe headaches, numbness and dizziness.

2. Arthrosis. This disease belongs to degenerative conditions. Arthrosis can affect cartilage not only in the elderly, but also in the young. With arthrosis, salts are formed on the cartilaginous tissues of a person, so their surface becomes rough. This in turn contributes to the inflammation of the soft tissues and the joint itself.

With arthrosis, a person often feels excruciating aching pain, which only intensifies after physical exertion.

3. Intervertebral hernia. With such a disease, a rupture of the intervertebral disc occurs. As a rule, this happens due to too strong (uneven) load on the spine. For such a hernia, sharp stabbing pain is inherent, which only intensifies when the head is turned. In this condition, a person’s fingers and hands may become numb. Intervertebral hernia requires immediate treatment.

4. Myalgia - This is a disease that occurs due to injuries (most often sports). Also, one of its causes may be severe hypothermia.

Acute pain with myalgia can occur without stress on the body or muscles. Often it disturbs a person in a sitting position or even in a dream. At the site of the lesion, redness of the skin is possible.

5. Cervical osteochondrosis - This is a degenerative-dystrophic disease that affects the cartilage in the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine. Osteochondrosis can occur even at a young age (up to thirty years). It is accompanied by sharp pains in the neck and head, which gives to the arms and shoulders. Osteochondrosis can sometimes cause tachycardia and other heart diseases.

6. Plexitis is a disease in which spinal nerve connections become inflamed. The main symptoms of plexitis are acute attacks of pain in the neck and shoulders, as well as respiratory failure (due to inflammation of the phrenic nerve).

If plexitis is localized in the shoulder joint, then a person can lose sensitivity in his hands, suffer from burning in the clavicle and swelling of the limbs. Blanching of the skin is also possible.

7. The shoulder-gland periarthritis causes inflammation of the shoulder tendons. Its symptom is a growing pain in the shoulder, which gives to the head and hands. At night, pain can intensify to such an extent that a person will not be able to move his hands and will press them half-bent to his chest. At the same time, a characteristic swelling will be noticeable on his shoulders.

Shoulders and neck hurt: how is it treated

Treatment therapy for pain in the shoulders and neck is selected depending on the type of disease and the condition of the patient. It is aimed at relieving pain and reducing the inflammatory process.

Drug therapy carried out by conservative methods. It includes the use of such groups of drugs:

1. Analgesics (Barangin, Analgin, Ketorol). They are used to reduce pain.

2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Metoxicam, Indimetacin) are used to reduce edema and the inflammatory process.

3. Antispasmodics (Trental, Midokalm). They are prescribed to improve blood circulation.

4. Chondroprotectors (Teraflex, Arthracin) are used to repair the damaged structure of the intervertebral discs.

5. Anti-inflammatory gels and ointments for topical use (Nikoflex, Voltaren, Diclogel).

Physiotherapeutic treatment provides for the following procedures:

• magnetotherapy;

• electrophoresis;

• acupuncture;

• healing water treatment;

• mud treatment.

Consider the treatment algorithm for each disease separately:

1. In the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis, anti-inflammatory drugs and chondroprotectors are used. If the patient has an advanced degree of the disease, then the doctor may prescribe hormones and analgesics to ease the severe pain. These drugs are administered intramuscularly or intravenously. If the therapy is ineffective, then in this case it is recommended to replace the shoulder joint - endoprosthetics.

2. In case of a shoulder bruise, ice wrapped in tissue should be applied to the affected area (so as not to cause hypothermia). If the victim is worried about severe pain, then analgesics are prescribed.

3. Periarthritis can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs that are injected directly into the joint capsule. If the disease is accompanied by severe inflammation, then glucocorticosteroids in the form of ointments are prescribed to the patient.

4. Cervical osteochondrosis is usually treated with physiotherapeutic procedures, physiotherapy exercises and massage. This disease often develops into a chronic form, so the patient will have to repeat physiotherapy courses from time to time.

The duration of treatment for pain in the shoulders and neck depends on the specific disease and the degree of neglect.

Shoulders and neck hurt: how to relieve pain after heavy exertion

One of the most effective ways to quickly relieve pain in the shoulders and neck is massage. It can be done in different techniques. In addition, a person can do self-massage - to knead his neck and shoulders with his hands. Such procedures will help improve blood circulation and relieve inflammation.

Another way to reduce pain without medication is therapeutic exercises. It includes such exercises:

1. Turns of the head.

2. The rotation of the head in a circle.

3. Torso with arms extended forward.

4. Circular rotation of the shoulder joint.

It is important to know that doing too heavy physical exertion (push-ups, pulling up on the arms, etc.) with severe pain in the shoulder joint is contraindicated, as this can only increase the inflammatory process.

Shoulders and neck hurt: prevention of complications

In order to prevent the development of complications, you should adhere to such tips:

• in case of frequent pain in the neck and shoulders, you need to see a doctor and carry out diagnostics so as not to start the disease;

• follow all medical recommendations;

• distribute the carrying of weights in two hands;

• sleep on an orthopedic roller;

• during prolonged work at the computer to warm up the neck and shoulders;

• exercise regularly or at least do exercises;

• avoid hypothermia;

• treat injuries of the neck and shoulder joint in time;

• Instead of high heels, it is better to prefer flat shoes.


Watch the video: Could Tech Neck be the Cause of your Headaches or Neck Pain? (June 2024).