Prayers and plots on the health of the child


There is no harder test for the mother than the time when her child is sick. Constant excitement, worries, sleepless nights at the bed of the sick person, peace and strength are lost, and the tired mother, as we know, cannot always keep track of everything. Plots on the health of the child will help to avoid this state and rectify the situation without the intervention of a doctor.

When can conspiracies help?

Plots can help improve the health and health of your baby in the following cases:

  • the child does not eat well;
  • disturbed childhood sleep;
  • growth has stopped;
  • manifested urticaria;
  • the baby has a squint;
  • “pork bristle” remained;
  • with mild cold.

In other cases or if the state of health worsens, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. It is not recommended to self-medicate serious diseases, otherwise a conspiracy may even aggravate the condition of the baby.

What are the strong plots on the health of the child?

The plot on the health of the child is recommended to read only the mother. In her absence, her grandmother or godmother can do it. Among the most powerful ceremonies that promote the recovery of the baby, note:

  • conspiracy to water;
  • candle prayer;
  • spell on bread;
  • prayer before bedtime;
  • plot on fabric.

Water plot for growth

If the baby has ceased to grow, time to resort to conspiracy. It is carried out in the bathroom at the time of bathing the child. It is important that the water is not cold or hot. Scoop it up with a bucket and start watering the baby, saying:

“Grow, my dear (darling), stretch and stretch. Grow like a tree, like an oak (for boys, or Osinka - for girls), go up to the sun, reach out for yourself. ”

Repeat the plot must be at least three times. Then wrap the baby in a towel, lay on the bed and make a soft massage, gently sipping the legs, as if you want to stretch. At the same time try to do everything gently and without causing inconvenience.

Spell on bread from the "pork seta"

Sometimes a baby may have a slight down on his back, even a few months after birth. To get rid of it, you need to buy fresh, still warm bread, bring it home, remove the whole crust and leave only the crumb. Then the magic words are pronounced:

“Bread fragrant, warm and fit, you sprouted from the earth, you fed from mother nature. How your ears shoots in the wind, so do not happen to my baby cannon! "

Break off a little crumb and run it along the back of the child along, from left to right and from bottom to top, saying:

"What prevents sleep - bread removes!"

You need to repeat the phrase nine times, each time changing the crumb to a new one.

Rite of passage with a cold for tea

A simple but effective ritual with tea will help to save from cold. It will require:

  • black tea of ​​medium strength;
  • honey;
  • lemon.

Make tea, add honey and lemon to it, and while it cools, say:

“Sweetness is for throat, sourness is on temperature, heat is for immunity, water is for purification. The sick will leave the body of the weak, will become (the name of the child) strong and healthy! I start talking with my motherly word, fixing it with love. Let it happen as I say! ”

Wait until the tea becomes moderately warm, and let him drink to your baby. It is necessary to repeat the rite three times a day for two days. If after it the child has not recovered, consult a doctor.

Also, this plot helps with bad sleep, only honey is put in tea only and without lemon. Spell Words:

“I call a sweet dream, I make a child. Let him sleep sweetly, soundly, and know neither misfortunes nor worries! I begged his Guardian Angel to watch and protect me! ”

Hex for appetite

You can return the appetite due to the child with the help of a simple hex without using additional attributes. Preparing lunch (dinner or breakfast), linger in the kitchen and say:

“I carry, eat call. The best piece is in the mouth (baby's name)! Let my son (daughter) eat everything with appetite and ask for more! ”

The plot on the fabric from the urticaria

For the ceremony from the urticaria on the body of the child will need a red cloth. Red color is chosen for a reason, in ritual it will symbolize the disease itself. Put the baby on the cloth and start swaddling with the words:

“The disease is burning, red, go off the body - go to the fabric! There develop and continue, and leave my child alone! Do not torture, do not torture, but go away! Amen!"

Remove the cloth, wind in a tight knot and throw it away, and the child should be immediately bathed.

Prayers for the mother about the health of the child

Mother prayer is the best protection for the child. It also helps invoke divine powers to help with recovery. It is best to read prayers before sleeping baby or candles. Appeal in such cases to the Virgin Mary or the Guardian Angel.

Bedtime prayer

Usually prayers before bedtime can be read for various reasons: from insomnia, for protection, to good health. Similar prayers for colic, nausea, or toothache also help. The most universal is the prayer addressed to the angel of the child. We must wait until the baby falls asleep, put his hand on his side and gently, barely perceptible, so as not to wake, stroke along the body with the words:

“I turn my prayer to heaven, I appeal to the help of the Guardian Angel, so that the child (name) can help, protect it from harm, from adversity. Save and save from ailments and pains, from the evil eye and the word harsh. I do not ask for myself, but for my soul, pure and innocent. Amen".

From colic, pain and nausea will prayer with the use of holy water. It is necessary to put the child in bed, collect water in the palm of the child and wash the baby, saying:

“I wash with holy water; I remove pain and ailment. The Holy Spirit will help, the Mother of God will heal. Be healthy and calm (baby name), amen! ”

Together with this prayer, you can read “Our Father” to enhance the effect. In addition to the face, you can wipe the neck, arms and legs of the child.

Candle prayer

Read the candle prayer is recommended to get rid of strabismus. Wait until the child falls asleep, go out into the next room, but leave the door open. Without turning on the light, light a candle and squeeze in your palms, starting to pray:

“Holy Mother of God, hear my prayer! I appeal to you for help, for the Annunciation! Cure my baby, give him good health, save strabismus and other ailments. As I loved my son, so also my (my daughter) love, save and save! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Bring the candle into the room of the child and leave to burn all night, try to keep the fire out when carrying it - this is an unfavorable sign. It is worth praying at least three times a week.


Naturally, any mother will worry and worry about whether it is worthwhile to carry out conspiracies for the health of the child and whether negative consequences will appear later? In the article we led conspiracies related to white magic, but in order to calm and secure, consider the rules, under which there will be no trouble.

  1. Follow all instructions regarding the ritual.
  2. The diction must be clear even in a whisper so that your verbal message will reach the higher powers.
  3. Do not try to replace the listed items that should be used in the rite, unless permitted.
  4. Do not go to outsiders for help in the implementation of the ritual. This can lead to several problems at once, because in this way the rule of the sacrament is violated, and the witch may turn out to be an adherent of black magic or simply possess dark energy.
  5. You can use conspiracies in light forms of disease, if a couple of days after the ritual of a change in the child’s well-being did not happen, you should consult a doctor. Moreover, the rite may not work for various reasons: incorrect reading of the spell, incorrect mood of the mother, interference from the side.

Do not doubt your strength, but do not delay the treatment. Conspiracies and prayers are an aid, but not a panacea for all ailments. Health to you and your baby!


Watch the video: Prayer For Family Protection - Prayers To Protect Your Family (June 2024).