Cheap - does not mean primitive: beet salads with cheese. TOP simple beet salads with cheese and more


When talking about beetroot salads, a couple of banal recipes immediately come to mind, and the notorious "coat" of herring. Tradition, of course, is a wonderful thing, but it is worth looking through the menu of European eateries, and the primitive root crop begins to look in a slightly different light. The French and Danes are very fond of combining these products, in Austria you can generally get a menu where salads that differ only in cheese are painted on a whole page.

The sweet, bright-colored beets are in perfect harmony with both vegetables and fish and meat components. A separate page - beet salads with cheeses. It can be solid “Dutch”, and folk “Sausage”, and refined “Feta”. Cheeses can diversify the usual vinaigrette and the beloved beetroot salad with nuts and garlic.

Of course, there are separate recipes in which beets and cheese are the main components. And to them, in addition, squid and herring, mushrooms, raisins and nuts. In a word, it is not difficult to prepare beetroot and cheese salad, it is more difficult to choose from a variety of recipes.

Beetroot and cheese salads - general principles of preparation

• Beetroot salads with cheese are prepared from boiled or raw root vegetables. Often, to enhance the taste, they are prepared from baked beets.

• Beets are ideally combined with almost any kind of cheese. This allows you to use in the preparation of not only its hard varieties. Often beetroot salads are cooked with smoked, cream cheese or feta cheese.

• You can put garlic in a beetroot salad with cheese for pungency. To give the dish special sweetness - raisins, for piquancy, ground nuts or prunes.

• Often other vegetables are added to beet salads - boiled potatoes, tomatoes, onions, pickles or boiled carrots. Often they put fried mushrooms, herring or canned squids in them.

• The ingredients prepared for the salad are cut with a knife or rubbed with a grater. To make a beetroot appetizer salad with cheese, you need a blender.

• The crushed components are mixed or layered. For the original beetroot salad with "Log" cheese, you will additionally need a sheet of food foil or film. This layered salad with cheese filling will need to be rolled up.

• Beetroot and cheese salads are seasoned with vegetable oils, mayonnaise, sour cream or a mixture thereof. In puff salads, be sure to coat each new layer with mayonnaise.

Puffed Beetroot Salad with Cheese


• two large beets;

• a handful of pitted raisins;

• three small carrots;

• three cloves of garlic;

• a small pack of 45% mayonnaise;

• a handful of crushed nuts;

• 150 gr. "Russian" cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Dip the raisins for a quarter of an hour in warm water. Then rinse and dry well.

2. Rinse beets and carrots and cook until cooked in different pots.

3. Cool, peel and grate finely, each vegetable in a separate bowl.

4. Grind cheese and garlic in the same way.

5. Finely chop the kernels of nuts with a knife.

6. Lay out all the crushed ingredients on a flat plate in layers, layering them with mayonnaise:

• carrots with raisins;

• cheese mixed with garlic;

• beets with nuts.

7. Garnish the top beetroot with chopped nuts and put the salad for soaking in the refrigerator for two hours.

Beetroot salad with cheese and herring - "Enjoyment"


• one large herring;

• onion head;

• boiled potatoes - 3 pcs.;

• one boiled carrot;

• 50 gr. hard unsharp cheese;

• four large cloves of garlic;

• low-calorie mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

1. Gut the herring. Chop off the head with a knife, carefully remove the skin from the herring and separate the fillet. Select all large and small visible bones. Cut the fillet into small pieces.

2. On a medium grater, grate potatoes and mix with mayonnaise.

3. In the same way, grind the beets, squeeze the garlic into it, add a spoonful of mayonnaise and mix.

4. Cut carrots and hard cheese into tiny cubes. Add mayonnaise and mix.

5. On a flat serving dish, first lay the potatoes and cover them with a thin layer of chopped onion. Then put the pieces of herring, and on it a layer of beets. The last layer will be carrots mixed with cheese.

6. Garnish the salad with sprigs of fresh herbs.

Beetroot salad with cheese and canned squid


• two small boiled beets;

• a jar of canned squid;

• garlic - 2 teeth;

• hard, mild cheese - 50 gr.;

• for dressing 25% sour cream or 72% mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the squid from the jar, dry and chop smaller.

2. Add the beets grated on medium grater, chopped cheese and chopped garlic in the same way.

3. Season with sour cream or mayonnaise, salt to your taste, and soak for about half an hour.

4. When serving, the top of the salad can be decorated with finely chopped greens.

Simple beetroot salad with cheese and eggs


• maroon beets - 300 grams;

• chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;

• 80 gr. "Kostroma" or similar cheese;

• three tablespoons of 45% mayonnaise;

• a teaspoon of mild mustard;

• a small pickle;

• a small pinch of pepper mixture.

Cooking method:

1. Dip the washed beets in water, add a little sugar and cook until cooked. Drain the broth, and put the root vegetables in a pan with cold water until completely cooled.

2. Hard-boiled eggs. Cool, peel and wash.

3. Cut the boiled beets into small cubes.

4. Cut the eggs into small slices and send them in beets.

5. Add cheese sliced ​​in small cubes and medium-sized slices of pickled cucumber.

6. Combine two tablespoons of mayonnaise with mustard and add to the chopped products.

7. Season the salad with a mixture of peppers, add a little salt. Add mayonnaise if necessary.

Raw beetroot salad with feta cheese and apples


• beets - 3 pcs.;

• two large sour apples;

• large clove of garlic;

• 50 grams of salted feta cheese;

• mayonnaise;

• 15% sour cream;

• three branches of young dill.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse apples and beets well under the tap. Remove the peel and pitted core.

2. Grate fresh beets and apples on a coarse grater in a salad bowl. Add the crumbled feta cheese and chopped garlic.

3. Mix three tablespoons of mayonnaise with a spoon of sour cream. Add chopped dill and season the salad with the prepared sauce.

Piquant Beetroot Salad with Smoked Cheese


• five small beets;

• smoked sausage cheese - 200 gr.;

• two apples;

• 1 tsp "French" mustard;

• olive oil to dressing.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the beets thoroughly under the tap. Dry with a disposable towel and wrap each beetroot with foil. Put on a roasting pan and bake in the oven until cooked at 150 degrees. After well cool and clean.

2. Remove the peel from the apples, cut each in two and take out the core.

3. Coarsely bake beets, apples and smoked cheese and combine. Add French mustard, salt and mix well all the ingredients.

4. Season the beetroot salad with olive oil.

Original beetroot salad with cheese - "Log"


• 350 gr. smoked sausage cheese;

• four boiled potatoes;

• two boiled beets;

• 250 gr. a pack of mayonnaise;

• one boiled egg;

• two tables. tablespoons soft butter;

• three cloves of garlic;

• onion;

• three pickles;

• two tablespoons of chopped greens.

Cooking method:

1. Rub the sausage cheese into coarse crumbs. Add a little mayonnaise, softened butter and squeeze the garlic. Stir well and form a sausage from the cheese mass. Wrap with foil and place for about half an hour in the refrigerator.

2. Place a sheet of soft foil or cling film on the table. On it, with a thin rectangular layer, distribute the grated beets coarsely. Put the grated potatoes on top with the same layer, on it a layer of finely chopped onions. Spread the cucumber sliced ​​in medium-sized slices with the last layer.

3. In the middle of the salad, put the cheese sausage and wrap it with foil in a roll. Without removing the foil, put the "salad" roll in the cold for two hours.

4. After which, remove the foil, put the salad on a plate and decorate with a grated egg and sprinkle with greens.

Spicy Beetroot Salad with Cream Cheese - Friendship


• two 100 grams of processed cheese;

• two large cloves of garlic;

• a pound of boiled beets;

• 100 gr. mayonnaise 72% fat.

Cooking method:

1. Break one and a half processed cheese into small pieces. Add coarsely grated boiled beets, press garlic through a press and chop everything with a blender.

2. Transfer the beetroot mass to a salad bowl, mix with mayonnaise, and finely rub the rest of the processed cheese on top.

3. Such a beetroot salad can be served with meatballs, fried pieces of meat or just spread on bread.

Puffed beet salad with cheese and mushrooms


• one large boiled beet;

• 150 gr. champignons;

• a small packet of "Olive" mayonnaise;

• 150 gr. slightly salted herring;

• half of the onion;

• two boiled eggs;

• a teaspoon of natural butter;

• 100 gr. Kostroma cheese;

• one large ripe tomato.

Cooking method:

1. Tomato, peeled beets, hard cheese and onions cut into medium-sized cubes.

2. Finely crush the mushrooms and sauté them in butter. Then transfer the mushrooms to a small plate and refrigerate.

3. Grind the greens with a knife, finely crush the eggs. Cut the herring fillets into small pieces.

4. Take a deep salad bowl and lay the salad in it in layers, applying a rare mayonnaise net on each new layer.

5. The first layer lay half the cooked beets. Then sprinkle half the chopped eggs and half the onion and again the mayonnaise. Sprinkle with herbs, lay out herring and mayonnaise again.

6. After that, lay out a layer of mushrooms, they do not need to be greased with mayonnaise. Arrange the pieces of tomato on the mushrooms and apply mayonnaise again. Sprinkle the remaining tomato and onion, large cheese crumbs, over the tomato layer. Then lay out the pieces of the remaining beets. Garnish the top of the salad with mayonnaise and sprigs of herbs.

7. Before serving, be sure to let the dish soak.

Beetroot and cheese salads - cooking tips and tricks

• Beets during cooking have the property to lighten. To ensure that the color of the salad from boiled beets is saturated, when boiling the root crop, add a little citric acid or table vinegar at the rate of 5 ml per liter of water.

• If you want to cook beetroot for salad quickly, start cooking it as usual, but reduce the cooking time to half an hour, and put the beets under a stream of cold water.

• To give salads a special piquancy when boiling beets in water, you can put caraway seeds. It will take 5 grams of seeds per three liters of water.

• Beets are often not enough sweets and salads made from it, do not taste very good. To fix this, add a little sugar.


Watch the video: 3 Creamy Popsicles - You Suck at Cooking episode 90 (June 2024).