What day of the week do women look worse than usual?


As British scientists found out: the worst of all are the ladies who look and feel on Wednesdays. They believe that on this day the stormy consequences of the weekend and stress make themselves felt.

Note that 12% of women consider the environment to be the most stressful day for themselves. But on Thursday, many ladies are trying to establish their personal relationships. According to studies, most often the fair sex have sex on Thursdays.

Ladies usually call Friday their happiest day, especially if her evening was a success.

According to scientists, a quarter of women experience stress several times a week. The ladies themselves say that they often feel old and tired precisely on Wednesdays. On such days, many people “seize” their well-being with a huge amount of sweet “sweets”.

Due to stress, 45% of women relax after work with beer or wine. And on weekends, sometimes they even seriously drink.


Watch the video: Is the world getting better or worse? A look at the numbers. Steven Pinker (June 2024).