What does an abortion dream of - conception and childbirth? The main explanations of what an abortion dreams of: a young girl, woman, man


Plunging into a dream - everyone wants to see many pleasant events, joyful incidents. But dreams do not always carry a positive meaning, sometimes they tell of sad, even tragic events. What is an abortion dream about? It’s worth sorting out.

What is an abortion dream about - basic interpretation

If a young unmarried girl has had an abortion - this is a symbol of the fact that she is rather impulsive in making decisions, she should be more balanced about all her words and deeds. You can’t make rash decisions, because their consequences are quite difficult to predict.

Also, an abortion, dreamed in a dream - in reality, can mean the exact opposite event - conception and childbirth. Dreams are not always worth interpreting literally. Of course, the girl who saw such a dream will be alarmed and even scared, but do not panic.

If a man had such a dream, although this is a rarity, he should push him to pay more attention to his beloved woman. If there is none, you need to actively engage in the search. If such a dream a man had a married man, he should pay attention to his beloved, because she is in danger. What kind of danger lies in wait for his soul mate - tell other details of the dream.

Also, a girl who had such a dream may be prone to exaggerating disasters, creating imaginary negative images and projections. According to psychologists, such projections work as a trigger for negative programs.

If a virgin dreams of such a dream, it means that she has long had tender feelings for a young man, but she should not yet admit her emotions, because this can cause a scandal and a refusal to continue communication on the part of a man.

Also, if the dream was accompanied by excessive anxiety and anxiety - a person should definitely pay attention to their health. Even it is worth undergoing a preventive examination of the whole organism. If a girl in a dream sees complications after an abortion, she should pay special attention to her genital organs. Perhaps there was a resentment that eats the girl from the inside.

If, after sleeping, a woman has mood swings, panic attacks - you shouldn’t sound the alarm - she just felt stress in a dream, then in reality she really is afraid of such a prospect - the prospect of having an abortion.

If an abortion is dreamed up by a medical professional, he should be attentive to his professional activities. It is also worth paying special attention to such a dream for those women who in reality are faced with a difficult choice. Such a dream can advise them to act in good conscience, choose the bright side, choose the good.

Also, an abortion can be dreamed of for those people who are constantly in a stressful state, who have constantly negative in life and the black line does not end. In some dream books you can find the following interpretations of what an abortion is about:

• To the collapse of hopes;

• Depression and other mental disorders;

• To hopelessness.

What are dream books advised to do in such cases? Do not give up and go even more depressed. It is worth revising your attitude to life and not be so critical of yourself. Perhaps a person does not give himself rest and rest and constantly doubts his choice. It is worth switching from thinking about your losses to thinking about possible options for a positive development of events.

If a pregnant woman has an abortion, she should carefully look at the plot of the dream. Perhaps someone from relatives or relatives insists on him - this person cannot be trusted in reality, which means that he bears resentment and evil in relation to the pregnant woman. If a pregnant woman feels relief after sleep, it means that she will find the strength to solve all her problems in reality.

Why dream of an abortion according to Miller’s dream book

What is an abortion dream about? In Miller’s dream book, such a dream promises a woman a risky deal, an unexpected and unpleasant event. Those who occupy a high position or are directly connected with their professional activities with medicine - such a dream promises misunderstandings at work and possibly the loss of position.

It is worth taking a closer look at the one who is pushing for abortion in a dream - this person will wake up waking and in every way interfere with profit.

If a young girl who is going to get married dreams about how she had an abortion, she doubts her chosen one and these doubts are not in vain, she should think several times before deciding on such an important step. She is not ready to take on her fragile shoulders the burden of family responsibilities, and therefore is afraid. It is necessary to discard fears and actively move forward to family life without panic, or abandon this venture.

If a girl in a dream with all her heart regrets that she had an abortion - in reality she should make every effort to complete the case as soon as possible. Also, such a dream may indicate that the girl is not all right with her health, she was pretty tired and she has mental exhaustion. She should be more attentive to her body and revise her rhythm of life.

Why dream of an abortion by Danilova’s dream book

In Danilova’s dream interpretation of the interpretation of dreams in which abortion is very negative. So, if a young girl in a dream sees her bleeding, in reality she will lose mutual understanding with her beloved. The reason for this will be treason and excessive jealousy. How can one avoid such negative phenomena in life? It is worth talking, considering all the options for the development of events. If infidelity is not uncommon in relationships, it is worth considering that it is high time to stop them. It's time to stop mocking yourself and your partner.

If in a dream a girl dreams about how she had an abortion, but managed to maintain her pregnancy, it means that someone very, very much wishes her harm, but the machinations of her enemies will not succeed. The girl should be more attentive to her surroundings, because the enemy has long been wound up in him. It may even be a best friend - it is absolutely necessary to clarify all the details of a dream. They hid the clue of who this ill-wisher is and how to continue to behave with him.

If a man who soon becomes a father dreams that his girlfriend had an abortion, he should ask himself a question, is he ready for such an important mission? Perhaps it is better to prepare more thoroughly morally and financially for the appearance of the firstborn? Then not to be buried in tons of reproaches and discontent of the beloved, so that because of them not to lose the family.

Why dream of an abortion in other dream books

In the dream book Denise Lynn it is said that a dream in which a person sees an abortion can mean unlimited opportunities in the future and the release of old insults from the load. A person can be dawned by a unique thought or a new idea. If before that he could not find solutions to the problems - they will be resolved by themselves, or he will find an effective way to solve them independently.

If abortion in a dream is spontaneous - the person must be ready for unreasonable and sudden changes in life, they have long matured, and the time has come for them to happen. For those who deal with the court, abortion can mean the failure of the judicial system, its imperfection and confirm the guesses of the person that the attacker will go unpunished. It is worthwhile to carefully interpret all the symbols and signs of a dream, since they can indicate hidden problems and hidden complexes of a person.

In the new family dream book it is said that a woman who is preparing for an abortion in a dream should carefully monitor all her actions in reality. Each of her thoughtless words will entail a series of unpleasant events. The gypsy dream book says that such a dream indicates the collapse of projects and hopes, it is not worth making plans for the future.

In an old English dream book it is said that the abortion that appeared in a dream to a man indicates that his beloved will fall ill or even die. But he has the strength to take care of her and prevent trouble.

Whatever the dream, but if it involves an incident such as an abortion, you should be on the alert. Fate will surely give a person trials. Of course, he will be able to overcome them, but at what cost? It is worthwhile to prepare in advance for such unexpected and unpleasant her gifts, so that later you do not regret the wasted time, lost love and happiness.


Watch the video: Aborting the American Dream (June 2024).