Datura - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Datura - General Description

Datura vulgaris is an annual herbaceous plant in the nightshade family, which has a fork-branched erect, smooth and arched stem. Datura can reach a height of up to 50 cm. It blooms in single large white flowers of a funnel shape, located in the forks of the stem. The flowering period is from June to August. Datura fruits are egg-shaped erect boxes with seeds ripening from July to September.

Datura - types and places of growth

The genus Datura consists of 13 species that are common in the temperate and steppe zones of Central and Southern Europe, the tropics of Africa, the Baltic states and the European part of Russia, the Caucasus and Crimea. The most common species are Datura vulgaris, Datura violet, Datura indian, Datura harmless.

Datura - healing properties

Datura has a sedative and antiseptic. With its help, they treat bronchial asthma, bronchitis, convulsive cough and other diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by a spasm of smooth muscles. Also, its antispasmodic effect is used for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, diseases of the liver, colitis, spastic congestion. Due to the ability of Datura drugs to inhibit the parasympathetic nervous system, they effectively treat some disorders of the cardiovascular system, including bradycardia. There is information that a mixture of Datura and Adonis herb can have a therapeutic effect in malignant tumors of the stomach.

Datura - dosage forms

For medical purposes, use dope leaves and less commonly seeds. Leaves are collected during flowering in dry weather; seeds in the fall. Dry the raw materials in a darkened room, which is well ventilated. When preparing dope, it should be remembered that this is a very poisonous plant, therefore, when collecting it, great care must be taken and gloves used.

Datura - recipes

Decoctions, alcohol tinctures or powder are made from Datura vulgaris.

Dried datura leaves, powdered, treat a convulsive cough and severe shortness of breath. Take the powder three times a day at the tip of the knife. To alleviate the condition of a patient with bronchial asthma, he can also inhale smoke from the burned leaves of dope.

In conditions such as neurasthenia, mental disorders, epilepsy, convulsions, increased sexual irritability, an infusion of dope leaves is taken as a sedative, for the preparation of which 1 tsp. Datura seeds are poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for about half an hour and taken three times a day for a teaspoon. This infusion is also used to relieve pain in stomach cancer.

A decoction of dope seeds (externally) treats mastopathy and mastitis, tumors from bruises, inflammation of the lymph nodes. To prepare it, 1 tsp. seed pour 200 gr. water and boil for about 1 minute. Then, insisting about half an hour, squeeze and take a teaspoon, diluting the broth in 0.5 cups of water. Such a decoction can also rinse the throat and oral mucosa.

For the prevention of stroke, heart attack, getting rid of blood clots, use dope tincture, for the preparation of which 85 gr. dry seeds are poured 500 gr. vodka and insist 15 days, shaking daily. Take tincture for a month on an empty stomach, 25 drops, diluting them in 100 ml of water.

When the rectum prolapses, an infusion of dope leaves is used for sitz baths. For this, 20 gr. dry raw materials are poured into a glass of boiling water and, having insisted for about an hour, they are poured into a bucket of warm boiled water.

Datura - contraindications

The structure of the dope ordinary includes alkaloids such as scopolamine, hyoscyamine, atropine. Its preparations can be used only as prescribed by the doctor and in very careful dosages so as not to get poisoning. It can be recognized by dry skin and oral mucosa, hoarseness, severe thirst, nausea, vomiting, nervous excitement, hallucinations, intermittent pulse. More severe cases may be accompanied by convulsions and the disappearance of the pupil’s reaction to light. Some symptoms of poisoning may appear within 10 minutes, and some develop within 15 hours. When, as a result of therapeutic measures, they disappear, the pupils can remain dilated for up to a week or more.


Veronica 04/21/2016
If it is written that with a mixture with adonis, Datura can also help in malignant tumors of the stomach, then I think it is. After all, this information is not just. So, certain studies have been conducted with a positive result.

Irina 04/21/2016
And such a seemingly nice looking flower ... I don’t even know what this dope looks like, so for me it’s nothing like that. Perhaps I would have picked it for a bouquet. And there is so much poison in it ... But, if you just sniff it, you won’t be poisoned?

This flower was probably used in all kinds of rites, when you need to go into a trance. Indeed, it is not in vain that he is called that - dope. Someone tried it. And just like that, it is unlikely that a person will have a flower)))) I prefer less dangerous methods of treatment.

Ala 04/21/2016
It is not surprising that flowers and stems are suitable for treatment, but there are no seeds, because it is in the seeds that the bulk of all toxic substances accumulate. In general, you can get very serious poisoning with this plant.

Sonya 04/21/2016
Yes, I heard about this flower. They treat all respiratory diseases. And, by the way, with all kinds of bruises, with inflammation of the lymph nodes, it also helps. In general, a long time ago - a long-known remedy.


Watch the video: Amazing Health Benefits Of Datura (June 2024).