A simple cherry pie is a quick and tasty pastry. Making a simple cherry pie: a young housewife can do this too


In the warm summer season, you can enjoy plenty of fresh fruits and berries.

Their natural taste and juiciness never ceases to amaze and delight. Having eaten enough of ripe garden gifts, you should think about it: rather than diversify your diet and make a simple pie with some tasty filling, for example, with cherries.

This beautiful and mouth-watering berry is widely used in many cuisines of the world. Jams, compotes, liquors, and liquors are prepared from it. And of course, it acts as a sweet filling for dumplings and pastries.

Making a simple cherry pie will not take much time. In less than an hour, and its mouth-watering aroma will fill the house and invite everyone to the table for a cup of tea or coffee.

Simple cherry pie - general cooking principles

For the pie, prepare a simple dough that does not need to be left in the refrigerator for several hours. We will definitely include flour, sugar and eggs in its composition. For a change we can use kefir, sour milk, sour cream and butter.

Choose ripe and fleshy cherries. They must be thoroughly washed, the bones removed and poured into a colander so that they are freed from water and juice. This will prevent the cake from getting wet.

To improve the taste, you can add cinnamon, lemon juice or cherry liquor. Cherry is not against such a neighborhood. Roll berries in sugar, starch or send them to the cake in their natural form and sprinkle on top with a sweet ingredient.

We bake a cake in a mold, which is well lubricated with butter. You can cover the bottom with baking paper.

The dish is prepared no more than half an hour at a standard temperature of 180 degrees.

During cooking, a mixer, rolling pin, sharp knife, a few deep bowls, spoons and a whisk should be at hand.

Recipe 1. Simple homemade cherry pie


• 450 gr. flour;

• 0.4 kg pitted cherries;

• a cup of sugar;

• 0.2 ml sour cream;

• four eggs;

• l tea baking powder;

• bag of vanilla sugar;

• one third tea salt.

Cooking method:

Break three eggs into a deep bowl, pour half the sugar and beat.

Add vanilla sugar, salt, baking powder and sour cream. With a whisk, stir everything well.

Add a little flour. Let's make a light dough.

Lubricate the mold with oil. 2/3 of the test is conveniently placed on its bottom.

Spread half of the cherries on top and sprinkle 1/2 of the remaining sugar.

Roll out the dough and cover them with fruit. Be sure to pinch the edges.

Beat the last egg with the remaining sugar and pour the pie.

Bake the dish at 200 degrees for about forty minutes.

Recipe 2. A simple cake with cherries "Gift to mom"


• a cup of sugar;

• 200 gr. flour;

• four eggs;

• one teaspoon of cinnamon;

• five gr. baking powder;

• 0.3 kg of cherries.

Cooking method:

We drive the eggs into a deep container, pour sugar in and beat for about one minute.

Add half the flour, cinnamon and baking powder. Beat the mixture and gradually add the rest of the flour. The result is not very thick, but not liquid batter.

Pour it into the prepared mold and distribute it evenly over the entire surface.

Put cherries on top. You can arrange them in circles. Since the dough is liquid, then all the cherries are slightly buried in it.

Cook the cake for thirty minutes at standard temperature.

Recipe 3. A simple pie with cherries on kefir


• 0.2 kg pitted cherries;

• a cup of kefir;

• three eggs;

• a cup of flour;

• 1.5 l. tea baking powder;

• a cup of sugar;

• two tablespoons icing sugar.

Cooking method:

Beat sugar and eggs in a deep plate until small bubbles appear. They will help the cake grow taller.

Pour kefir. With a whisk, mix the egg and milk mixture.

In a sieve we combine flour and baking powder. Gradually sift the dry ingredients into the egg mixture and mix with a whisk. It turns out the dough, as a pancake.

Pour it into the mold. We lay the cherries on top. Sprinkle them with half the icing sugar.

Bake the cake at a standard temperature for about half an hour. Sprinkle with the remnants of sweet powder.

Recipe 4. A simple pie with cherry "Quick and tasty"


• an incomplete cup of sugar and flour;

• one teaspoon soda;

• half a teaspoon salts;

• a glass of milk;

• 0.3 kg of cherries;

• one liter table starch;

• 100 gr. sunflower oil;

• two liters tablespoons vinegar (6%).

Cooking method:

All dry ingredients - sugar, flour, soda and salt, are poured into a large bowl. Stir everything thoroughly with a whisk.

In another bowl we combine milk, sunflower oil and vinegar.

Pour the dry ingredients into liquid ones and stir everything until a homogeneous and liquidish dough is obtained.

Pour starch into a bowl with cherries and mix.

Pour about half the dough into a baking dish.

Lay out cherries on top in an even layer.

Pour the berries with the second half of the dough. We bake a simple cherry pie in a preheated oven in the standard way.

Recipe 5. Simple French Cherry Pie


• half a kilogram of cherries;

• 10 gr. butter butter;

• 0.1 kg of flour and sugar;

• one and a half tea l. baking powder;

• three eggs;

• one liter including vanilla extract;

• 30 ml of cherry liquor;

• 30 gr. almond petals;

• a glass of milk.

Cooking method:

Break eggs into a deep bowl. Add flour, baking powder, sugar and vanilla extract.

Pour in milk, liquor, put softened butter and whisk everything with a mixer until a homogeneous mixture resembling pancake dough is obtained.

Put cherries in a silicone mold and pour the dough on top. Sprinkle with almond petals.

Cook the cake for at least half an hour (200 degrees).

Pie is usually served warm. But it is no less tasty and appetizing and cold.

Recipe 6. A simple pie with cherries in sour milk


• six cups of flour;

• three eggs;

• a pinch of salt;

• two cups of sugar;

• three cups of sour milk;

• two spoons of tea soda;

• one spoon of art. starch;

• 300 gr. cherries.

Cooking method:

If the milk was not used on time and turned sour, it does not matter! It can be successfully used to bake a simple cherry pie.

Pour the sifted flour into a large bowl, drive in the eggs and add sugar and salt.

In sour milk we put soda and mix. Pour it into a bowl with flour.

Stir the ingredients thoroughly. We get a soft and slightly liquid dough.

Pour it onto a baking sheet and smooth it evenly.

Sprinkle cherries with starch, mix and send to a colander. When excess juice drains, transfer it to the dough.

We bake the cake in the usual way.

Recipe 7. A simple pie with cherries "Mother's gift"


• 200 gr. butter butter;

• two cups of flour;

• three pinches of vanillin;

• tea room salts;

• Art. l sugar + half a glass;

• three liters table water;

• 300 gr. cherries;

• lemon;

• two liters tablespoons of milk;

• one yolk;

• one liter dining room starch.

Cooking method:

Cut the chilled oil into four pieces and grate.

Pour vanillin, salt and a tablespoon of sugar into the flour. Mix thoroughly.

Combine dry ingredients with oil. Mix with a spoon.

Add some water and stir again.

Further preparation of the dough will be carried out on the table. Sprinkle it with flour.

Knead the dough until it turns into supple and soft.

Separate the third part from it. We wrap both pieces in cling film and send them to the freezer. Let them lie there until we cook the filling.

We fill the cherries with sugar (half a glass) and squeeze the lemon juice. Then mix everything.

In a small saucepan, we dilute the starch with water and fill the cherries. Add milk. Heat the cherry mixture, but do not bring to a boil.

Roll out a piece of dough, one that is larger. We spread it on a mold so that there are sides. We pierce with a fork in several places.

Pour the cherry filling into the future pie.

Roll out the second piece of dough. Cut it into strips two centimeters thick.

Cover the cake lengthwise and crosswise. You get nice little squares from pieces of dough.

We lower the beads down and pinch them with stripes.

Shake the yolk and grease the top of the baking dish.

After forty minutes, you can enjoy a fragrant and fragrant simple cherry pie.

Recipe 8. A simple cake with cherry "Sweet dessert with sourness"


• 150 gr. sugar;

• two eggs;

• 100 gr. flour and butter;

• two cups of cherries;

• half a teaspoon salts;

• one teaspoon of baking powder;

• whisper of vanillin.

Cooking method:

Pour baking powder into flour. Add salt, vanillin and sugar. We mix everything.

Melt the butter and add it to the dry ingredients.

Beat eggs lightly. This can be done using a conventional plug.

Add the egg mixture to the future dough. Stir, turning it into a real soft dough.

Put the cherries and mix very carefully and gently.

We move the dough into a mold and level it.

Forty-five minutes will not pass - and the sweet cake is ready.

Recipe 9. Simple cake with cherry "Favorite Recipe"


• 180 gr. butter butter;

• 180 gr. sugar;

• four eggs;

• salt at the tip of a spoon;

• 200 gr. flour;

• l tea baking powder;

• two pinches of vanillin;

• 300 gr. cherries.

Cooking method:

Using a mixer, beat butter with sugar.

Break the eggs into a small plate, salt and lightly spatter them with a fork.

Add two tablespoons of flour and egg mixture to the mixer bowl. Beat for two minutes.

Pour vanilla and baking powder into the remaining flour. Shuffle.

Half the flour is sent to the mixer and beat lightly. Repeat the procedure with the remaining flour. The dough, reminiscent of thick sour cream in consistency, is ready.

Pour it into the mold.

On top of the dough we spread the cherry. Squeeze it a little with your hands.

We send the cake to the oven and bake for about half an hour at the usual temperature of the oven.

Recipe 10. A simple cake with cherries and nuts


• half a kilogram of flour;

• 0.200 kg butter (soft);

• a glass of natural yogurt;

• 0.400 kg of cherries;

• l slaked tea soda;

• 1/2 tsp salts;

• a cup of walnuts;

• half a cup of sugar + four tablespoons of st .;

• l tea cinnamon;

• one egg.

Cooking method:

In the sifted flour, poured into a deep plate, add slaked soda and salt. Mix.

Put the butter and rub it well with flour.

Pour yogurt and knead soft and cool dough. We divide it into two pieces and send it to the refrigerator.

In a blender, grind nuts with sugar (half a cup).

Separate the protein from the yolk, pour cinnamon and a little sprinkle with a spoon.

Add the nuts chopped with sugar and mix everything.

Roll out one piece of dough and cut it into strips seven or eight centimeters wide.

We spread cherries on each. Sprinkle generously with sugar. Wrap the dough in the form of sausages and place on the mold.

We roll out the second piece of dough, cut into the same strips and fill them with a nut mixture. Roll up sausages and put into shape.

The cake is cooked at normal temperature for about forty minutes.

A Simple Cherry Pie - Tips and Tricks

  • Do not be lazy and use wholemeal. This will significantly worsen the cake, make it thin and "thin".
  • If the dough is naughty, constantly sticks to your hands, then you need to sprinkle it with flour.
  • In order for the cake to rise during the baking process and at the same time be dry, it is necessary to sprinkle the lower layer with a little starch. Then the filling is laid out on top.
  • Sticky and soft dough is easy to roll out if coated with baking paper. You can use a bottle instead of a rolling pin, filling it with cold water.


Watch the video: HOW TO MAKE A SPIDERMAN CAKE - NERDY NUMMIES (June 2024).