Pain in the side during pregnancy is all you need to know. Causes and treatment of side pain during pregnancy


During pregnancy, absolutely any pain sensation is alarming. Pain or tingling in the side is a fairly common occurrence in women in position. Since a complaint of pain in the side does not give any specifics, it is necessary to find out in which part of the abdomen the pain is localized, and what character they are.

Side pain during pregnancy - causes


If the spleen is unhealthy due to the fact that the woman fell and hit, or for other similar reasons, this organ can increase in size. This provokes pain. Also, if you put strong pressure on the organ, the spleen may burst. A sign of this is not only acute pain in the side, but also bluishness in the navel. In such a situation, you must urgently contact the hospital.


Sometimes the cause of pain in the left side is an irritated stomach. Most often, mucous membranes are exposed to such irritation. A similar problem without the necessary solution usually flows into an ulcer or gastritis.

Diaphragmatic hernia

Often, girls in the position are diagnosed with this particular pathology. The pains are localized in the side on the left. Infringement of the diaphragm can be caused by weakening of the pectoral muscles, they are not able to hold the diaphragm holes located around it. In this case, the upper stomach from the abdomen is shifted to the chest.


Side pain may be a symptom that indicates pancreatic disease. The gland is located so that it covers almost the entire abdomen and when it is inflamed, the pain is most often localized in the left side. Also, pain in the left side during pregnancy can talk about the disease of such organs as: pancreas, intestines, stomach, spleen and diaphragm.

Natural causes of side pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the uterus increases significantly in size and puts pressure on the internal organs, which can hurt in this regard. Usually, the liver and bladder get under strong pressure. The outflow of bile changes, and the girl experiences pain.

Pain in the gallbladder and liver is naturally dull and aching, or sudden and acute. The pains are localized in both sides and sometimes gives in the lower back or in the region of the ribs.

Pain in the right side during pregnancy

Pain can occur in connection with diseases of the bile, liver, intestines, diaphragm. It can be sharp and give under the rib. Perhaps the presence of viral hepatitis.

Gall bladder

Quite often, the cause is a malfunction in the activity of the gallbladder. If the secretion of bile exceeded the required amount, then it begins to accumulate in the gallbladder. In this regard, some of it enters the intestines. The more fatty foods that enter the body, the more bile is needed. When bile production is higher than normal, painful tingling in the right side is felt. Sometimes the pain is burning in nature. Perhaps the formation of stones in the gallbladder.


With failures in the functioning of the pancreas, the pain is localized deep inside, this is due to the location of the organ itself. A common cause of pain is pancreatitis. It can be detected by an increase in pain, when the girl is in a prone position, and in a sitting position - their weakening.


In girls, during the period of bearing a child, pressure on the kidneys is inevitable. In the case of pressure from the enlarging uterus on the kidneys, pain occurs in the abdomen and in the back on both sides.

Infection of the right kidney will make itself felt with pain in the right side, in connection with the development of a purulent process. By nature, the pain is twitching. In the presence of kidney stones, the pain syndrome is sharp and intensifies with the progression of the pathology. When the stone leaves the kidneys, it passes into the ureter, while the pain either intensifies or disappears. The pain can give in the groin.

Pain in the lower right side

At this point are the ureter, appendix and fallopian tubes. Pain in this side indicates damage to one of these organs. The most diagnosed problem is appendicitis.

Ectopic pregnancy

When the egg is fertilized, which does not enter the uterus, but remains in the fallopian tube, the process of ectopic pregnancy begins. This can cause pain in the side, in which it will depend on which of the fallopian tubes the fertilized egg is in.


The cause of pain in the side during pregnancy can often be viral and bacterial infections. Some of them include trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and others.

Ovarian cyst

In case of rupture of the ovarian cyst, severe pain is felt. In addition, ovarian tumors and endometriosis can cause pain.

Pain on the right in late pregnancy

A feeling of heaviness in the side with the return of pain in the ribs. If the feeling of heaviness increases in proportion to the gestational age, this may indicate the development of biliary dyskinesia or gall bladder. Dyskinesia of the gallbladder can lead to stones, an inflammatory process in the bile ducts and chronic cholecystitis.

Hormonal causes

The cause of pain in the sides can be hypomotoric of internal organs. This indicates a decrease in their activity due to age. Restoring hormonal balance will help solve this problem.

The pain syndrome manifests itself due to the fact that the uterus relaxes during pregnancy. This is due to the hormone progesterone. Other organs with smooth muscles relax along with the uterus. Such organs include the gallbladder, which does not rescue all bile during emptying, in connection with this, the bladder is stretched, and pain occurs. The pain is localized in the right side.

Side pain during pregnancy - diagnosis

In order to diagnose the cause of pain in the side during pregnancy, you need to consult a doctor. With which - depends on the nature and localization of pain. By nature, pain is:

• acute-piercing, increases with movement and rotation of the body;

• aching and cramping, most often arising from a violation of the functions of the digestive tract;

• wandering;

• radiating.

Depending on the nature of the pain, the doctor will send you to the appropriate tests and ultrasound. Typically, the list of doctors who need to report side pain during pregnancy includes a gastroenterologist, surgeon, obstetrician-gynecologist, and infectious disease specialist.

Side pain during pregnancy - what to do?

First you need to determine the nature and intensity of pain. They can be both natural and talk about a possible pathology.

• if the pains are sharp, rarely and short-term, then with a high probability everything is fine. Such pain occurs due to changes in the body during pregnancy and does not pose a danger to mother and baby;

• if the pain does not stop and is accompanied by other symptoms, such as: diarrhea, vomiting and fever - this is the first signal to consult a doctor.

In this case, do not engage in self-diagnosis and treatment. It is also strictly forbidden to apply a heating pad to the site of pain and take hot baths.

Side pain during pregnancy - is it dangerous for the baby?

Whether the side pain poses a threat to the child depends on its cause. If it is associated with the restructuring of the mother during pregnancy, then do not worry. But sometimes problems with pain in the side can hide dangerous diseases. Before sowing panic, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis in the hospital.


Watch the video: Early pregnancy cramps, abdominal pain during pregnancy causes and treatments (July 2024).