How to teach a child to bring to the end


Our whole life is spent in developing plans and achieving goals. Small matters, cardinal tasks, expected problems or achievements require a serious approach, a solution. Often we do not finish what we have started, do not achieve the goal, postpone the matter indefinitely, or completely forget about it. There are not always good reasons for this. For the most part, this is the result of laziness, irresponsibility, unwillingness to overcome difficulties encountered on the way.

Perhaps, it will seem strange to some, but this bad habit originates from a distant childhood. Parents who did not pay attention to the fact that the child is constantly giving up classes, hobbies, work, not bringing them to the end, can have no doubt that in adulthood he will definitely run into problems. This habit makes it impossible to achieve something meaningful. A person, faced with problems, switches to another matter, where the same result awaits him. As a result, even constant efforts to achieve something do not lead to anything.

The process of educating a child in the habit of finishing everything started to the end will take time and patience. Children do not take long notations, and even more cry and strict requirements. All this will form hostility to the process of completion, will destroy the interest in any undertakings. You should look for methods that will stimulate the child's desire to achieve the goal, despite the obstacles, laziness.

Small children can be encouraged to perform their uncomplicated duties. For example, if a child has removed the room, he can watch a favorite cartoon. Older children can be allowed to invite friends or let go to the movies.

It is important to help the child succeed in his passion. For example, all kids like to draw. But only a few still have a craving for this art. Perhaps the parents did not help master the skills gradually, moving from simple to complex. This also applies to other creative activities: modeling, beading, burning, etc.

It is necessary to spend time on mastering the basics, studying with the child, correcting it. Then you should stimulate interest in improving skills, showing attractive finished work in the book, on the Internet. It is necessary to celebrate all the achievements of the child, to show how mom and dad are proud of his success, focusing on the fact that these skills will certainly come in handy.

The main point in the formation of a good habit to bring things to the end should be the personal example of parents. You need to carefully monitor yourself, to avoid such blunders. Otherwise, the whole educational process will go down the drain.


Watch the video: How to Teach Your Child to Read : Beginning, Middle, Ending Chart (July 2024).