Russians began to waste less money on tourist trips


More than 50% of Russian citizens do not deny themselves travel and shopping. But recklessly spend money, Russians have become less. According to opinion polls, many people do not expect an increase in their income in the near future. Along with this, the Russians are not ready for global changes in life.

One third of respondents believe that saving “extra” money is unreasonable, preferring to spend it on buying things for the family and home. This is the strategy of financial behavior that 57% of Russian residents adhere to. These are the consequences of the past crises, says Valery Fedorov, VTsIOM Director General: “Russians have already learned bitter experience. Banks “burn out” and savings accordingly magically disappear, so people don’t try to keep money, fearing for the future. ”

Sociologists say that the most active consumers are families with small children, young people and middle-aged people living in large cities. However, recently this trend has been expanding. In addition, the geography of Russia was better recognized abroad. Tourists from Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara and Yekaterinburg began to visit European ski resorts.

According to Irina Tyurina, a spokeswoman for the Union of Travel Industry, Russians do not save on vacation, so they are welcome tourists in many countries of the world. However, the behavior of tourists from Russia has changed - they behave more civilized and modest.


Annyshka 05/28/2016
On what facts, interestingly, is this article based?


Watch the video: Travel More & Buy Less. Luis Vargas. TEDxPortland (June 2024).