The benefits and harms of Nordic walking with sticks. How to do Nordic walking with sticks for benefit and without harm


There are many ways in which you can take care of your health even without gyms.

If street jogging is undesirable or too difficult for you, then Nordic walking with sticks can serve as an excellent alternative.

This exercise dates back to the 30s of the last century.

This technique was first applied in Finland. In the summer, skiers used this exercise to keep their bodies fit.

It is simple in itself, but at the same time effective type of physical activity, with which you can load all the muscles of the body. The benefit of Nordic walking with sticks will be that with its help you will keep your whole body toned.

Nordic walking with sticks: the basics

To start right To engage in this type of activity, you must first conduct some training. Learning best on a flat surface. This is necessary in order for the novice athlete to be able to study the possibilities of adjusting the fastenings, and get a little comfortable with walking of this kind. Arms must be positioned in the same way as with normal walking - along the body. Thus, sticks will not serve as a support when walking, but will freely drag along the ground.

Gradually, as you get used to the sticks, you need to increase stride length. While walking, you will have to raise your hand with a stick to about chest level, and then lower it down, resting on the ground. Hands should not be far removed far to the sides - they should be as close as possible to the body. While walking, you need to rhythmically change the position of the arms and legs, while leaning on sticks.

The main feature of this exercise is the observance of natural human movements. The whole body should move in the same way as under normal conditions, except perhaps a little more rhythmically. In fact, the technique is quite simple, it is only important to catch right pace movement.

The step length will also depend on the magnitude of the reach of your hands. The larger the swing - the longer the step will be, so you need to catch the middle ground. Too much swing will increase the load not only on the legs, but also on the chest, as well as the back of the head. Too short - will hamper your hips. Professional trainers provided several tips for beginners:

1. Sticks should be confidently clasped in the hands, but this should not cause you tension;

2. When walking, it is necessary to send the stick back, behind the torso. The elbow is straightened;

3. When you have already mastered the initial aspects, you don’t need to drag the sticks behind you - you need to push them off the ground to the beat with your feet;

4. Slightly tilt the case forward while moving;

5. With a step, the foot should roll from heel to toe;

6. Sticks are best kept at an angle of 45 degrees.

Begin classes with a choice of sticks of the correct length. It depends on your height and intensity of walking. The length can be calculated by the formula: your height X 0.68.

Nordic walking with sticks: what are the benefits for the body?

Nordic walking is quite different both from running and from simple walks. Thanks to the sticks, an impressive portion of your weight is carried onto your hands. Due to this, the load on the knee joints and hips is reduced, but calories consumed more. In addition, the health benefits of Nordic walking with sticks are that it uses almost all the muscles. As a result, from this exercise alone you can bring your whole body into tone.

Nordic walking with sticks is also beneficial for the body as follows:

• Beneficial effect on the work of the heart and lungs. Like any other physical activity, it makes the heart work faster, as a result of which it pumps blood through the body faster. Your muscles will receive more nutrients and blood circulation throughout the body will improve. It also has a very good effect on brain function.

• Regular walks can reduce back pain and strengthen the spine.

• Since this walk involves about 90% of the muscles of the whole body, after some time you will notice how your back, legs, and arms muscles have strengthened.

• Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular apparatus and respiratory system.

• Improves blood pressure, lowers the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood.

• Unlike regular walking, it exerts less pressure on the joints, and helps to tighten bone mass.

• Helps to cope with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

• Improves the general metabolism of the body and restores youthfulness and energy charge to the body.

• Improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, coordination, and facilitates ascents to steep surfaces.

This is just general information about the benefits of Nordic walking. In many European countries, this exercise was included in the rehabilitation program after operations. She is the best, "gentle" physical activity, which serves as a prophylaxis of osteoporosis and is prescribed to older people as an alternative to running.

Nordic walking with sticks: what is the harm to health?

Even exercise such as Nordic walking with sticks can be harmful. Of course, it is a rather gentle training, but if you do not follow basic rules, these exercises can go sideways to you. We list some contraindications:

1. Long breaks between workouts. This applies more to those who were engaged professionally or at least at an intermediate level. Breaks between classes could be caused by the presence of any injuries, and shortly after treatment, athletes can not wait to restore the load. And at this stage you need to be careful - do not immediately drive yourself. It is necessary to increase the intensity of training gradually, day after day, and not immediately begin to pass multi-kilometer cross-country courses.

2. Hand and shoulder injuries. Everything seems to be clear here - if it hurts to move and lean on sticks, then you should not force yourself to do it through force. The same applies to injuries to the legs and joints of the lower body.

3. Heart failure - after all, this walk is a cardiac load, so you need to carefully monitor your breathing.

4. Hypertension.

5. The first few weeks after abdominal surgery.

6. Inflammatory or degenerative processes of the musculoskeletal system or joints of the lower extremities. Focus on your feelings - in no case should you continue training in case of pain.

7. Infectious diseases or a cold.

8. Degenerative processes and deformities in the spine.

As you can see, even this kind of sport has a considerable list of contraindications. However, in other cases, Nordic walking with sticks can be harmful only if you start practicing without first warming up the joints and ligaments. In other cases, it brings only benefits and good health.

Nordic walking with sticks for children: useful or harmful

In the last paragraph, we examined possible contraindications to this type of physical activity.

In the absence of the aforementioned ailments, there is no reason to prohibit a child from practicing this sport.

On the contrary, it will only bring a positive character.

Speaking quite frankly, even ordinary walking is fraught with greater danger than Nordic walking with sticks.

Since part of the load is transferred to the hands, the joints of the lower extremities will receive less load. At the same time, the strengthening of the whole body will occur. And this is not only about the child’s muscle corset, but also about the heart, bones, blood vessels and so on.

Therefore, if you still think whether this type of activity is dangerous for the child, then you can be calm, he only benefits the young body.

Nordic walking with sticks: benefit for losing weight

Nordic walking with sticks is very useful for losing weight. It is much more expensive in terms of calories than regular walking. She burns more calories per unit of time. With regular exercises, you can tighten your body and get rid of sagging muscles. Of course, it is less effective than running, but compared with it, it has several advantages.

First of allShe's not so tiring. Not every person is able to run at an intense pace for 40 minutes. It is much easier to pass in the Scandinavian style, and at the same time you will not have a feeling of shortness of breath and there is less chance of cramps in the muscles.

Secondly, Nordic walking is beneficial for the body in that it not only does not wear out the joints, but also, on the contrary, strengthens the skeleton of the body. Besides, excess weight, even when walking, can put a significant strain on the joints, and for this reason you should not take risks, exhausting yourself with a jogging hard for you.

With the help of Nordic walking, you will not only burn calories that will be spent on providing energy to the body, but also improve the metabolism in the body. The better your metabolism works, the faster you will get rid of unnecessary kilograms. And all this will happen against the background of overall health promotion and improving the appearance of your body.

Therefore, to the question: "Is Nordic walking useful for weight loss?" You can answer unequivocally - it is very useful and will help to achieve even your most difficult goals.


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