What if the wife does not know how to cook? You can find a way out or you need to get a divorce: if the wife does not know how to cook


The ability of a wife to cook healthy and tasty food is the key to good health of her husband and all household members.

But cooking is not for everyone pleasure and enjoyment.

And then conflicts, misunderstandings, mutual insults begin in the house.

Tasty and hearty food in the house. What if the wife does not know how to cook?

How nice to have a tight dinner after a long and hard working day. But in order to ensure a full meal, many men prefer to get wives, who, by default, should be able to cook well.

What if the wife does not know how to cook? Such an attack can happen to everyone. It is difficult to say that there are untrained young ladies who will never learn the wisdom of magic in the kitchen. Many simply do not want to try for their soulmate. But how does this condition of a woman affect the state of health of households, how does it affect the psychological climate in the house?

They say that a well-fed man is an easy-going man. Often the way it is. Husbands come home after a hard day in the hope that they will have a hearty dinner and a joyful wife. Often they are waiting for heated food and a beloved woman tired for the whole day.

Not everyone will like this picture. Many women generally do not consider it necessary to cook complex dishes on their own and feed their relatives fast food. Such food is unhealthy, especially for children. What to do in this case? It is best to learn about the future wife's skills in preparing your favorite dishes in advance.

If during a period of love euphoria it doesn’t matter for a man whether a woman knows how to cook, then when it comes to family life, this will be one of the most pressing controversial issues that can even destroy a family.

What to do if the wife does not know how to cook - advice from psychologists

Often, the problem of a woman’s inability to cook tasty and healthy food for the whole family is interconnected with a lack of desire to do this. Psychologists say that for the development of such a situation, there are many factors. For example, the deterioration of interpersonal relations between husband and wife.

If during courtship a man was filling up his beloved with compliments, attention and gifts, then she cooked it very tasty. But when the period of tenderness ended - the woman decided that it was time to stop eating tasty and satisfying. What if the wife does not know how to cook? Stimulate her desire to learn this. How? First, it’s worthwhile to find out the reasons why she refuses to cook this or that dish.

If the reason lies in the fact that she really does not know how to do this, then we can offer to learn this, perhaps even together. This will allow you to have a good time with the whole family. If a woman refuses to cook a man’s favorite dish at all, this means that she has a hidden protest in this way. It could be developed even in childhood as a copy of the behavior of the mother.

Perhaps, once the husband had the imprudence to allow himself a harsh statement about the dishes she had prepared, and now the wife simply does not want to waste her time cooking them anymore. Such a development is not beneficial to any of the couple. In any case, the situation should be discussed with your spouse, and if a controversial issue really arises, it’s worth again, already together, to try to resolve the conflict. Sometimes just an apology is enough and the next morning the wife is already brewing her husband’s favorite coffee and baking cakes with cherries for him.

Men should remember that forcing a wife to cook various dishes by force is simply not worth it. This will humiliate her and destroy her relationships, which are already undermined by frequent conflicts. Also, do not force a woman to eat those dishes that she does not like, but prepares for family members. This is coercion that only harms.

If a woman cooks tastelessly, you should not humiliate her, very many are not given the opportunity to master the wisdom of preparing good and wholesome food. This situation is largely influenced by the culinary habits that the husband and wife had in the family. Men often look for the habits of their mothers in their wives, but do not forget that these are two completely different people. In any case, the problem is worth fighting together. Learning how to cook deliciously is never too late.

What to do if a wife cannot cook - bioenergetics point of view

Scientists have long established that water has a crystal structure. The information received in it changes the structure, which can lead to various consequences. For example, scientists have proven that prayer restores the structure of water and swear words destroy it.

Thus, when a wife scolds her husband during cooking, takes offense and gets angry with him, the dish changes its taste. That is why there is a sentence that the dish is prepared with love and the taste has love. Indeed, even oatmeal cooked with the soul is much tastier than porridge cooked in haste and without positive emotions.

Those who engage in energy practices reliably know how important the role of women in the family is. If the mother, she is the wife in a good mood - there will be no scandal in the house, but if she is in a bad mood - wait for trouble. Similarly, with food. Very often there are cases of poisoning of entire families with quality food. What could be the reason for this? Due to the fact that the negative energy of a woman passes to food and food becomes poison.

In order for the wife to learn how to cook tasty and satisfying, it is not enough for her to study cookbooks. She should learn family psychology. What if the wife does not know how to cook? Teach! Teach to value yourself and all family members. This stimulates the woman to self-development and will lead to tasty experiments in the kitchen, which is important for ensuring a long and carefree family life.


Watch the video: What Do Men Need To Know About Divorce? (June 2024).