On Wednesdays, women look the oldest


Stressful situations at work and often violently spent weekends affect the appearance of any representative of the weaker sex. Scientists conducted research and found out the following fact: women look as old as possible on Wednesdays at 15.30. This is explained by the fact that this particular moment is an indicator of the minimum energy level and peak working stress.

As testing, ordered by one of the leading manufacturers of artificial tanning, showed that almost 12% of the women surveyed considered the environment to be the most stressful day of the week. Interestingly, Thursday was called the day when the chance of having sex increases as much as possible. Naturally, after such a very pleasant pastime, Friday is called the happiest and most desirable day of the week.

This feeling is probably due to the fact that after Friday comes the long-awaited weekend. The study showed that every fourth woman suffers from stress several times a week, and 19% of them notice a strong breakdown in their lunch environment.

The condition is quite unpleasant and women try to overcome it by eating sweets and snacks that increase energy and mood. On Wednesday, at half past three, women are sure that they look as tired and old as possible. But do not despair, because Thursday comes next, and, according to most ladies, having sex is the best way to feel the surge of vitality. To reduce the fear of the environment, women should reduce the intensity of weekend breaks, since 45% of test participants tend to drink alcohol on Sunday and Saturday.


Watch the video: Women Look Oldest on Wednesdays: Study (June 2024).