How to cause premature monthly at home? Find out how you can cause monthly during a delay and whether it is necessary to do it.


Modern medicine is rapidly evolving, turning fantastic phenomena into reality very recently. It is unlikely that our grandmothers would be able to believe that the monthly “duty” in the form of menstruation can be made to come at a convenient time for the woman, and to cope with her delay successfully with the help of powerful hormones. In fairness, it should be noted that physicians are extremely negative about such initiative, warning of undesirable consequences and the danger of such actions. But, perhaps, all is not so terrible, since the question "how to cause monthly" is extremely relevant and requires an answer.

How to cause monthly if pregnancy test is positive

The delay in menstruation almost always acts on dear ladies as depressing, causing fears, and often fair, about unwanted pregnancy. Anxiety prompts to run to the pharmacy after the test, and a positive result mercilessly confirms the worst fears. Desperate desire to cope with the problem on their own and attempts to find out how to quickly cause menstruation with a delay, can end very sadly - possible bleeding can even lead to death. You should not tempt fate, medical abortion can give a lot less problems, and the question of how to cause menstruation, will become irrelevant. Better yet, calm down and think well - perhaps you and your baby will be well together and you should not despair for nothing.

Why are there monthly delays, diagnostics?

Do not rush to panic in case of delayed menstruation, there are a lot of reasons for this. Although it is not necessary to exclude the version of pregnancy at all on the basis of a negative test, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist and confirm or deny the existence of the pregnancy. Before you learn how to cause menstruation during a delay, you should understand exactly what caused it - a strict diet or a change in diet, climate adaptation, various diseases. Among the ailments that affect the onset of menstruation, it should be noted:

- ovarian cysts - in addition to the absence of menstruation is accompanied by additional symptoms in the form of pulling back pain and lower abdomen;

- inflammation in the fallopian tubes or ovaries;

- Amenorrhea and pathology of the structure of the genital organs;

- sexually transmitted diseases;

- hormonal disorders;

- tumors;

- chronic fatigue of the body.

If there is a delay for no apparent reason, especially if it is accompanied by additional disturbing symptoms — soreness, unusual discharge, itching — you should visit a doctor to determine the cause of the anomaly. It is not the presence of a delay, as such, that should be the cause of concern, but the determination of the cause causing it. In such cases, in addition to the collected history, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound, the necessary blood tests, sets the level of hormones in the blood. After careful analysis of the obtained data and successful diagnosis, treatment is prescribed.

How to cause monthly and it is dangerous

The menstrual cycle is a well-established mechanism, subject to certain laws. Its possible correction is capable of delivering too negative consequences. Therefore, wondering how to cause menstruation at home quickly, it should be clearly understood.

There are situations when the upcoming monthly offensively coincide with the upcoming trip or an important event. Fascinated by the opportunity to influence the course of events, the ladies are trying to figure out how to cause pre-term monthly and quickly get rid of unpleasant duty. Both medical and folk remedies can help successfully. Hormonal contraceptive drugs have the greatest effect, but also a danger. They regulate the level of estrogen and progesterone, and for the early call of menstruation, it is enough just to make the latter prevail. How to cause premature monthly? The specialist can give the best answer, he also selects the most effective drug. The most commonly appointed are the following:

1. Pulsatilla - granules of a homeopathic preparation contain only natural ingredients and know very well how to cause menstruation earlier. The doctor prescribes it only if there is no pregnancy, and it is recommended to take a healing agent for quite a long time - first to restore the normal cycle, and then as a preventive measure. The effectiveness of the tool is significantly influenced by the daily menu - it is better to exclude from it chocolate, tea and coffee, alcoholic beverages.

2. Duphaston is a hormonal drug that copes well with the task of how to quickly cause menstruation during a delay - their onset is possible on the third day after the start of administration. The action of the remedy is based on the replenishment of progesterone in case of its shortage. The course of treatment is also long, from two to four months. It is strictly not recommended to use it yourself, especially in the presence of pregnancy. Menstruation can not wait, but the negative effects are almost guaranteed.

3. Marvelon or Silest - progesterone analogues. The gynecologist prescribes drugs for long and painful periods, as well as for their delay.

4. Norkolut, Utrozhestan and many other drugs can effectively answer the exciting question of how to quickly cause periods during a delay, but only the doctor should select the most suitable one for you.

How to call monthly independently

Not wanting to go to the doctor, many people want to know how to cause menstruation at home quickly and efficiently. In the presence of pregnancy, it is not recommended to do so as not to cause bleeding. But if you have an important event and you just want to speed up the arrival of menstruation, you can try some proven methods. No one can give a full guarantee of success, but the following helps many people:

1. Hot bath - provided that there is no hypertension and pregnancy. The procedure will take 20-30 minutes, and the water must be really hot to cause a rush of blood to the pelvic organs. The second half of the treatment is more pleasant - after the bath, you should forget about all the problems and take pleasure in making love with your husband. The greater the number of sexual acts will be possible, the more reliable the probability of the occurrence of menstruation. If the husband is not observed nearby - you can go the other way - take a hot bath, adding salt and iodine to it, after active physical exertion.

2. How to cause monthly at home quickly and without straining? Put on parsley and dill, generously sprinkle all the dishes with herbs. If you chew parsley already unbearable - make a decoction of it and drink 1/2 cup three times a day. Three days later, you can expect the onset of menstruation.

3. “Shock-slaughter” dose of ascorbic acid on the background of steaming the feet in the maximum-permissible hot water is quite an appropriate answer to how to cause menstruation at home quickly. However, be careful - ascorbic is not safe for the stomach, and sometimes it can even cause an ulcer.

Many unique folk recipes, tested by grandmothers and time, can explain how to cause menstruation at home quickly and effectively help:

- Two teaspoons of crushed blue cornflower or verbena herbs pour a glass of boiling water and insist well. Drink 4 times a day, taking an infusion of a tablespoon before eating;

- A candle made from the upper portion of the gladiolus root and carefully inserted into the vagina firmly promises the arrival of menstruation in a few hours;

- the decoction of devyasila acts swiftly, the single dose of which is 50 ml. To make a spoonful of chopped root, pour a glass of boiling water on a low heat for another 5 minutes and set aside for half an hour. Gorky drink can cause severe bleeding during pregnancy, so it should be used with caution and only with absolute certainty that there is no pregnancy. Elecampane can be prepared in combination with other herbs - yarrow, oregano, nettle, knotweed, dog rose and the root of pink rhodiola. Two spoons of the mixture should be poured with a liter of boiling water in a thermos and insist for 12 hours. Then within a day the broth should be drunk, and the question of how to cause menstruation with a delay will become irrelevant literally the next day;

- Take 4 parts of chamomile, 3 - valerian and three parts of mint. Pour 200 ml boiling water over them and insist well. Take in the morning and evening before the arrival of menstruation;

- pour half a liter of cold water into six leaves of boletus, let it boil and cook for about 15 minutes. If you drink a ready-made decoction during the day (it is better to take it before a meal), the period may appear the next day.

Choosing one of the chosen means, you can quite successfully solve the problem of how to quickly cause menstruation during a delay, but do not forget that unabashed interference with the laws of nature is fraught with troubles, sometimes quite serious.

How to cause monthly - precautions

Each woman has the right to decide how to cause monthly during a delay and whether it is necessary to do it. However, it would not be superfluous to recall that it is extremely easy to break a complex biological process, such as menstruation, but to regain it turns out, unfortunately, not always. The desire to spend a vacation without critical days can at best lead to infertility - is such a risk justified? When looking for a way to cause premature menstruation, do not be deceived that herbs, as some believe, can do no harm. Using traditional medicine during pregnancy, you can cause excessive bleeding, which is not always possible to stop. Death in such cases is predetermined.

Dangerous games with hormones are also completely unsafe - the use of oral contraceptives can be used no more than once a year, when you really need to speed up your period. This method should be applied only under the supervision of a doctor and for medical reasons. Uncontrolled use of the above drugs threatens with infertility, menstruation soreness, the disappearance of menstruation for a long time and other "charms". Increasing a single dose of "Postinor" to just two tablets, for example, can serve as a weighty reason for emergency hospitalization.

Separately for teenage girls. You should not call girlfriends with a tearful request for immediate help - how to quickly cause menstruation during a delay. The cycle at a young age is not stable, and the delay in menstruation can be trivially dependent on the hormonal adjustment of the body. Taking drugs recommended by profane, you risk health and the possibility of becoming pregnant in the future. Contact your doctor, he will help solve problems, if any, in a safe way.


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