Red and green tomatoes with apples for the winter: help yourself! Recipes of canned, salted and pickled tomatoes with apples for the winter


Juicy tomatoes and fragrant apples are perfectly combined in homemade preparations: adjika, winter salads, ketchups, borsch dressings. However, they can be preserved in a duet or supplemented with a third vegetable, for example, garlic, bell pepper, beetroot. Sweet and sour taste and wonderful apple aroma make tomatoes and apples for the winter one of the most popular preservation recipes.

You can preserve apples not only with ripe, but also with green tomatoes. These blanks have a specific spicy taste and aroma that some people like more than ripe tomato blanks. In jars, you can put greens, favorite spices, spices: peeled garlic cloves, fragrant bay leaves, allspice, black or hot pepper, odorous cloves. A marinade with or without vinegar is suitable for pouring.

For preservation, it is better to select medium-sized fruits in order to comfortably get them through the narrow neck of the jar. Tomatoes should be strong, whole, with intact skin, without dents or spots. If there are no small and medium-sized tomatoes, and you really want to pickle them with apples, you can select the strongest fruits and cut them into quarters.

Apples do not need strict selection, so their appearance is unimportant: fruits are cut into slices. Dense, sour, aromatic varieties should be preferred. Antonovka is especially good.

Tomatoes with apples for the winter - general principles of preparation

To prepare winter preparations, tomatoes and apples must be pre-processed. Wash the tomatoes, leave whole. Dense immature tomatoes can be cut into quarters or rings. Wash the apples thoroughly, cut into quarters or smaller slices. Cut the center portion, seeds and hard films.

Peel and chop the vegetables used in the recipe. In peppers, cut off the top, remove partitions and seeds, cut into strips. Peel the garlic and leave whole. Wash beets thoroughly, dry and cut into small slices.

It’s not worth sticking to the recipe exactly: salting is a creative thing. Most often, the exact proportions are set for pickles, but you need to take as many tomatoes as you can fit in jars. If you wish, you can put currant or cherry leaf, horseradish leaf, dill umbrellas in jars.

Cans for salting can be used in three-liter and liter. They must be thoroughly washed with soda, and then sterilized. A factory sterilizer is very convenient, but if it is not, you can easily do with an aluminum sterilization circle, which is conveniently attached to the pot shoes. Sterilize the banks should be fifteen to twenty minutes.

After capping, the workpiece must be properly cooled. Having covered the floor with a cloth, you need to put hot cans on it with its neck down. Banks wrap them with a dense blanket or blanket. You can turn tomatoes and apples over for the winter and send them for storage after the cans are completely cooled.

Tomatoes with apples for the winter "Easy preservation"

A very simple classic version of salting tomatoes with apples for the winter requires a minimum of ingredients. The brine is slightly salted, has a very delicate apple flavor. A novice mistress will cope with such a blank.


• one and a half kilograms of tomatoes;

• a pound of apples;

• one and a half liters of pure water;

• two large spoons of salt and sugar;

• spices to taste and desire;

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• a quarter cup of vinegar;

• half a teaspoon of allspice and black pepper.

Cooking method:

Prepared apples cut into large slices.

Clean sterilized jars to dry.

Put apple slices on the bottom of the cans - this is the first layer.

Put a layer of tomatoes on apple slices.

If herbs and spices are not used, then alternate these two layers to the neck of the jar. If you want to add spices, then they also need to be laid out in layers.

Pour boiling water over the contents of the jar. The liquid should cool in a jar to room temperature.

Pour the cooled water into a deep pot, add salt, pepper, sugar and boil the marinade.

Pour in a spoonful of vinegar into the tomatoes.

As soon as the water boils, pour the brine into banks.

Seal with sterilized lids and leave to cool as described above.

Tomatoes with apples for the winter in a spicy pickle

Tomatoes with apples for the winter, prepared according to this recipe, are very fragrant. They are perfect for meat and can become the basis of spicy tomato sauce. The number of ingredients will allow you to roll up five jars with a capacity of one liter.


• three kilograms of tomatoes;

• five apples;

• fifteen cloves of garlic;

• five bay leaves;

• five branches of dill and parsley;

• four large spoons of coarse salt;

• two large tablespoons of sugar;

• five tablespoons of vinegar;

• five peas of allspice;

• two liters of water.

Cooking method

Cut medium apples into eight pieces.

Arrange sprigs of greenery on the banks.

Put garlic and apple slices on dill and parsley.

Put the tomatoes up to the neck of the cans.

Put the remaining apple slices with the last layer.

In a large saucepan, cook the marinade from salt, sugar, pepper. When the liquid boils for five minutes, pour vinegar into it.

Boil six liters of water in a separate pot or kettle.

Pour cans with plain boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for ten minutes.

Pour out the water.

Pour the tomatoes with hot marinade immediately to the neck.

Cork the banks, cool.

After a week, you can take the first test. But tomatoes and apples for the winter will get the perfect taste only after a month.

Tomatoes with apples for the winter "German trio"

Great taste is obtained from the workpiece according to the German recipe. A sweet shade gives sweet pepper to tomatoes and apples for the winter. Ingredients with the exception of marinade are taken by eye. Someone wants more apples, someone wants pepper. The amount of marinade is indicated for a three-liter jar. Delicious marinade, sweet and sour apples, strong tomatoes - a real pleasure!


• tomatoes;

• apples;

• Bulgarian green pepper;

• pure water;

• 50 ml of vinegar 6%;

• a large spoon of salt;

• five large tablespoons of sugar.

Cooking method:

Cut apples into slices.

Put tomatoes in a jar, sprinkling them with apple slices.

Cut pepper into strips and lay vertically on the sides of the jar.

Place parsley branches next to the pepper.

If desired, you can add peppercorns and cloves to the jar.

Pour boiling water to the top of the jar, leave for five minutes.

Pour water into a pan, bring to a boil, so that both sugar and salt dissolve. Pour in six percent vinegar, boil for five minutes.

When the liquid boils, and the salt and sugar completely dissolve, fill the jar with hot marinade and immediately roll up.

Tomatoes with apples for the winter in a pink marinade

Pink marinade gives the tomato and apple slices its original color. Fresh beets are used as dye. The onions give a piquant taste to tomatoes and apples for the winter. The amount of ingredients is indicated for a three-liter jar.


• medium or small tomatoes;

• two medium onions;

• an Apple;

• small beets;

• one and a half liters of water;

• a tablespoon with a slide of salt;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• half a glass of nine percent vinegar.

Cooking method:

Cut the onion into rings.

Dense, elastic beets should be removed from the ground, washed, cut off the skin and cut into slices.

Cut the apple into slices.

Put onion, beets and apples in a jar.

Top the jar with strong tomatoes.

Boil water and pour in a jar. Leave on for twenty minutes.

Pour water into a deep pan. Boil their marinade, boiling with salt, sugar, vinegar.

Gently pour the boiling marinade into a jar of tomatoes, roll up immediately.

Tomatoes with apples for the winter "Autumn Garden"

Those who scrupulously adhere to the principles of healthy nutrition will be interested in the recipe for tomatoes and apples for the winter, "Autumn Garden". For its preparation, vinegar is not needed. Fast, tasty, healthy.


• medium or small tomatoes;

• two apples;

• three large spoons of sugar and salt;

• half a pod of hot pepper;

• dill umbrella.

Cooking method:

Place a dill umbrella and half a pod of hot pepper in a jar.

Cut apples into slices, add to spices.

Stuff the jar with strong tomatoes.

Pour boiling water into the jar, leave for five minutes.

Pour water into a deep pan, pour sugar and salt, boil brine.

Pour boiling brine into a jar.

Put the jar in a pot of boiling water (boiling water should reach the shoulders of the jar) and sterilize for fifteen minutes.

Cork tomatoes, cool properly.

Tomatoes with apples for the winter in a salad sliced

Non-standard, large tomatoes can be turned into salad slices and pickled for the winter with apples, cucumbers, peppers, carrots. A great option in order to realize the last kilogram of tomato harvest. It turns out a simple and tasty winter salad.


• kilogram of tomatoes;

• kilogram of apples;

• kilogram of carrots;

• kilogram of cucumbers;

• a pound of pepper;

• several peas of pepper;

• Bay leaf;

• kilogram of onions;

• 80 grams of salt and sugar.

Cooking method:

Grind washed, peeled carrots and apples, just rubbing on a coarse grater.

Pepper, onion, cucumbers, tomatoes finely chopped. To make the salad more beautiful, you can cut the cucumbers into circles and onions into rings.

Mix all the ingredients with salt, sugar, spices.

Gently place in clean, prepared and dried cans.

Sterilize for 40 minutes.

Cork and cool according to the rules.

Green tomatoes with apples for the winter, pickled with garlic

An elementary recipe for salting green tomatoes with apples for the winter will please beginners. An accurate indication of the weight of the components for the marinade will also help them.


• green small tomatoes;

• two apples;

• four cloves of garlic;

• 50 grams of sugar;

• 30 grams of salt;

• 100 ml of vinegar;

• litere of water;

• peas of two types of pepper, dill, cloves (to taste and desire).

Cooking method:

Cut medium apples into four parts.

Put the garlic and apple slices in a jar.

Fill a jar of green tomatoes. Large fruits can be cut into pieces.

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes.

After five minutes, pour the water into a deep pan, add sugar, salt and mix until they dissolve.

Again bring the brine to a boil and pour into a jar.

Five minutes later, pour the brine into a pan, wait for boiling, pour vinegar and pour tomatoes for the last third time.

Roll up and cool.

Green tomatoes with apples for the winter, pickled with beets

Pink pickle is given to this option of pickling green tomatoes with apples for a festive winter look. It turns out not only very beautiful, but also very tasty marinade through the use of spices.


• green tomatoes;

• apples;

• small beets;

• parsley branches;

• allspice peas;

• one and a half liters of water;

• 70 ml of vinegar 6%;

• five large spoons of sugar;

• a large spoonful of salt.

Cooking method:

On a three-liter jar, take no more than two slices of beets.

Cut apples into slices.

Place parsley, apples, beets and tomatoes in a jar.

Boil water and pour in a jar. Leave on for 20 minutes.

Pour water into a deep pan, boil the marinade from sugar, pepper, salt. Boil the liquid for several minutes. Then pour vinegar.

Carefully pour the boiling marinade into a jar of tomatoes and immediately roll up.

Tomatoes with apples for the winter "Assorted"

A delicious recipe for autumn assortment will allow you to enjoy tomatoes, slices of apples, peppers, carrots in winter. Spicy, delicious, peerless appetizer!


• four green tomatoes;

• one apple;

• one bell pepper (preferably red);

• medium carrot;

• medium onion;

• celery (one or two branches);

• three branches of parsley;

• five peas of pepper of any kind;

• bay leaf;

• two cloves of garlic;

• liter of boiling water;

• six large spoons of sugar;

• one and a half tablespoons of salt;

• half a glass of vinegar 9%.

Cooking method:

Cut the onion into rings or half rings.

Cut the carrots into circles, bell pepper into strips.

Green tomatoes cut into four parts.

Cut the apple into slices.

Fill the jar according to the scheme: greens - apple slices - strips of bell pepper - green tomatoes - carrot circles - onion rings.

Put garlic, black pepper or allspice, bay leaf in a jar.

Boil the marinade as described above, pour vinegar at the end of the boil.

Gently pour the tomatoes with boiling liquid, then cover with a scalded boiling water lid. Boil water in a separate pan, carefully lower the cans into it and sterilize for 12 minutes (time for a liter can). Three-liter need to be sterilized for 20 minutes.

Cork and cool.

Tomatoes with apples for the winter - tricks and tips

  • If you add a glass of raspberries to the pickling recipe, you get an amazing summer flavor. Rinse the berries with cold water and pour in a mixture of tomatoes and apples. Cherry and blackcurrant leaves are ideal for this winter harvesting option.
  • Recipes do not always contain the exact amount of ingredients. Beginning housewives can take note of these proportions: a three-liter jar is usually enough for two medium apples. You can calculate differently: take seven apple slices for seven tomatoes.
  • Banks after capping cool down under the covers for about a day. If the marinade is cooked with vinegar, they can be stored in the apartment, removed to a dark place.


Watch the video: How to Make Quick Pickled Vegetables the Right Way. A Little Help: Quick Pickling (June 2024).