Scientists know why most marriages break up after four years


Biologists from the United States gave an explanation for the so-called "itch of the seventh year" - a statistically observed tendency of couples to divorce in the seventh year of marriage.

Scientists reviewed data on divorces of people from different countries. It turned out that, despite the fact that the average duration of a marital relationship is seven years, most often people break up after four years of marriage. It is curious that the average age divorced 25-29 years for men, 20-24 and 25-29 years - for women.

Among primates, only a quarter is monogamous, and only 5% of mammals are paired up to jointly breed their young.

Biologists are convinced that long-standing remnants of the distant past move people to parting, when in the society of hunter-gatherers women give birth once every four years. It was at this age that the children passed to the care of the tribe, and women were free to choose a new partner.


Watch the video: Why Men Never Get Over A Breakup (June 2024).