New Year holidays - the best time for plastic surgery


Winter is not only the New Year, long vacations and making plans for the upcoming spring and summer, but also the opportunity to pamper yourself and leisurely take care of your appearance. This winter period is most suitable for plastic surgery, which has been dreamed of for a long time, but so far it has not been possible to achieve the desired. In fact, everything is much easier than it seemed before!

Take note - in the International Medical Center ON CLINIC, consultations of plastic surgeons are free, and even those professionals who make operations to pop stars, movies, and do not leave gloss pages.

Rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, mammaplasty, liposuction, abdominoplasty, intimate plastic surgery, any surgical correction aimed at rejuvenation and returning us 10-15 or more years ago - all these interventions are best done in the cold season. Thus, it is possible to accelerate the healing process of tissues and in spring and summer to hit those around you with their perfection.

Winter, cold, beauty ...

Although current trends and rapid progress in the technical equipment of clinics make plastic surgery minimally invasive, it is still better to be safe and decide on an operation in the winter.

The main arguments for this decision:

  • According to plastic doctors, postoperative rehabilitation is more easily tolerated in late autumn and winter. In addition, in summer we wear open clothes, including T-shirts, shorts and open tops, which makes it difficult to hide fresh scars and scars from others after performing plastic surgery on visible areas of the body. Winter clothes hide the effects of interventions more reliably - it is much more convenient when the healing process takes place only under your and medical supervision, without prying eyes.
  • Winter and after the Christmas period, the Christmas holidays are the best time for plastic surgery, also because you do not have to take additional leave and there will be time for a slow recovery.
  • After performing mammoplasty, rhinoplasty and many other operations, the patient is advised to refrain from sun exposure, not to be exposed to ultraviolet radiation in order to avoid complications, and not to sunbathe. The ban may be valid for several months. This means that it is better to perform the operation long before the holiday season, so as not to deny yourself the pleasure of basking in the summer in the sun.
  • After liposuction and gaining a slim figure, it is also not recommended to sunbathe for a certain period, you cannot sit for a long time - for example, in an airplane seat during flights. This means that getting rid of extra centimeters is better in winter, a few months before summer travel.
  • In the cold period of the year, we are more often guided by stress and depression, fueled by a lack of heat and sunlight. Plastic surgery can be a kind of psychological respite and joy, the first step to happy changes in life, when you can do yourself, take a break from your usual duties and recuperate.
  • And finally, plastic surgery can be a welcome New Year gift for loved ones.

The best investments are investments in yourself, very few people will argue with that. There will always be a fashion for an attractive appearance, youth and freshness.

Self-confidence, high self-esteem, good mood, spiritual harmony and attention from the opposite sex - all this will help to achieve good advice from a good specialist and plastic surgery performed by skilled hands.

Sign up for a free consultation to the stellar plastic surgeons of the HE CLINIC - they will help to realize your most cherished dreams!
