Knitting cardigans with needles - models and patterns 2018


Needlewomen love to fantasize and replenish their wardrobe with new bundles. These things are much nicer to wear, because they invested a lot of effort, time and love.

Knitted cardigans very beautifully complement the autumn-winter look, so if you do not have such a stylish novelty or you just want to replenish your wardrobe with new clothes, I will help you to tie a beautiful fashionable cardigan.

To begin, let's go over fashion models.

This year, fashionable women prefer the following styles, colors and models.

Cardigan with a relief pattern

Very beautiful and stylish cardigan will not let you freeze in the cold season due to its clever knit. It is perfect for going to work or in a cafe with friends.
You will need: wool thread - 800 g (any color of your choice, but better give preference to the universal pastel tones), circular needles and the usual number 6 and number 7, 5, buttons.


  • Knit the pattern according to scheme A and B.
  • The first loop is always just remove, and the last knit the front.
  • Product size - 38.


Dial 74 points into the needles No. 6 and knit a 5 cm elastic band 2 x 2 (2 persons, 2 sleeps.), Starting with wear. row as follows: chrome. n., 1 out. p., 2 persons. n., * 2 int. p., 2 persons. n. *, repeat at the end knit 1 out. n., chrome. n ... In the last izn. in the row, evenly reduce the number of loops to 69. Change the needles to No. 7 and knit a relief pattern according to scheme A. At a height of 19 cm, lower to fit no 1 item on each side. Repeat a decrease every 7 cm for a total of 3 times = 63 p.

At a height of 41 cm, add 1 p. On each side. Repeat additions every 4 cm for a total of 3 times = 69 p. At 54 cm, close the armhole on both sides for 2. Then decrease on both sides 3 more times x 1 p. In each row = 59 p. At a height of 19 cm. remove the average 23 points for an additional knitting needle and then knit each part separately. For a bevel of the shoulder, close from the side in each row 6, 6, 6 loops. Tie another part of the neck symmetrically.

Left shelf

On the needles number 6, type 35 loops, knit 5 cm with an elastic band 2 x 2, starting with the int. R. as follows: 1 chrome. n., * 2 int. p., 2 persons. n. *, repeat * - *, at the end knit 1 kn. n., chrome. P . In the last life. number of rows evenly reduce the number of loops to 34 loops, then change the needles to number 7 and knit a relief pattern according to scheme A.

On the right side, perform the additions and additions of the loops for the fitting, similar to the back. At the same time, at a height of 40 cm, begin to knit a bevel in the faces. row as follows: knit, until the end of the row remains 3 p., knit 2 p. together with a broach (= remove 1 p. as a face., crochet 1 p. and pull it through the removed loop), chrome. n. Repeat a decrease alternately in each of the 4th and 6th rows only 11 times. At the same time, on the right side, tie the armhole and the shoulder bevel, similarly to the backrest = 18 p.

Right shelf

On the needles number 6, type 35 p., Knit 5 cm with an elastic band 1 x 1, starting with the int. row as follows: chrome. n., 1 out. p., * 2 persons. n., 2 out. n. *, repeat * - *, at the end, knit chrome. Next, knit symmetrically left shelf. At the same time, for a bevel of the neck instead of 2 points together with a broach, knit just 2 points together of people.


On the needles number 6, type 42 p., Knit with straight and inverse rows 5 cm with an elastic band 1 x 1, as on the back. In the last life. number of rows evenly reduce the number of loops to 42. Then change the needles to number 7 and knit a relief pattern on the scheme B, calculating the beginning of the pattern (the middle of the pattern is indicated by the arrow).

At a height of 14 cm, add 1 p. On each side for bevel sleeves. Repeat additions every 7 cm for a total of 5 times = 52 points. At the height of 47 cm, close the sleeves to 4 points at the beginning of the next 6 rows. The remaining 28 paragraphs. Close the picture.


Perform shoulder seams. Along the leading edge to the middle of the neck of the back, on the circular needles No. 6, evenly type 246 p., The number of loops should be a multiple of 4 + 2. Knit 7 rows with an elastic band 2 x 2 as follows: * 2 w. p., 2 persons. n. *, repeat * - *, at the end knit 2 ex. At the same time, on the right plank in the 3rd row, evenly knit 5 buttonholes from the bottom edge to the beginning of the neck bevel. For each loop, close by 3 p. And, in the next row in these places, type new 3. Close by drawing.


Office Cardigan with Cross Braids

A cardigan can be knitted easily and quickly, provided that it is not the first time you hold knitting needles in your hands.

Two knitted trims are a shelf and a yoke. Sleeves and back knit top down. Several rows of garter knitting - the edges of the product.

You will need: 10 skeins of wool thread with a length of 150 m, circular needles 6.5 (80 cm), additional needle, marker, holder.

In the first place, the shelves are knitted, which are then joined (the seam is approximately in the middle of the neck of the back). The hinges of the backrest are raised on the shelves and knit to the bottom edge. The hinges of the sleeves rise in the back and shelves and fit to the cuffs.

Markers are required for loop mark tags. The report of a large middle braid is 20 rows, a small one is 8. Circular needles are necessary in order to make it easier to work with a large number of loops.

You can fantasize with the pattern of the strap and use some you like, arranging them symmetrically. Sleeves knit with facial loops on circular needles (so you will not have an unnecessary seam).
