Massage, sports, diet, to remove the sides - work best in the complex. What you need to keep a diet to remove the sides?


There is not a single woman in the world who (at least once in her life) would not dream of being slim and beautiful. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds.

Improper diet, poor genetics or lack of physical activity can cause the arrows on the scales to jump sharply upwards and the body will become overgrown with unnecessary fat. And if you are faced with a similar situation - do not rush to despair.

You can change yourself for the better, and for these purposes we will provide you with an effective diet to remove the sides and stomach.

General principles of nutrition on a diet to remove the sides

Very often, when it comes to diet, most girls have an association with a hunger strike. And, unfortunately, due to insufficient knowledge in this area, many girls ruin their bodies strict diets, which almost completely cease to eat food and sometimes even reach extreme measures - cause unnatural vomiting in order to get rid of all food debris. We will not talk about this in detail, the only important thing is that this is an absolutely wrong approach.

In order for fat to disappear, you need to eat at least as many people believe, but on the contrary, as often as possible. Diet to remove the sides should include at least six meals. At this moment, many girls are surprised and their emotions are understandable. Since childhood, most people think that frequent meals contribute to obesity, but the effect is just the opposite. The fact is that the body is very sensitive to environmental factors. As soon as you start to eat rarely and little by little - for your body it serves as a signal that the times of famine have come, and it starts to accumulate fat in order to receive energy from it in the future.

Accordingly, when you eat frequently, but little by little, the body not only does not accumulate excess fat in the body, but vice versa, tends to use all available resources to offset the body's energy costs. All food goes into building muscles and nourishing the body, and the fats accumulated up to this time begin to break down due to the fact that the body does not see the point of storing up fat reserves for the future when it receives a sufficient amount of food daily. Therefore, the very first and most important principle of building a diet to remove the sides and abdomen is that you need to start eat in small portions but often.

Additionally it will be useful to train yourself always eat at the same time. Thanks to this, the body will be able to adapt to your mode, and you will not feel hunger between meals. If you use this practice for a long time, then you will be able to determine by the growing feeling of hunger that it is time to eat.

Very important when eating eat slowly and no distractions. Often, the reason for overeating is precisely the rapid absorption of food.

It takes some time for the body to saturate, and therefore you can catch up with the body with unwanted food before you receive a signal that you have eaten.

Besides, food should be chewed thoroughly and be completely saliva-drenched. In this case, it will be much easier for the stomach to digest food, and non-digested deposits that can cause abdominal pain will not form.

In order to begin to effectively get rid of excess fat, you must lead daily calories. Before this, it should be said that the diet must be balanced - it is impossible to completely remove fats or carbohydrates from the diet. Thus, the body will not receive all the necessary nutrients, which will worsen its work.

The diet to remove the sides should be made up of the principle that you will lose more calories per day than you consume. Only in this case can you notice the results. Even if you do not do any physical activity, the body still consumes a certain amount of calories for the proper functioning of all internal organs. In other words, even lying on the couch and doing nothing, you will still burn some calories. Any other activity will further increase this figure - even the simplest cleaning around the apartment is a way to burn calories.

For effective weight loss you have to spend 200-400 calories per day more than you get. To do this, you first need to calculate your daily indicator of calorie loss during inactivity, and based on this figure, build a diet.

The indicator can be calculated by the formula:

665.09 + (9.56 X weight (in kg)) + (1.84 X height (cm)) - (4.67 X age (in years))

When building a diet to remove the sides you need completely refuse from eating fast food, sweet food, as well as from flour and fried foods. The simplest example is that in some types of hamburger there are 2, and sometimes even 3 daily caloric norms.

Any sweet food, which includes sugar, contributes to increased production of glycogen. Glycogen is the most important and main source of energy of our body. At the same time, only a certain level of glycogen can be maintained in the body, and its reserves will be stored in the body in the form of fat.

Any snacks, such as chips, you can safely delete from the diet. Despite all the assurances of manufacturers and advertising they contain absolutely no nutrients. Speaking quite simply - it is food garbage, which contains a large number of calories and harmful substances for the body. Eating these snacks will clog the work of your intestines, which is also one of the reasons for the appearance of fat in the sides and abdomen. Anyone after eating chips felt discomfort in the stomach - this way the body tries to hint to you that you shouldn’t eat it anymore.

The same can be said about any soda. They contain large amounts of sugar, which is already a good reason to remove them from the diet. In addition, they consist of various elements that will bring your body nothing but harm.

It is necessary to eliminate from the diet, or at least reduce the amount of flour intake. Carbohydrates are of two types - fast and slow, these characteristics indicate the speed of their absorption by the body. If fast carbohydrates are almost immediately absorbed by the body and increase the level of glycogen, which, as we said earlier, contributes to an increase in fat reserves, then the slow ones work for a long time.

They supply the body with energy gradually, over a long time. Therefore, they are considered more useful, especially in the case of a diet, to remove the sides.

Diet to remove the sides and stomach should include a large amount of vegetables and fruits. Firstly, it is necessary in order to speed up the body's metabolism. The better and faster metabolic processes occur in the body, the faster you will burn excess fat. The second is a positive effect on the general condition organism.

In addition, fruits and vegetables contain large amounts of fiber. This element is necessary for proper functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Vitamins contained in vegetables and fruits, improve the speed of transportation of fatty acids, and as a result, contributes to a more rapid weight loss.

It is worth paying special attention to water. On the day you need to drink at least 2-3 liters of water - it is pure water, and not various teas, coffee, milk and other beverages. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines, removes toxins and toxins from the body. In addition, it accelerates the metabolic processes occurring in the body, which further stimulates the burning of fat.

Sample diet menu to remove the sides: for the day, week

As mentioned earlier, there should be about 5-6 meals per day. Based on these data, we will present you an approximate diet for one day, and for a week. Then you will not be difficult to make your own diet.

Daily menu:

• Breakfast - a portion of low-fat cottage cheese and a glass of green tea without sugar;

• Lunch - a small handful of dried fruit or nuts;

• Lunch - boiled rice (preferably brown) with a piece of lean beef;

• Lunch - natural yogurt;

• Dinner - vegetable salad and tomato, seasoned with linseed oil;

• Second dinner - before bedtime it is best to drink a glass of kefir and eat protein foods - a couple of egg whites or cottage cheese.

Menu for the week:









Oatmeal with two spoons of honey + apple + tea or coffee.

Buckwheat porridge + chicken breast + tea without sugar.

Hercules porridge with sweet berries + skimmed milk.

Buckwheat porridge + apple + one boiled egg.

An omelet from three proteins and one yolk + green tea.

A piece of boiled beef + green peas.

Barley porridge on water + carrot stewed with apple.


A glass of kefir + fruit (optional)

A glass of natural yogurt.

Salad of prunes and beets.

Baked potatoes + salad from sauerkraut.


Mashed eggplant and zucchini.

An Apple.


Chicken broth + cutlet of boiled fish or meat with a side dish.

Meat with stewed cabbage + compote.

Boiled rice + chicken breast + cucumber and tomato salad.

Boiled chicken fillet + side dish.

Braised cabbage + boiled fish + glass of compote or rosehip.

Chicken fillet + stewed zucchini + a pair of bran bread.

A piece of beef + buckwheat + vegetable salad.

Afternoon tea

Some nuts + compote.

A glass of skim milk + a couple of pieces of cheese.

Cottage cheese.

Green apple.

Light vegetable salad.

A handful of nuts or dried fruit.

Two tomatoes.


Boiled fish with a side dish.

Boiled potatoes + a small piece of boiled chicken.

Braised cabbage with zucchini.

Cottage cheese.

Fish fillet + a pair of boiled eggs.

Braised cabbage with zucchini.

Boiled potatoes in uniform.

Second dinner

Natural yoghurt.

A glass of low-fat kefir.

A glass of low-fat kefir.

Green apple.

A couple of cucumbers or tomatoes.

Carrot and celery salad.

Cottage cheese.

What to look for when making a diet

You should choose the sizes of servings independently, taking into account caloric content of products and the daily indicator of burning of calories.

When building a diet to remove the sides and get rid of excess fat, you must remember that you can not miss a single meal, especially if the body is already tuned to your schedule. In this case, you will feel hunger, which can lead to accidental snacking of unhealthy food or overeating.

In between meals, drink as much water as possible. But you do not need to fill it with force — this is how you break the body’s water-salt balance. Also, you should not drink water 10-15 minutes before meals and immediately after it - with this you will dilute the gastric juice, and accordingly the food will be digested worse.

The combination of a diet to remove the side, and sports load

Diet to remove the sides and get rid of fat, works best in combination with sports loads. In this case, you do not need to register in gyms - it will be enough to perform a set of some basic exercises, and your sides will melt before your eyes!

First you need to say running is the best way to lose weight, for which, moreover, no additional simulators and projectiles are needed.

Spending only 40 minutes a day on the run, you not only can lose weight, but also strengthen the immune system, improve the cardiovascular system, speed up the metabolism and improve the overall condition of your body.

While running, the body intensively drives blood through the body, and fat burning is accelerated in order to extract energy from it. In 30-40 minutes of intense running, you can lose an additional up to 500 calories! This will serve as a great help for your diet to remove the sides.

To get rid of fat on the sides, you will also be helped by some other exercises that can be performed right at home:

1. Tilt to the side with the burdening and without. If you have any dumbbells at home, then this one is great. If not, you can do without them.

Stand up straight, hands along the belt holding dumbbells, or propped on the belt. Begin to make the slopes - first to the left. When tilted, the arm rises above the head. Then repeat the exercise in the other direction. Perform 20-30 repetitions in each direction.

2. Comprehensive exercise on the press and sides. Sit on the floor, legs bent at the knees. Tilt the housing back and straighten your arms. Then, try with your left hand, touch the heel of your left foot, making the movement of the body. Perform 20-30 repetitions in each direction.

3. A great way to get rid of fat in the abdomen and sides is rotation of the hoop. It allows you to burn calories, and the hoop itself will massage the area, toning your muscles and contributing to the breakdown of fat. As with any massage, conducted systematically, the hoop can remove the extra centimeters from the sides.

So, in this article, we sorted out a diet to remove the sides and get rid of excess fat. As you see, it is not so difficult to achieve your goal, it is only important to set a task for yourself and follow it.

All you need is to change your lifestyle a little and start to eat right.

If you additionally perform physical exercises, you can achieve success much faster. Quit bad habits and improve your health for the sake of a good figure - no drawbacks, but only solid advantages!


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