15 interesting facts about sweets


Today it is difficult to imagine any holiday without a cake, sweets and other sweets, they are also present in the daily menu of almost any family, especially one with small children. A large selection of sweets is presented in the windows of shops and pastry shops, however, until recently everyone could only dream of such a variety, and the attitude towards them was a little different.

Did you know that:

1. The first sweets were made for medicinal purposes, the term "candy" was used by pharmacists and meant fruit rubbed into jam.

2. Presumably the first sweets were made by the Egyptians, dates and honey were the main ingredients.

3. In Kievan Rus, maple syrup, honey and molasses were used to make sweets.

4. The most romantic filling of sweets is recognized as strawberry. It was also found that people with a decisive character give preference to sweets with cherry filling, walnuts are preferred by people who are prone to shyness, and coconuts are most often consumed by those who have creative potential.

5. Until the 20th century, there were no factories in the Russian Empire where sweets were made. Therefore, they were made to order, and their recipe was kept in the strictest confidence. At celebrations it was often possible to see a lady, secretly stacking sweets in their reticule.

6. In 1663, in Germany, pralines were invented to meet the French. These sweets were an unprecedented success, and now they remain on top of the top of popularity in this country.

7. The weight of the largest box of chocolates reaches eight hundred kilograms; it was made for the popular culinary show.

8. The teddy bear is recognized as the largest candy, it weighs more than 630 kg. To make it, a mold was needed, weighing four tons, the fruit mass was poured into it, which took two weeks to dry.

9. In Finland, sweets with an unconventional taste are popular: sour and salty, and for gourmets they offer sweets with the taste of oil. Bavaria is famous for sweets with beer filling, and the French relish sweets filled with cheese. You can find an analogue of sweets from the Harry Potter movie - sweets have both standard tastes and very exotic ones: vomit, skunk secret and a rotten egg.

10. The emblem of Chupa-Chups was painted by the famous artist Salvador Dali. And this lollipop became famous after being in space. In 1995, candy was delivered to the space station. As the astronauts ate these sweets, was recorded on video and shown on TV, such an advertisement brought Chupa-Chups truly unearthly fame.

11. Some of the most expensive sweets are sold in Switzerland; they are in edible wrappers interspersed with natural gold. The cost of a box of chocolates reaches hundreds of dollars.

12. Belgian sweets are not made in factories, they are produced in private confectioneries, most often manual labor is used in the manufacture. Therefore, finding sweets with a value of no more than 20 euros is very difficult in this country.

13. During the Christmas holidays, the French eat more than 36 tons of sweets, which is four times the weight of the Eiffel Tower.

14. In some Asian countries, sweets such as chocolate insects are popular.

15. Swedish scientists have proven that eating chocolate with people with heart disease at least eight times a month helps to reduce the risk of death from a heart attack by 70%.

It is proved that the use of sweets improves health and can energize. Those who are prone to depression should turn their attention to sweets, as they help increase the level of the hormone of happiness in the blood.


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