The meaning of the name Andrei, what fate awaits a man with that name? The origin and history of the name of Andrew


In the name of a person is stored a certain digital code that affects his fate. It is important to know the interpretation of your name in order to control your fate.

The origin and history of the name of Andrew

Andrey is the name that gives a man courage, humanity, courage. This is exactly what our ancestors believed and called this name the boys on whom the whole family had hopes. The meaning of the name Andrew is from the Greek "man." This is that support, that person who will be an important, decisive link in many issues.

The ancient Greek name Andreas is the source of the modern name Andrei. These men are extraordinary and unpredictable, it would seem, behind an outstanding appearance, nothing special can be hidden, but in reality, there is a real defender, a person who can help you realize yourself.

What does the name Andrei mean?

Andrew can be very different. He can be kind and affectionate, can be persistent and categorical. Another designation of the name Andrey is “courageous”, “personifying victory”. This is the person who easily overcomes obstacles, because they are not afraid. Of the many difficult situations, he will choose one, but simple, or make it so.

Andrei's Day of his Angel is celebrated as much as three times a year. Namely, July 13, December 13, September 1. In the Christmas time it is indicated that these days are especially good for those girls who want to successfully marry, namely for a courageous and strong man.

The nature and fate of Andrei

It is worth noting that in astrology, the patron saint of this name is the zodiac sign - cancer. He grants a kind of duality to Andrey’s nature. On the one hand, Andrei really wants to move forward, on the other hand, he really wants to understand the matter and can do it for a very long time. And very hard.

The planet that controls Andrew is Uranus. She makes him more active and aggressive at the same time. He may seem too sharp in communication, standing his own way, a person who can replay any situation in his own way. But it is important to take into account the fact that Andrei is very principled. Uranus gives them the power to change the fate of people, they do it based on the correctness of the situation.

The color that will bring Andrey good luck is purple and all the colors in this gamut. The tree that gives him strength and health is fir. She can give health to Andrei with poor health, colds, asthma attacks.

The meaning of the name Andrei is emphasized by his protector of the animal kingdom - the reed cat. This is an animal that is characterized by smooth movements, quick decision-making, a rather mobile body and mind.

The stone that will give Andrey protection from external influence is amethyst. He will also protect him from external influence, from interference from people who have malicious intent.

The origin and history of the name Andrei determine the main features of his character. He has pronounced both positive character traits and negative ones. Sometimes it seems that the “golden mean” will be very difficult to achieve, but it is possible.

Andrei’s character and fate often give him loving and deep people who can unite for a common goal. Andrei loves to think very much, it would seem that what such a handsome man can think about, as if not about his own development and movement towards the goal. Such a man is gifted with many positive qualities, it's time to remember them:

• Insight;

• Self-criticism;

• Self-expression.

Its negative character traits include:

• short temper;

• Intolerance;

• Cruelty.

But negative traits of character are very quickly compensated by its positive traits. If you have already come into conflict with Andrey, be prepared for a long defense of your rights. The man just will not calm down, he will demand attention and explanation of your position. But do not enter into an argument when he is angry - it will end with a long resentment.

The meaning of the name Andrei determines that this man goes through life, playing with other people's fates. If a person is not dear to him - he can be quite cruel and tyrannical. Do not allow a single drop of pity and understanding regarding this person. On the one hand, this can be justified by his inner desire to protect his territory, on the other hand, to teach others for his own actions.

In communication, Andrey is exactly how you want to see him, how you want to feel him, but if you doubt his sincerity, his secondary essence immediately appears. It immediately becomes stale and cold. Andrei does not like to panic in a panic; he likes to sit in silence and think more, or do something with his own than to solve your questions.

Personal life and meaning of the name Andrey

Andrei in his personal life is not as simple as it might seem. At first, you can even believe that Andrei is such a simple young man who really liked you and wants to maintain close relations with you, but when you get to know him better, you will realize that he is endowed with a deep mind and a subtle sense of tact.

The meaning of the name Andrei determines his inconstancy in his personal life. He can be inflamed with passion and, literally, in a few days burn out, cool down. He has a very passionate heart and it seems to him that he fell in love for the first and last time. But this is not so, most likely, he will receive benefits, pleasure, moral peace and at one fine moment will stop communicating with you.

His inconstancy in love since childhood leads to a rather spoiled reputation. It becomes a magnet for women who are not looking for a family but want to have a good time. Andrei is lucky in financial matters, therefore, for many women - he is an enviable groom. Some are not ashamed of meeting Andrei just for their own benefit. As long as this suits the man, he will indulge in such meetings.

But many people think that Andrei is single, that he does not want to burden himself with marital ties, therefore, he has been looking for someone for so long, perhaps even up to forty years. It’s just that Andrei wants to find for himself a worthy life partner, which would be different:

• Charisma;

• Manners;

• Subtle mind;

• Strength of mind;

• Honesty.

With age, Andrey begins to appreciate precisely sincerity in people and understands how important it is to have not only a friend next to him, but also a beloved woman who could share everything with him and joyful and sad moments. Andrey periodically thinks about children, but Andrey’s early children and marriages lead to a quick separation.

He loves to learn and develop and at a young age does not want to limit himself in anything. Having married, Andrei draws all his wife's attention to himself. He definitely needs a woman to appreciate him, to devote a lot of time to him, and not to deny him anything.

It requires constant confirmation that the wife really loves him very much. Andrew can be jealous of his wife, even to children. And this will prevent the couple from building a calm, balanced family life, because a man can constantly find reasons to be upset, to be offended, and his wife will not understand what she did to Andrei.

He, in turn, will believe that a woman is hiding something from him. Not in all, but in many families, Andrei wants to have his wife’s attention around the clock. Because of this - he often argues with his soulmate and the man’s early marriages end in divorce.

Andrei’s complex character does not like his mother-in-law, therefore, they don’t find a common language, but are constantly trying to find out something, while a man can even speak out harshly to his mother-in-law. What does she react to with such statements.

It so happens that Andrei is immersed in business and practically does not find time to take care of his family, then his wife complains that she lacks attention from the man. She complains that the man is pretty tired of her and practically does not make her want to continue the relationship.

To which Andrei replies that money and career are more important for him than family. The saddest thing is if Andrei is really immersed in the financial issue. Then he becomes closed and detached.


Andrei always has enough money to satisfy his needs, but he is in no hurry to share his money with others. He does not manage to accumulate money, and he does not like to borrow and borrow. For him, this is unacceptable.

Often Andrei asks to help him financially, in order to make sure that he is dear to a person. But such checks can lead to disagreement and scandal. At an older age, Andrei is generous and already believes that he should support his family and may well take care of someone.

Some Andrei are constantly hiding money from his wife, believing that she will not be able to dispose of it as it should. In business, Andrei is pretty cruel. He will not tolerate comments and will never begin to make them.

Colleagues support his veracity and are indignant because of assertiveness. Sometimes Andrey acts impulsively and offends those people with whom he works. This leads to widespread frustration and disruption. Andrei really wants to be the best specialist, he wants to be listened to.

But, he does not always admit his wrong. Sometimes he ignores this fact and tries to evade responsibility for neglecting his duties. In the work, Andrey can take too much on himself, which leads to exhaustion of the body and nervousness. As in childhood, Andrey needs to be praised, he needs to be encouraged - then he will be happy. And the people around him will also be calm and happy. They will have plenty of opportunities to prove their love to Andrei.


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