Diet Kovalkova - a detailed description and useful tips. Reviews on the Kovalkov diet and examples of recipes.


Diet Kovalkova - description and general principles

The author’s method of weight loss, the Kovalkov diet, was developed by the outstanding Russian dietitian Alexei Kovalkov, who included in it not only a program for reducing excess body weight, but also a program for the complete restoration of metabolism and a gradual transition to the phase of a healthy diet.

The Kovalkov diet has a number of undeniable advantages over others. Firstly, it is focused on normalizing the work of general metabolism; secondly, during the period of its observance, the body does not so acutely fall into a state of stress; and, thirdly, the dietary regimen developed by a nutritionist, unlike other diets, allows you to eat food in any, but moderate amounts, so that a person who is losing weight does not suffer from a constant feeling of hunger. In view of this, the Kovalkov diet has firmly entered the top ten best and most effective methods in the world. So what is its principle? And why for so many years has she firmly held her position?

Kovalkov’s methodology is based on the use of products with a low glycemic index, below fifty. According to the doctor, it is precisely the “bad” carbohydrates that have a high index that contribute to the development of obesity, therefore he strongly recommends that they be completely excluded from the diet, especially in the early stages of the diet. "Good" carbohydrates in any quantities are not stored in reserve, but, on the contrary, contribute to a smooth reduction in excess weight (if any).

Diet Kovalkova - what foods can I eat

The diet developed by Alexei Kovalkov includes four phases: preparatory and three main (first, second and third). Products such as cereals that have not undergone deep processing, vegetables (except for beets, potatoes and carrots), herbs, fruits (except bananas), legumes, in general, all those ingredients whose glycemic index is minimal, are introduced into the diet of the preparatory stage. In addition, it is necessary to maintain proper drinking regimen by drinking at least ten glasses of still water per day.

The first stage is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, so it is recommended to start each awakening with a glass of warm water. Low-fat milk, yogurt, nuts, chicken eggs, dairy products are gradually added to the diet. In the second phase, the following are allowed: low-fat varieties of meat and fish, low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, seafood, mushrooms.

And at the last, third stage, the achieved results are consolidated. The body gets used to this regimen, due to which the metabolism is fully restored, and the weight is normalized. Remember, the third phase is designed for the rest of your life. But you should not be afraid of it. Sometimes sweet tooth can still treat themselves to chocolate or a delicious croissant. In addition, there are situations when we simply must support the company, for example, at the festive table and try a lot of different dishes. In such cases, Kovalkov after a stormy feast recommends returning to the first phase for a couple of days to allow the body to unload a little.

Diet Kovalkova - what foods can not be consumed

Preparatory, first and second stages of the diet imply a complete rejection of foods whose glycemic index is more than fifty. Paradoxically, such vegetables as beets, potatoes and carrots replenish the list of "bad" carbohydrates, since they contain easily digestible sugars, so you should refuse them during the diet. In addition, forget about premium white bread (replace it with whole-wheat bread), sugar and any sweets, semolina and rice groats, corn, carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

At the preparatory and first stages, meat, fish, any fried, canned, highly salted, spicy and smoked products are also prohibited. At the end of the second phase, the diet can be supplemented with boiled potatoes (not fried) with the addition of olive oil and fiber-rich vegetables (fiber softens the effect of “bad” carbohydrates and prevents fat deposits) and red wine in small quantities.

Diet Kovalkova - examples of the menu

The duration of the preparatory phase, as a rule, varies from 14 to 25 days. Perhaps this is the most difficult period that must be experienced. Very often, at first, psychological discomfort is observed. The body "protests" against change, but over time it humbles itself, and the discomfort disappears. The preparatory phase should include five meals a day and is limited to the use of only the above ingredients. Form a diet of your own free will and taste, the main thing is that it contains soups, cereals and legumes - sources of protein. For example, you can use the menu in the following style:

- breakfast: stewed vegetables (except starchy, carrots and beets) with the addition of greens and beans 200-300 gr., green tea with lemon
- second breakfast: freshly squeezed vegetable juice 300 ml
- lunch: buckwheat porridge without milk with the addition of onions (not fried), herbs and olive oil 200 gr., mashed soup with beans 200 gr.
- afternoon snack: two to three green apples
- dinner: cucumber salad with bell peppers and tomatoes, seasoned plants. oil, 300-400 gr.

Example of the first phase menu:

- breakfast: a glass of natural yogurt with the addition of any nuts or bran, green tea
- lunch: 2 green apples
- lunch: vegetable salad (cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, etc.) with vegetable oil
- afternoon snack: a glass of natural vegetable and fruit juice, apple
- dinner: two boiled eggs, weak tea without sugar

The first phase should last from 1 to 2 months, depending on the initial weight.

Example of the second phase menu:

- breakfast: fermented baked milk or yogurt with bran or nuts, a slice of wholemeal bread
- second breakfast: a glass of vegetable juice
- lunch: stewed vegetables with chicken or fish, 200 gr. low-fat cottage cheese
- afternoon snack: 300 gr. fruit
- dinner: salad with vegetables or fruits and vegetable oil, two boiled eggs (protein)

The second stage lasts about a month. Weight loss in this stage does not occur so intensively, so it can be adhered to for a sufficiently long time, but not more than 3 months. If the weight has not yet returned to normal over 3 phases, do not worry - the third stage will correct everything, slowly, but efficiently.

The goal of the third stage is to consolidate the result and correct the remaining figure flaws. After the body feels that it is time to stop the decrease in body weight, he will do it himself, but it is necessary to adhere to the third phase for a very long time. The daily menu should be formed based on the following rules:

- exclude premium flour, sugar and refined rice; occasionally you can afford chocolate and a small amount of baking;

- do not eat "bad" carbohydrates after six in the evening;

- do not mix “bad” carbohydrates with any fats (for example, white bread with butter), you can combine “good” carbohydrates with fats.

Diet Kovalkova - useful tips and reviews

The Kovalkov diet is recognized as one of the most highly effective. She has no contraindications, with the exception of childhood. Based on the reviews of most women, the following conclusions can be drawn:

- The diet acts quickly only in the first stages. Weight loss in the first month averages from 5 to 9 kg (depending on the initial body weight and metabolic characteristics), in the second month - from 2 to 5 kg, after three months - an average of 1-2 kg;

- the diet helps to "re-educate" the metabolism - it smoothly and purposefully begins to work against body fat;

- the first weeks of the diet are not easy for everyone, so you have to put up with sudden mood swings and fatigue. But in just a couple of weeks, according to the women, everything is changing;

Kovalkov’s diet is very easy to adhere to, and, most importantly, I don’t want to break down and attack my own refrigerator. It helps to get rid of the bad habit of "seizing" problems and snacking on the go. By the way, about snacks - they are strictly prohibited during the diet, especially at first, when the metabolism begins to rebuild.


Miss Elephant 12/16/2016
There is no Kovalkov diet! There is a Montignac food system and the identity proposed by his follower Kovalkov! (with minimal changes).

Catherine 12/12/2016
The diet of Kovalkov and Montignac is based on general principles. True, this diet is more like a Montignac. By the way, the diet is good and effective.

Oksana 08/25/2016
What kind of diet is Kovalkov? These principles have long been described by the French nutritionist Michel Montignac

Ekaterina 08/01/2016
My husband’s sister “sat” on this diet. From December 2013 to August 2014 minus 35 kg !!!!

Vasya 05/18/2016
Actually, this is the Bunting diet (19th century) in the modification of Montignac and Atkins.
With all due respect, stealing and plagiarizing is indecent ...


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