Point G. Does it really exist?


The notorious point G. A small area of ​​the front of the vagina, which, allegedly, is one of the most erogenous zones in women. Do you know how many times a month in search engines users drive a request for this site? Do not believe it: more than 30 thousand. And there is confidence that among these users are not only men. Everyone is looking for this point, doubting its existence. But still looking. Let us and we try to determine whether it really is in the place that the encyclopedias describe.

How many articles and megabytes in the network have been spent on instructions for finding this sacred place. There are even technical ones: "... Having reached the vagina, at a depth of 5-6 cm. Feel a small round seal, try to make a finger beckoning movement ...". However, not all of us love such manipulations, which, sometimes, in addition to some strange sensations, are also unpleasant. A well-known experiment by London doctors who interviewed more than 1800 twins on the subject, do they have a point G? And what do you think? 40% of them replied that they didn’t, and there was no difference between the sisters' answers, and in fact they had the same idea. In general, we are all infinitely individual so that the very sensual place of our body is based in the same place. How to explain this to men? Hard enough. The usual answer is: "Well, you better know where it should be, share it."

Do we know where she is? And really, is she in the vagina? Because often unexpectedly the most erogenous zone may be the neck, ear, knee, etc. But we strayed ... Let us look for it all the same where it is officially located. Sexologist Yvonne Fullbright, author of "Touch Me There!" ("Touch Me There!") Advises: "Insert straight forefinger and middle finger into the vagina and perform movements similar to playing the piano. You need to loop around until the corresponding state." If we set out to find the G point, then in the solitude period, with a glass of pleasant wine, you can take a few pleasant minutes, and also understand whether we like crazy pianists or whether we like light strokes on the keys.

Another “tip” is the well-known pose 69. Is it comfortable for many? You try to fix it so that your beloved is pleased, while trying to give him oral pleasure, unfortunately, often thinking: "how uncomfortable, and he probably too." Such thoughts, unambiguously, prevent obtaining full pleasure from the fascinating process. And this is the opinion of a significant number of women. And even if for all the inconvenience of this pose (on the screens, it really looks more than tempting, but in fact - some kind of dog fuss) an orgasm occurs, it is unlikely to be simultaneous, and what men think about it, they only have to guess.

What to do, you ask? You can experiment. For example, lie on your side facing the bottom of your partner, put your head on the inside of the thigh of his bent knee and ask him to do the same. In a similar position, when the head does not dangle on its own, but lies stable enough, less effort will be required and more time can be devoted to giving pleasure to each other. But in fact, it is best to forget about simultaneous oral sex, it is only good in Tinto Brass films, and do alternate caresses. For example, standing against a wall with his foot on the shoulder or the bent arm of his husband or young man, providing him with better access to that cherished point.

Text: Irina Sheikhetova


Watch the video: Stimulating Facts About The G-Spot (June 2024).