What are the benefits and possible harm of juniper? We consider the ways of using juniper, its benefits and harm to humans


People have long used the beneficial properties of juniper. Our ancestors treated many diseases for them, but modern man knows little about this amazing plant..

So what is this plant and what benefits can it bring to a person?

A little about juniper

Juniper is a coniferous plant distributed around the world. This shrub is popular for its berries and wood.

This plant can be recognized by branches with short needles, cones and blue berries. Juniper for many centuries has been actively used in medicine, cooking, cosmetology.

Juniper Species

There are different types of this plant and each one is involved in the production of beneficial agents based on juniper. The most popular types are:

1. Juniper "ordinary": used in the production of spices and beer. Also, he is used in medicine.

2. Mexican Juniper: used in the production of wood and essential oils.

3. Juniper "prickly": used as an ornamental plant, and is also widely used in cosmetology.

Useful properties of juniper

Juniper is one of the few plants that has a huge range of beneficial properties. This plant is famous for the following beneficial properties:

1. Diuretic action

2. Biliary action

3. Expectorant action

4. Stimulation of secretion of gastric juice

5. Stimulation of intestinal motility

6. Disinfecting action

7. Stimulation of secretion of bronchial glands

8. Anesthetic effect on external injuries

The first and main property of juniper is its antiseptic effect. This plant is used as a diuretic, as well as for the removal of bile from the gallbladder.

Juniper berries perfectly cope with gallstone disease, cystitis, and various types of edema. The positive effect of juniper on digestion and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is also notorious.

Moreover, juniper is famous for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It helps with acute respiratory and viral diseases, and is also a good sedative.

Adherents of traditional medicine claim that if you rub a decoction into the scalp, you can get rid of hair loss.

Also, with the help of this plant, they get rid of warts and change the composition of the blood.

Juniper uses

It is clear that juniper is very useful. But how to use all the beneficial properties of this plant? The most common uses are:

• Infusion of fruits

• Decoctions, juices

• Bath

• Decoction of branches

• Chopped fruits

• Juniper oil

Juniper infusion is perfect for correcting digestion. Infusion from the fruits of this plant has a powerful diuretic effect, and thanks to its antiseptic effect, juniper removes bile from the body and has an expectorant effect.

Decoctions or juices based on berries or juniper cones are used as diuretics. In the juice from the fruits of the plant, you need to add honey in the proportions 1: 1 and take a tablespoon in the morning, afternoon and evening.

The juniper bath has a sedative effect on the nervous system, relieves stress and tension, and corrects the emotional background. Also, a juniper-based bath helps with rheumatism. In order to prepare a soothing bath, it is necessary to boil a few juniper fruits for half an hour. Pour the result into the bath. The duration of the procedure should be no more than 20 minutes.

Decoctions of juniper branches have long been used to combat hair loss. To prepare such a tool, mix juniper branches with birch leaves. The ingredients should be boiled in 3 liters of water for about 5 minutes. After the broth is infused for an hour, you can wash their hair with it. After the procedure, it is necessary to rinse your hair in warm clean water.

To get rid of warts, it is necessary to grind the fruits of juniper into dust and mix in equal proportions with olive oil. After, you should place the mixture in a closed container and hold in a water bath for an hour. Further, the result must be filtered through cheesecloth and applied to the warts before bedtime, be sure to seal them with a band-aid.

Juniper oil has a wide range of beneficial properties. It is used for inhalation, massage, compresses, baths. It is also taken orally and added to cosmetics. Juniper oil has a calming effect, relieves inflammation and disinfects.

What harm can juniper do to human health

It should be noted that juniper is by no means a universal remedy. Uncontrolled use and use of the fruits of this plant can be harmful to human health.

The first thing to mention is that juniper berries are not edible, and the fruits are toxic. The "Cossack" juniper is also poisonous and its use can lead to severe intoxication of the body and even death.

Contraindications: in which cases juniper can be harmful

Any useful tool is suitable for absolutely not everyone. In order not to overshadow your impressions of using juniper, you need to consider contraindications.

So, juniper is strictly prohibited for use by women during pregnancy and lactation.

Do not exclude the presence of individual intolerance to this plant.

You should not use funds based on juniper in the acute stages of the following diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

• gastritis

• duodenitis

• stomach ulcer

• Duodenal ulcer

• colitis

Also, it is necessary to exclude the use of juniper in case of impaired kidney, urogenital system and hypertension.

It is important to consider that children under the age of 18 are strictly forbidden to use juniper for the prevention or treatment of diseases.

Juniper overdose: how not to harm yourself?

Acceptance of funds based on juniper should be strictly controlled. Improper use, excessive amounts, prolonged use - all this can cause an overdose. The symptoms of an overdose of juniper are as follows:

• Allergic reaction

• Changes in behavior

• diarrhea

• constipation

• Cardiopalmus

• Visual and auditory hallucinations

• Swelling of the legs, arms and joints

• muscle cramps and cramps

• Rupture of elastic tissue of the kidneys

• Lack of urination

• Itching

In order not to harm your body, you should follow the recipes of decoctions, do not consume plant fruits in an increased amount and do not take juniper-based products for more than 2 months.

Juniper is a plant that has a mass of beneficial properties. Means based on it can be taken both for the prevention of a huge number of diseases, and as an additional treatment. But we should not forget that this plant can be toxic and poisonous, therefore, the use of juniper must be taken under special control, as well as all contraindications for its use.


Watch the video: Health Benefits of juniper. Abhal key faiday in hindi. My Health care. what are commone juniper (June 2024).