The meaning of the name Amir, the nature and fate of its owner. What does the name Amir mean, what is its origin and history?


Your name is not just a set of characters. But it contains a deep meaning. It is important to know the interpretation of your name. What does the name Amir mean? What is the origin and history of the name Amir?

The meaning of the name Amir

Amir is a lord, ruler. The name has ancient roots and is revered among the Chechen people. The zodiac sign that protects the name is Virgo, Gemini. Both of these signs indicate the instability of the energy owner of the name. Amir is prone to duplicity, he tries to defend his personal interests first of all.

The planet that commands the main events in the life of Amir is Mercury. This planet knows the processes of destruction, chaos, war. She betrays the temperament of Amir with quick temper and ruthlessness.

Amir is better off choosing mixed colors for her wardrobe. He will be impressed by both bright and pastel colors. The tree that will become a talisman for Amir is a nut. The plant that will bring him good luck is basil. The patrons of Amir in the animal kingdom are the monkey and the fox. The stones that will become the talismans for him are agate and emerald.

Origin and history of the name Amir

The name is of Muslim origin, but is considered Chechen. Historians have several versions of its origin, but are inclined to what the name Amir is precisely the ruler. The man who leads the people and the troops.

The saint of the same name is absent in the Catholic and Orthodox traditions. Therefore, he does not celebrate a birthday. But for the Muslim people, this is not a problem. In Europe, the name did not become common. Used only in rare cases.

The nature and fate of Amir

It is worth highlighting the positive character traits of Amir:

• Creativity;

• Activity;

• Optimism;

• Practicality;

• Intelligence;

• Independence.

The meaning of the name Amir determines all its positive character traits, since they must be inherent in the present ruler. But even as a true ruler, he is inclined to isolation and secrecy.

It is also worth highlighting his other negative qualities of character:

• short temper;

• pessimism;

• Conflict.

Due to the negative pronounced character traits, it is very difficult for Amir to make friends. It is very rare when he makes concessions. Tries to always be ahead of others. But the methods for achieving the goal chooses negative ones. He can quarrel even with the closest people, if the case requires it.

For Amir, the number seven is considered lucky. She patronizes the man in all his endeavors. Amir may seem too self-confident. Outsiders will consider him a cynic. But only close friends know how talented he is.

He can have a lot of hobbies and hobbies from an early age. Amir does not seek to prove to others that he is better than them, it just is. He will become a wonderful leader, a leader, if he can restrain his negative emotions.

He has been restless since childhood. Because of this, his studies suffer. Parents begin to sound the alarm and scold their son for the fact that he cannot sit focused for a second. Amir simply shrugs over all the exhortations of the elders. His pranks are sometimes very expensive for parents. He is very cocky at school. Constantly gets into fights. Creates problems out of the blue.

The teachers consider him not a promising student, but if Amir decides to devote his life to his beloved work, and most likely, it will bring him considerable money - he will achieve everything himself.

Amir has a strong relationship with his mother. He is very dependent on her opinion. If Amir really wants something, he can ask her for a long time. Mother adores her naughty and complex son. Father is often very strict with Amir. It can even lead to the fact that the boy will run away from home at an early age. Amir will soon return home, as his mother will miss him very much.

Amir sees no reason to understand the intricacies of the souls of loved ones, it is easier for him to fill them with ultimatums, take offense and stop communicating, than to understand the causes of the conflict. It is this character trait that does not allow Amir to build relationships with colleagues and subordinates. He does not know how to lead wisely and calmly, as he is not able to unconditionally obey the instructions of his superiors.

Amir has many bad habits. He seeks to grow up early, so he tries on adult life too early. Begins to imitate elders. Copy their bad habits. If Amir loves sports, it will bring discipline and order to his life. Parents should try many sections, the main thing is for the boy to play sports with joy.

Amir can connect his fate with law enforcement, the army. This will give him the opportunity to influence the fate of other people, subordinate them to his will - Amir loves to do this. Such work will bring him pleasure.

Amir's love

Amir's character and fate determine his fate in personal relationships. Amir’s love for his mother determines the type of woman, whom he will choose as his wife. She will be very similar to his mother. It will be a real beauty, clever, strong woman. Despite the unbearable nature, Amir will want to feel protected at home.

Amir does not tolerate betrayal and himself will not betray his beloved. He will be ready to present her gifts, spend with her every minute of free time. To which beloved Amira will respond only with affection and attention to him.

Amir loves children very much. He wants his family to have many children. He himself is ready to provide his large family with everything necessary. The wife will always feel the support of a caring husband.

She will feel fit. This polarity in the character of Amir is explained by the innate qualities of his temperament. If he learns to curb his temper - it will be much easier for him to negotiate with others, with colleagues. He will spend much less energy and vitality in order to achieve a result. In any case, Amir is destined to become a great man.


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