Named Products - Enemies of Sex


Diet has a big impact on intimate life. A list of products, aphrodisiacs, that excite and increase potency, has been known for a long time, therefore they are often included in the menu of people experiencing intimate problems. But surely few have heard of the “anti-menu”. So doctors call contraindicated products before sex.

Are you going to meet with a partner? Give up hot dogs. Harmful fats, which this fast food is so rich in, quickly fill the vessels of the penis and vaginal arteries, which negatively affects the excitation and erection. Peppermint and menthol are not recommended for men because they lower the level of testosterone, the male hormone. The same effect on the male body and fries, as well as other dishes from the menu of fast food restaurants. Fast food is not recommended for another reason: it causes bloating.

The hormonal background undergoes changes under the influence of various bitter tonics, which also reduce the number of sperm. An even more negative effect is exerted by alcohol, which hits the erogenous zones, reducing their sensitivity and, accordingly, the chances of experiencing an orgasm.

Canned foods also form gases, and products containing phytoestrogens, such as tofu, change the hormonal background.

Well, fresh fruit is not recommended to lean on the eve of a date, if only because they often cause bloating and indigestion.


Watch the video: Is This a Sex Word Or A Town In Pennsylvania? (July 2024).