Why dream of a dog: interpretation of dreams


Each image seen by a person in a dream has its own specific meaning. And some dreams can carry a warning about the impending disaster, while others - prepare for serious events that will occur with the dreamer in the near future. The dog seen in a dream also has different interpretations.

Interpretation of dreams with a dog

According to most somnologists, the image of a dog in a dream is a reflection of a person’s emotions, desires and hopes. However, in some cases, this animal may appear in a dream, as a warning about things to come. In order to properly interpret dreams with a dog, you should rely on the following criteria:

  • The number of animals in the dream;
  • Dog size;
  • The color and breed of the dreamed dog;
  • The actions that the dreamed animal produces.

Depending on these nuances, a dream with a dog can be both positive and negative. Consider each of the above points separately.

By the number of dogs

One of the main criteria by which dreams should be interpreted about the four-legged friends of a person is number of dogs in a dream. Thus, if you dream:

  • Lonely animal - it can be a symbol of one particular emotion, event and person. If this is your personal dog or familiar mongrel, then the events concern you or your loved ones;
  • Two or three dogs - confusion, uncertainty about the successful outcome of the plan. You are literally torn between two fronts;
  • A few dogs, a pack is your environment. The value of sleep depends on the behavior of animals. If the pack is aggressive, you are surrounded by enemies, you should carefully look to the people.

Very rarely can a birthing dog dream. Such a dream means the emergence into the world of something fundamentally new from the already familiar or the appearance of a new friend and soul mate. If the dream is psychedelic in nature (the dog breeds by dividing or still in some unnatural way) and the sleep process itself is distinguished by an anxious and oppressive feeling, your subconscious tells you about an impending emotional breakdown.

By dog ​​size

Another important criterion is the size of the sleeping animal:

  • If a big dog dreams, this is often a good sign. In the near future you will meet an interesting person who will become your friend and close person. Especially good is a dream in which a big dog climbs to the dreamer. However, if the animal barks loudly and sadly, it is to bad news. At the same time a huge dog attacker means a mighty enemy, whom you cannot defeat alone. If in a dream you feed a big beautiful dog and it protects you, then in the near future you will climb the career ladder;
  • If the average dog dreams, then your dream is about the financial side of life. Depending on the behavior of the dog, your capital will either rise to unexpected heights, or you will face a financial collapse and complete bankruptcy. If you dream that you are taming a medium-sized, wildly intimidated animal, this means that in the near future you will have a successful and profitable change of activity;
  • If the dream is a small dog, That dream speaks of a relationship with a loved one. For example, according to Sigmund Freud’s dream book, a small dog wagging its tail signals insufficient flirting with a loved one. In addition, if you dream of a pack of small dogs, the interpretation of sleep depends on the behavior of animals. If they are annoyed, it means that in the near future a confrontation with relatives is waiting for you, which will have dire consequences for the whole family. If you feed small doggies from your hand and they play with you, family relationships will be harmonious and strong.

Giant dog, towering over buildings and trees, means events of tremendous importance. Negative or not they depend on the behavior of the animal. The most disturbing is a dream about the hellish Cerberus pursuing you. Such a dream means that in the near future a flood of such destructive problems will flood you, that you cannot cope with them yourself. However, according to the Psychological Dream Book, the image of the infernal Cerberus can also be a residual image, experienced by stress or severe psychological trauma as depicted by the subconscious mind.

By color and breed

The color of the dog's hair, seen in a dream, is also of great importance. For example, white color symbolizes the attitude of a loved one to you. So, if you dream white animal:

  • On the hunt - you may have promiscuous sex life;
  • Barking - betrayal by a friend or relative;
  • Playful - you overprotect children or other younger relatives;
  • Planted on a chain and which you iron - your enemy will become your friend;
  • A flock of white dogs - close family ties.

if you dream of a black dog, it can be an omen of illness, trouble and even death. In particular:

  • A pack of black dogs - to the appearance of evil envious and foes, ready to go at all, just to destroy you. The brighter the feeling of anxiety at the approach of these animals, the stronger your enemies in real life;
  • Desperately howling dog - to the death or serious illness of any of the relatives, close friends or good friends;
  • Exhausted, hungry or dying animal - to the loss of something important and valuable in life.

However, do not be afraid. If a black dog in a dream behaves friendly, the dream you see means that in the near future you will meet an unusual and many-sided person who will become your friend.

If you dream gray dog, then, according to Big Dream, your close friend will face imminent disaster. However, if a dog seems gray only because of the dust and dirt that has covered it, from which you successfully wash it, you are able to help your friend and help him out in a difficult situation. Further well-being of a dear person depends on you.

Form red dog in a dream speaks of future intimate relationships. If the animal's hair is smooth and shiny, and the animal itself is gentle and friendly, exciting adventures in intimate life await you. If the dog is sick or angry, alas, there will be no luck in your personal life.

Also of great importance when sleeping to sleep is the breed of the dog. If you dream:

  • Sheepdog - An interesting person will appear in your life who will become either your best friend or the strongest enemy;
  • Labrador or Golden retriever - your close friend. Depending on what happens to the dog, you can interpret a dream about this person;
  • Any hunting or beagle - according to one of the interpretations, you are overwhelmed with disturbing thoughts, or someone is following you or following you. However, according to Freud's dream book, there is another interpretation, according to which a hunting or hound dog in a dream symbolizes a sexual partner;
  • Chihuahua - symbolizes a small, cowardly person who has appeared in your life, or a minor nuisance;
  • Cur - you will experience feelings or emotions you have known for a long time, events with a person familiar to you will also occur.

Other breeds and external features of a dog dreamed in a dream do not matter when interpreted. However, if in a dream you buy a purebred dog, This is to an extraordinary profit.

By action

The actions of an animal in a dream is a key criterion for the correct interpretation of a dream. Depending on what happens to the dog itself and what it does, depends on the interpretation of sleep with his participation:

  • Aggressive dog chained - Your foe is trying to get closer to you, but his attempts are not crowned with success;
  • Animal comes to the house - Luckily;
  • Dog attacks the dreamer - you need to look at your friends, because among them lurking hidden enemy;
  • Mother dog furiously protects their offspring - to unexpected profits;
  • Dog looking for someone and sniffs out the trail - a warning of the danger threatening the dreamer;
  • Animal got hit by a car - to sudden problems;
  • If the dog attacks - A person can be accused of a crime that he did not commit;
  • Kill in a dream aggressive dog - get rid of a strong enemy. However, if in a dream you ruined a good and affectionate dog, you will have a tiff with a friend that will be your fault;
  • The beast howls - to the trouble. If an animal whines mournfully - to the disease, mournfully and sadly howls - to the death of someone close to him. But if the howl sounds threateningly and frighteningly, it means that intrigues are lagging behind your back;
  • To feed psa - to the good tidings that came from afar;
  • Animal dies - to losses, which only time will help to replenish;
  • Bittere dogs fighting among themselves - according to the interpretation of most dream books, this is a warning sign. The dreamer's environment is against him. A person should be careful.

Separately, should consider the value dog bite in the dream of man:

  • Mongrel bitten by the hand - expect a major quarrel, followed by financial losses;
  • The dog chases after a man and, after catching up, bites his leg - to a scandal with relatives;
  • A weak bite without blood and pain - to quarrel with loved ones;
  • The dog attacks and slaughters the dreamer to death - to a heavy feud with once-close people, former friends or a beloved person.

It should be noted that for people in whose house the dog died, typical are dreams in which they see the image of their four-legged friend. Such dreams also have their own meanings:

  • The pet is joyous, wags its tail, goes around - to the good news;
  • The four-legged friend is frightened, whines plaintively, hides - a warning. There is a threat hanging over you;
  • Your dead dog appears in a dream as a little puppy - your four-legged pet says goodbye to you.

According to the Psychological Dream Book, if after the death of a pet, you again and again dream that the animal is dying at the moment it’s just hard for you to experience the loss of a dog. It takes time to cope with this unconditionally heavy loss.

Other meanings of dreams with a dog

It should be noted that there are several different interpretations of the image of a dog that has been seen in a dream. The treatment also depends on what gender and age the dreamer is, as well as on the particular dream book, since each author of these publications has his own method of determining the meaning of the dream. We recommend to pay attention to the following dream books:

  • Female;
  • Male;
  • Children;
  • Small Veles dream;
  • Dream Interpretation Dictionary interpretation of Miller's dreams.

Consider the interpretation of the image of the dog in each of them.

The image of a dog in a female dream book

If a dog dreams of a woman, then this indicates her concern about her environment. According to the corresponding dream book:

  • The dog who dreamed of an unmarried woman speaks of the coming favorable period for the search for a life partner;
  • If a woman dreams of a pack of mongrels who chase after her, the dreamer doubts her decisions and needs a wise counselor;
  • Biting dog - to quarrel with the family;
  • Calm, not paying attention to the woman's dog - to the good changes in life;
  • Homeless animal - a warning that the random passion may end badly for the fair sex;
  • Small puppies for a married woman - a symbol of future motherhood and replenishment in the family.

Dog on Male dream book

For a man, a dog seen in a dream is a harbinger of good changes or a warning about an unfair environment. According to the Male Dream Book:

  • Calm dog - to the long-awaited news from an old friend;
  • Scalding animal - to betrayal in close circle of friends;
  • Harassment of a pack of dogs leads to serious problems at work;
  • Playful and kind dog - to a pleasant and unexpected meeting;
  • Kissing a dog is to regret the friendship lost many years ago, nostalgia, a return to past memories.

Interpretation on Children's Dream

In the children's subconscious, the image of a dog is almost always associated with a friend. The only exceptions are children with a phobia in relation to these animals. Dreams of similar babies (or, more precisely, nightmares) are interpreted with the help of psychoanalysts. In all other cases, apply Children's dream, according to which:

  • Indifferent dog - a sign of stability in relation to the child with his friends;
  • The dog that came to the house - to the guests;
  • A screaming animal — an envier appeared among friends;
  • A dog hurts and bites a child in a dream in a dream - someone from the relatives wants evil to the child, and the child realizes it;
  • Bloodless bite - warning of deception;
  • A child hears barking in a dream, but does not see a dog - they gossip about him.

According to the Small Veles' dream book

Small Velesov - the ancient dream book, which has come down to our days from pagan times. According to him, if you dream:

  • Mad Dog - a friend will soon get sick or a strong enemy will appear. At the same time, to beat a mad dog in a dream - to the guests;
  • Black dog - meet a friend or an enemy, depending on the behavior of the dog. The red animal is a dishonest person, the white one is well-being;
  • Pat the dog - to the appearance of a like-minded person or to matchmaking (if a girl dreams);
  • Kill an aggressive pack - to complete victory over enemies;
  • Receive an animal as a gift - to receive someone else's good;
  • Beware of a snarling dog - to communicate with an imaginary enemy, who in the future may be the best friend;
  • To drive away a hungry mongrel in a dream - to quarrel with a stranger, with whom a strong friendship could be established for many years.

According to Miller's dream book

According to the interpretation of the dream-book Gustav Hindman Miller, a practicing psychoanalyst and somnolog, dreams with the presence of a dog's image are interpreted as follows:

  • Evil yard dog - to failure and deceit on the part of enemies;
  • Affectionate dog - to the unexpected good news;
  • If a girl dreams of cute little dogs - her fan words are insincere;
  • Snarling or barking behind his back - unsightly gossip about the dreamer is aimed at discrediting his good name;
  • A dog fights with a cat - failure in love relationships;
  • A multi-headed dog-Cerberus is a warning that a person does not undertake several cases at once, otherwise he risks failing;
  • A dog kills a snake - a good friend will come to the rescue in a difficult situation;
  • Exhausted and dirty animal - to the disease and problems in business;
  • White friendly dog ​​circling in a dream around a dreamer - to great success with the opposite sex.

It is important to consider that when interpreting a dream, the vision of the same image by the authors of different dream books may not coincide. We recommend exploring several options for the image of a dog at once, and then trusting your own intuition.


Watch the video: What Does Dog Dream Means? -- Interpretations Of Dreams (June 2024).