Stuffed cabbage in a slow cooker: step by step recipes with meat and rice. Recipes of classic, puff and lazy cabbage rolls in a slow cooker (step by step)


Stuffed cabbage is a tasty, quite nutritious and satisfying dish, which is very popular all over the world. Depending on the characteristics of national cuisines, they can be prepared from vegetable, fish and minced meat, with the addition of cereals. But nevertheless, the meat filling with rice wrapped in cabbage leaves is considered a classic option.

We offer to cook cabbage rolls in a slow cooker. The step-by-step recipes below include not only the classic dish, but also its simpler versions: lazy and puff stuffed cabbage made from meat with rice.

General principles for the preparation of cabbage rolls in a slow cooker according to step-by-step recipes

• Stuffing for stuffed cabbage, as for any homemade dish, it is better to cook it yourself and more than one type of meat will be a good option. The most popular combination: a mixture of pork and beef, the pulp of which is taken in equal parts. You can stop on the chicken breast, but it will need to grind a little fresh bacon, otherwise the duckies will turn out to be somewhat dry.

• In detailed step-by-step recipes for stuffed cabbage for a slow cooker, minced meat is used in combination with rice. It is advisable to take round-grain groats, with short pot-bellied grains. It absorbs quickly and holds moisture well. If you use rice with elongated elongated grains, cabbage rolls may come out not so juicy. Instead of rice, other cereals are used, for example, barley. Such cereals require preliminary boiling until cooked, and preliminary long soaking. Rice is enough to boil until half cooked or just rinse.

• Cabbage. It can be a young or later vegetable variety with a white leaf color. Recently, white cabbage began to be replaced with Peking cabbage. The presented step-by-step recipes for stuffed cabbage for a multicooker are also designed for this option. Note that such cabbage cooks much faster, so reduce the blanching and cooking time for cabbage rolls in a slow cooker, recommended in step-by-step recipes, by about 10 minutes.

• Preparation of individual components, namely blanching cabbage, cooking cereals, frying vegetables and minced meat, can be done both in the multicooker bowl, in the appropriate modes, and separately, on the stove. This may require a large pot, which easily fits the whole head of cabbage, and a non-stick pan. For washing and drying cereals, a sieve or colander is required. Actually the final preparation of cabbage rolls is carried out in a multicooker on the "Stew" option.

Cabbage rolls in a slow cooker: a step-by-step recipe for classic execution (in a fur coat)


• forks of white cabbage, weighing at least 1 kg;

• 600 gr. mixed (pork and beef in equal parts) minced meat;

• one carrot;

• 300 gr. round grain rice;

• bitter onions - 300 gr.;

• three spoons of 20% sour cream;

• 60 gr. tomato paste;

• sunflower, highly purified oil - 50 ml;

• drinking water;

• a spoonful of butter;

• a spoon of 9 percent vinegar, food.

Cooking method:

1. Sifting through the rice, we remove the litter and damaged grains. Pour the cereal into an unenamelled pan, rinse until the water flows clean. Bay with cool water, add a little salt and put on an intense fire. Waiting for boiling, stir occasionally, trying to reach the bottom to separate the sticky pictures from it. As soon as it boils, lower the heating so that the water in the pan only boils slightly and evenly. Cook the rice until half cooked. When cracking, the upper shell of the grains should be soft, and the middle should remain firm. Rice is added to the forcemeat not only for satiety, it makes the meat filling whiter crumbly, but if the cereal is a little digested, the filling will turn out to be denser. We transfer the boiled rice to a colander, rinse with cool running water and leave it to decant its residues.

2. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage if there is noticeable damage on them. We wash the forks, lower them into a large pot and add water so that the head of cabbage is completely covered with it. We temporarily get the cabbage, and put the pan on an intense fire. Bringing to a boil, add a little salt and add vinegar, which will not allow the cabbage leaves to burst after scalding. Having carefully cut the stump, we lower the forks into boiling water. Waiting for boiling again, set the heating level so that it only boils a little and, as it separates, remove the leaves. Two minutes are enough for young cabbage, late-headed cabbage needs to be boiled a little longer. Do not digest, constantly check readiness by slightly shifting the cooked leaves with a fork. If they depart well, immediately get it. Having separated all the leaves, carefully cut off all the seals from them. This is more convenient to do with a thin thin knife.

3. Cooking stuffing for stuffed cabbage. We wash the meat, remove all excess films. Cut into pieces and twist them in a meat grinder twice. The meat grinder should be adjusted for maximum grinding - a mesh with small holes is installed. The resulting minced meat is collected in a bowl.

4. We clean the vegetables. Grind carrots on a medium grater, chop one onion finely. Pour one and a half tablespoons of oil into the pan, dip the onions and carrots, pass the vegetables until softened. Mix regularly so as not to brown. Cooling down.

5. In a bowl with ground meat, put the cooled vegetable roast and rice. We season with ground pepper, without excess add salt and thoroughly knead the minced meat.

6. We proceed to the formation of cabbage rolls. Take one of the cabbage leaves. Closer to the edge, from the side of the stump, put a couple of spoons of minced meat on it and turn it into a tube. So that the meat filling does not come out of the cabbage rolls during cooking, carefully place the edges of the sheet inward on the sides with your fingers. You can do otherwise - first wrap the bottom edge of the sheet on the meat, then the sides, and then collapse. And in that, and in another version, cabbage rolls are tightly folded and, even after prolonged stewing, retain their shape and do not unfold. In dense layers we spread the formed duckies in the multicooker bowl. A little secret - put on each stuffed cabbage a small piece of butter and the dish will come out juicier. We place a container with cabbage rolls for an hour in the refrigerator.

7. About 15 minutes before the expiration of the specified time, proceed to the preparation of the sauce. We clean the large onion, wash it with water and cut into small slices. Spread in a pan with heated oil and fry until transparent. Then add tomato mixed with sour cream and simmer over low heat for two minutes.

8. We take a bowl of cabbage rolls from the refrigerator, pour sauce on them and spread it evenly over the entire surface of the cabbage rolls. Sprinkle lightly with ground pepper and only a little salt - do not forget that the leaves were boiled in salted water and salt was added to the minced meat. You can put some favorite spices.

9. Fill the cabbage rolls with boiling water so that the water covers them from above for no more than a couple of centimeters, turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for an hour and a half. We recommend that at the end of the program, do not tear off the lid for half an hour, having stood cabbage rolls all this time on the "Heating".

Lazy cabbage rolls in a slow cooker: a step-by-step recipe with layers of slaw


• home-made pork and ground beef - 600 gr.;

• 180 gr. good-quality round-grain rice;

• kilogram of white cabbage;

• 2 large onions;

• one small carrot;

• 200 ml of tomato sauce;

• two small fresh tomatoes;

• two leaves of parsley;

• three tablespoons of refined lean vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Pouring the cereal onto the table, sorting it out, discarding not only litter, but also defective grains. Pour the sorted rice into the pan, rinse, and then boil it, pour in lightly salted water, until half ready. Then we recline it on a sieve, rinse it again, but already in warm water and leave it in a sieve to decant the remaining moisture and cool it.

2. We wash the cabbage with warm water in forks. Having removed the upper leaves, cut the head in half and chop. We try to cut as thin as possible with a short straw.

3. Put the minced meat in a bowl, rub one of the onions to it coarsely. If you are just cooking mincemeat, you can grind the onion with a meat grinder, immediately after the meat. Seasoning with ground pepper, then add to taste and spread to the mass of boiled, had time to cool rice. Add about a quarter of chopped cabbage, thoroughly knead. Cover the bowl with a lid, set aside for half an hour.

4. Cooking the sauce. We clean the remaining onion and carrots, warm the oil in a deep pan. Put the onion and fry its slices until transparent. Coarsely chop the carrots with a grater, add it to the onion, cook on low heat until soft. Pour tomato sauce to the vegetables, mix and continue to simmer, cover and set the smallest possible heating. After a quarter of an hour, add the sauce a little, stir and remove from the stove. Instead of tomato sauce, you can take pasta, but it will need to be diluted with water. 200 ml of filtered water will require two and a half tablespoons of unsalted pasta. If you have homemade non-sharp adjika, take it.

5. We take out the cooking cup and put in it half of the remaining cabbage, level it. From minced meat we form large cutlets with wet hands. Try not to make them small, they should be the size of a palm, plump and moderately oblong. When forming, beat off the minced meat well, sharply and forcefully transferring it from hand to hand. We spread the "cabbage rolls" on the cabbage layer and fill them with the remaining cabbage, pour the cooked sauce on top.

6. Wash the tomatoes, cut into rings and gently lay them on the surface of the dish laid in the bowl. Bay leaves set vertically between tomatoes, slightly deepening into the cabbage layer. So they will be easy to remove and they will not be lost. Dissolve a little salt in a glass of hot water and carefully, so as not to violate the integrity of the dish, pour it into the bowl. When adding salt, do not forget that the minced meat and tomato sauce were already salted.

7. Close the lid of the multicooker, start the "Extinguishing" program for an hour. At the end of another quarter of an hour we stand cabbage rolls on heating. Remove the leaves of the parsley.

8. When serving, do not mix the contents of the bowl, arrange them on plates, gently prying meat products with a wide spatula.

Quick lazy cabbage rolls in a slow cooker: a step-by-step recipe with raw rice and slaw (in layers)


• a pound of fresh cabbage;

• 700 gr. minced meat;

• large onion;

• one and a half glasses of rice;

• small carrot;

• three teaspoons of tomato;

• non-aromatic sunflower oil;

• Lavrushka - select three small leaves of a brownish tint.

Cooking method:

1. For homemade minced meat, take pork and beef in equal proportions, moreover, the pork is fatter and the beef is lean. We rinse the meat with cool water, cut it into pieces, and then twist it in a meat grinder. Please note that in this option it is advisable to install a grid with the largest holes on the meat grinder. The dish will be formed in layers and we don’t need a uniform mincemeat, the larger it is to grind, the tastier the cabbage rolls will turn out.

2. We chop the peeled carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion, chop the cabbage with a short, not very thin straw.

3. Pour the sorted rice into a sieve and rinse with cool water until absolutely clean. After that, without shifting from the sieve, dry the cereal well.

4. Next, you need to fry the minced meat with vegetable oil along with carrots and onions. This can be done in the multicooker on the option "Baking" or "Frying" or in a pan, on the stove. Pour into a container (multicooker bowl or pan) a couple of spoons of oil, warming for about a minute, put the minced meat in it. Stirring, fry for about five minutes. Stir thoroughly, gathered the meat in large lumps, knead the meat with a fork. Add onion slices and carrots to the meat, simmer everything together for another seven minutes. At the end, we mix the tomato into the meat mass, and season with pepper. If cooked in a slow cooker, put the fried minced meat in a bowl, if in a pan, then until the right moment it can be left there.

5. On the bottom of the cooking bowl, evenly distribute a third of chopped cabbage. On top of it we spread half the fried minced meat, level it, and sprinkle half of the rice (raw) on top. We repeat the order of the layers: a third of cabbage, meat, rice groats. The last layer will be the remaining cabbage.

6. Add water. Considering that only minced meat was added, first we dissolve about 0.5 tablespoons of salt in a small volume of warm water, and pour into a bowl. Then we add boiling water so that the water reaches only the upper cabbage layer.

7. Cook on the "Stew" option for 40-50 minutes, until the cabbage is soft.

Tricks and tips for cooking stuffed cabbage for step-by-step recipes for a multicooker

• Classic cabbage rolls in a slow cooker, a step-by-step recipe for which is described above, can be cooked steamed. Cabbage leaves, which are wrapped in minced meat, are laid out on a steam container, after which they are placed on top of a bowl of boiling water. Prepared in the "Steaming", at least 40 minutes. Stuffed cabbage is obtained not only tasty and juicy, but also dietary. For this option, it is advisable to use lean beef or minced chicken.

• For aroma, five minutes before the completion of the main program, you can put a little chopped dill in the bowl. Do not add garlic to cabbage rolls, its combination with cabbage will give the dish an unpleasant taste and aroma. It is better to prepare the sauce on mayonnaise or sour cream with chopped garlic and serve it separately.


Watch the video: Easy Cabbage and Rice Casserole with Meatballs Lazy Cabbage Rolls (June 2024).