Hair strengthening at home: masks with herbs, oils, vitamins. How to strengthen hair at home: the rules


Hair can be weakened for various reasons. Stress, improper diet, constant drying with a hairdryer, mechanical damage with hard bristles.

Weakened hair constantly climbs, becomes dull and no longer pleases smoothness and a healthy shine.

Urgent need to do hair strengthening at home - it's simple, cheap and effective.

General recommendations for strengthening hair

Hair is a reflection of our health. They, as an indicator, talk about malfunctions in the body, diseases or depletion of resources. Therefore, you need to do hair strengthening with an analysis of what is happening in your life. Here are some general guidelines:

• get rid of the source of constant stress, live as calmly as possible;

• spend a lot of time on the street, ideally at least 3-4 hours a day;

• sleep for 7-8 hours, and only in the dark, when the body is naturally restored;

• drink plenty of water, washing wastes from the body, helping it to get rid of toxins;

• abandon diets, especially long-term, aggressive and unbalanced ones;

• eat more wholesome foods: vegetables, dairy products, low-fat meat, cereals, fish;

• forget, at least for 2-3 months, about junk food and alcohol;

• buy a special shampoo for weakened hair, and it is very desirable that it be free of harmful sulfates;

• make hair care special by including homemade cosmetics.

If you are seriously concerned about how to strengthen your hair at home, do not blow-dry your hair with a hair dryer during an intensive recovery. Hot air adversely affects the hair rods, and styling products spoil the hair even more.

Daily comb your hair with a wooden brush, smooth, unhurried movements. Such combing will completely replace a professional head massage, cause a flow of blood to the bulbs and naturally strengthen the hair.

Homemade Hair Strengthening Masks

If you start to take care of your hair constantly with the help of available means, then the need to purchase advertised expensive cosmetics will disappear. The main thing is not to be lazy, and then strengthening hair at home is quite real.

For example, home masks first need to be done with a course of 10 procedures in 3-4 days. Then keep your hair toned by applying the mask once every 7-10 days. Apply the composition to the hair roots, wrap the head with plastic wrap and put on a warming cap. His role will be played by a woolen hat, scarf, scarf. Hold the mask for about an hour, then rinse without using shampoo. Rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile or water with a spoonful of lemon juice.

Here are a few masks to help restore hair strength quickly. They are popular precisely because they do an excellent job.

Sour milk, honey and cinnamon

Sour-milk products, for example, kefir or natural yogurt, are very beneficial for the scalp. But only if the product is fresh, without preservatives. Therefore, it is better to prepare sour milk on your own, especially since it is not difficult. Just buy whole milk of normal fat content on the market, pour a glass and leave it warm for a day. Use the separated whey for baking, but mix the sour milk with natural honey and a spoonful of cinnamon powder.

Onion gruel

A very effective mask of fresh onion juice and grated onion peel. It acts as a tonic, causing blood to rush to the bulbs, improves capillary circulation. To enhance the effect, add half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and a spoonful of honey to the grated onion. Keep the composition at least half an hour, despite the fact that the head will burn.

Rye bread and kefir

Mash two pieces of rye bread, fill with yogurt or kefir, let the mixture stand for 5 minutes and apply to the roots and strands. Rinse off after an hour.

Aloe extract and olive oil

The pharmacy sells an inexpensive extract of homemade aloe. The amazing properties of this healer must be used. If there are a lot of aloe leaves, take a real flower, if it is a pity - buy an extract. Mix juice or extract with the same amount of olive or castor oil and use as a mask. You can keep it for several hours or even all night.

Mask with mummy

"Tears of the mountains", "mountain wax" - such a poetic name is a mysterious substance. The properties of the mimie are unique, including for strengthening hair at home. For example, you can prepare such a composition: for ten tablets, the mummy is ground into powder and diluted to a creamy state, you need to take two tablespoons of liquid honey or lemon juice. Hold the mask as standard - an hour, rinse and repeat after three days.

Oil masks for strengthening hair

Cosmetic and edible oils are very good as a regular care for curls. How to strengthen hair at home with oil formulations? Very simple. Choose any recipe.

Vegetable oil and fir esters

Fir plants are natural healers. That is why the essential oils of their cedar, pine, fir are used for cosmetic purposes, including for healing hair. Olive or flaxseed oil is also valued for its richness in nutrients. That's why mixing vegetable and essential oils, you can get the expected effect of strengthening the hair follicles. Take five tablespoons of vegetable oil, add 10 drops of essential oil and apply the composition to the hair. Keep 1-2 hours by warming your head.

Burdock oil with orange ether

Burdock oil is the best product to restore the health of curls. How to strengthen hair at home in this way? Pour burdock oil in your palm, add a teaspoon of orange or grapefruit ether and keep the mask for about an hour. For owners of oily hair, peppermint oil is more suitable - it does not oily curls.

Almond Oil and Vitamins

A wonderful mask for strengthening hair at home from almond oil will revitalize curls, give them shine and elasticity. How to strengthen hair at home in this way? A solution of retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E) should be added to almond oil. Vitamins are sold at the pharmacy, they are inexpensive, and the effect is remarkable in combination with the almond oil base. If you couldn’t find enough almonds, you can prepare a mask based on any other base oil by adding one or another vitamin on an ampoule.

Oil masks can oily hair and make it heavier. Therefore, they should not be applied more than once a week. To achieve a lasting effect of strengthening hair at home, five to seven procedures are usually enough.

Home Care For Weakened Hair

You can continue to care for weak hair with the help of independently prepared products: deeply scrubbing the scalp, scrub, rinse and even shampoos. Deep cleansing frees the pores from the accumulation of sebaceous secretion, which means it stimulates the growth of hair rods.

Here's how to strengthen hair at home.

1. Sea salt scrub need to rub into the scalp, gently massaging, for several minutes. Salt will cleanse, heal the skin, relieve dandruff, moisturize and strengthen hair.

2. Sleeping Coffee Scrub also very well cleanses the skin. You can mix a tablespoon of ground grains with the usual amount of shampoo and gently massage the head with this composition. It is not easy to wash off a coffee scrub, but it will give a tangible cleansing.

3. Shampoo for strengthening hair can be prepared from ordinary mustard powder. It must be diluted to a creamy consistency, massage the curls and rinse thoroughly. Mustard not only cleanses the hair, but also stimulates the flow of blood to the bulbs, while strengthening the hair rods. Often you can’t wash your hair with this shampoo, it’s too aggressive.

4. Cosmetic Clay Shampoo, blue or white, will help cleanse the skin, improve skin. But the clay will need to be washed off very well, otherwise the hair may seem dirty.

5. Rinse of infusion of boiled herbs will have a healing effect on the roots, strengthen hair. You can brew chamomile, nettle, linden, sage. You can use the product with every wash.

If you take hair strengthening at home seriously, then very soon, literally in 2-3 weeks, the curls will become stronger, thicker and more beautiful.


Watch the video: HENNA GLOSS. Strengthen, Grow, Moisturise & Deeply Nourish Your Natural Hair - Ayurveda (June 2024).