Cake "Buy Pie" - straight from America! Various recipes of the famous cake "Buy Pie" from simple and affordable products


Initially, the Whoopi Pie cookie appeared in America. Everyone liked the delicate taste and unusual aroma so much that the cooking guru decided to quickly turn a small treat into a big cake. And they did it for good reason!

Cake "Buy Pie" - general principles of preparation

The basis of the cake is delicate chocolate cakes. There are many options for the test: on milk, kefir, sour cream, cream. Cakes are baked alone for slicing. Or several thin layers are being prepared at once. There are many options, but invariably one - the abundance of cocoa. The powder must be of high quality and sugar free.

Cream creams can be taken different, but most often they are light and airy, cooked with whipped cream. To them is added cottage cheese, fresh or boiled condensed milk, mascarpone. The top can be decorated with butter cream or glazed, often miniature cookies “Whoopai Pie” are used for decoration, which are baked from the same dough as the cake.

Creamy pie cake with cream

The cream for this version of Whoopi pie is prepared on the basis of fat cream. Chocolate cakes. The decor is classic with cookies on top.


• two eggs;

• 1 tsp. drinking soda and baking cultivator;

• 0.25 kg of oil;

• 0.22 kg of sugar;

• 100 g of cocoa;

• 0.13 liters of milk.


• 500 ml cream;

• 160 g of powder;

• vanilla.

For syrup: 7-8 tablespoons of water, 3 tablespoons of sugar.


1. Soften the butter, mix with sugar and beat a little with a mixer. Add milk and eggs to this mixture while continuing to beat. Next, add flour with sifted cocoa powder, a cultivator and slaked soda into the dough. Stir. The dough will be thick, it will be difficult to wield a spoon.

2. We line the parchment on the baking sheets. We spread 6 round cakes with a spoon, about a centimeter thick. It will be cookies for decoration. Diameter 4-5 cm. Wet top with water.

3. We put to bake, the temperature for the cookies "Buy pie" and cake 170. Cook until dry toothpicks.

4. On the back of the parchment, draw three even circles. We lay out cake cakes, try not to go beyond the contour, align the top with a spatula. Wet cakes on top with water. Bake in the oven at the same temperature for about 10-12 minutes.

5. While the dough is baked and then cools, you need to make a cream. To fluff, whip the cream, add granulated sugar. We make a thick cream that will keep in shape. Dress with vanilla.

6. Sprinkle the layers with syrup, spread a layer of cream on the first cake, cover and repeat.

7. The top is also decorated with whipped cream, apply patterns, but do not affect the sides. They must remain "naked".

8. Cookies are cut in half, spread the middle with cream and glue. Stick in the whipped cream on the cake edge. Done!

Kupi pie cake with kefir cream and mascarpone cream

Another variation of the American cake, "Buy Pie", but the dough for it is prepared using a completely different technology and with other ingredients. If there is no mascarpone, then you can purchase any other cream cheese.


• 100 g of cocoa;

• 380 g flour;

• 4 g of soda;

• two eggs;

• 1 tbsp. granulated sugar;

• 150 g of kefir (fat content above 3%);

• 10 g of ripper;

• 130 ml of coffee;

• 200 g of oil.


• 400 ml cream;

• 120 g of fine powder;

• 250 g of mascarpone or other cheese.

Glaze: 40 ml cream, one bar of chocolate 10 g butter.


1. One cake to be cut. We mix all dry products according to the recipe. You do not need to extinguish soda. It’s better to sift it all.

2. Place eggs, soft butter and sugar in the mixer. Beat, introduce kefir at room temperature. It should not be fat-free, it will adversely affect the taste of the cake.

3. Then we introduce boiled strong coffee (100 ml), the drink should not be hot, so prepare it in advance.

4. Add the dry mixture and stir the dough.

5. Pour into the form. We set the basis for “Go eat” in the oven, cook at 170. Cool, cut into 3 cakes.

6. Cooking cream with mascarpone. Beat cream and powder, then add mashed cheese, mix.

7. Lubricate previously sliced ​​cakes. Divide the whole cream in half, as the top layer uses glaze.

8. Combine the chocolate in a bowl with cream and a spoonful of butter, melt, leave to cool for about ten minutes, but the icing should not seize.

9. Spray the top cake with the rest of the coffee.

10. Pour “Whoop Pai” with glaze, which began to thicken, most of the coating should be on top, only dripping drops on the sides.

Cake "Buy Pie" in milk

Another variation of the famous American dessert. Here the dough is prepared in milk, cream cheese. Ingredients are calculated for the form 21-22 cm.


• 0.4 kg of flour;

• 0.1 kg of cocoa powder;

• 2 tsp common cultivator;

• two eggs;

• 0.24 liters of milk;

• 0.25 kg of oil;

• 0.4 kg of sugar.

For a gentle cream:

• 0.3 kg of cottage cheese;

• 0.2 l of cream;

• 1 tbsp. powders.

Frosting: 50 g butter 130 g chocolate.


1. Knead the dough. Beat eggs. Next, add granulated sugar, after dissolving we introduce soft oil. If it has not melted enough, you can hold the product in the microwave, but not for long.

2. Add milk at room temperature. The mass at this stage can be stratified, but that's okay.

3. Pour the flour with cocoa, knead the dough.

4. Optionally, you can lay out a few pieces of dough cookies. 3-5 is enough. Bake them right away.

5. Pour the dough into a mold. Bring chocolate cake to readiness. Then cool well, cut into three parts.

6. The curd should be thoroughly beaten, and even better rub through a sieve. Beat cream until foam with powder, then combine with cottage cheese. Add a few drops of vanilla extract if desired.

7. Lubricate the cakes with cream, dividing it in half.

8. Next, you need to melt the icing in the bath or in the microwave. Lubricate the cake on top and you're done!

9. Since the cakes were not soaked additionally, we leave the cake for 5 hours in the refrigerator.

Banana pie with bananas

A variation of the popular banana cake. This delicacy is not only distinguished by taste, but also by its amazing aroma.


• a glass of milk;

• for a package of vanilla and a cultivator;

• 100 g butter and sugar;

• 60 g of cocoa;

• 0.110 g flour;

• egg.


• pack of oil;

• 300 g of powder;

• 250 g of cream.

You will also need 4-5 bananas.


1. Pour flour into a dry bowl, add vanilla and a cultivator, one sachet is enough, we throw cocoa and mix everything.

2. In the second bowl, combine the milk with sugar and eggs, whisk. Add soft butter and bulk mixture. Stir.

3. Pour the dough into a mold of 20 cm (diameter) by the oven until cooked at 170 degrees.

4. Cool the reservoir for 5 hours, so that it grows stronger. Then we cut with a sharp knife into three thin plates.

5. Beat the butter with half the powder and cream with the second part. Then we combine both mixtures.

6. Peel the bananas, cut into slices, but do not need to be done very thinly.

7. Grease the cake with cream, lay out the slices of bananas so that they look out. Putting together the whole cake.

8. Put cream on top, it is better not to put bananas, as they will darken, or add before serving. Additionally, you can sprinkle the top with grated chocolate.

Whoopee pie cake with brulee cream

Cakes for this version of the American cake are baked according to the first recipe. We also prepare several cookies or make another additional layer. It is better to cook condensed milk on your own, it is much tastier than purchased dumplings.


• cake cakes;

• 400 g of condensed milk;

• 440 ml of cream;

• 100 ml of coffee;

• 3 drops of vanilla extract.


1. Whip cream until foam, but not all. Leave 90 ml.

2. Pour the cream that remained in the bowl, add the boiled condensed milk and beat together. The mass should become a little thinner and more uniform.

3. Now we remove the mixer.

4. Add whipped cream to the condensed milk and gently stir.

5. Sprinkle the cakes with boiled coffee, you need to sweeten the drink.

6. Top with cream.

7. We cut the cookies and also layered, but they do not need to sprinkle coffee.

8. On top of the cake we decorate with the remaining cream and the Cooked pie cookies.

Creamy pie cake with sour cream

A cream based on sour cream is prepared for this version of the American dessert. It is important that it is thick and with a fat content of at least 25%. Otherwise, the cream will flow. We bake cakes according to the first recipe, we also make some cookies, but the assembly will be slightly different.


• 600 g sour cream;

• 150 g of powder;

• 100 g of dark chocolate;

• 10 g of vanilla sugar;

• 100 ml cream 30%;

• 10 g of oil.


1. Beat sour cream with powdered sugar and vanilla. We make sure that the mass does not turn into oil.

2. Put one cake on the dish. We spread the cream into a bag, apply it to the cake in an even layer. Cover with a second cake, also fill. The whole cream needs to be divided in half and left a little for cookies. Top do not need to be decorated.

3. Cut the cookies, layered with the left cream. With a sharp knife, cut one edge so that the side becomes flat and stable.

4. Cook ganache on a plate of chocolate cream and butter. It is not necessary to warm the mass for a long time, we just dissolve all the ingredients.

5. Lubricate the top of the cake with ganache and immediately, until it has frozen, “sit” the cookies in the icing with a slice down. You may have to hold for a few seconds.

6. The cake is ready! We put in the refrigerator for 5 hours.

Cake "Buy Pie" - useful tips and tricks

• Cakes for American cake will be more aromatic and rich if you add a little coffee. It can be dissolved in milk, kefir or in another liquid base.

• Any cream will be tastier if you add vanilla, which does not go according to the recipe. If the dessert is for adults, then you can pour a little aromatic liquor.

• If the cream is not whipped to a thick foam, the cream turned out to be liquid, then gelatin will come to the rescue. Dissolve it in a small amount of water, combine with the bulk and wait a bit. Of course, he will not add splendor, but the cream will be thick and will not drain from the cakes.


Watch the video: 12 Amazing Cake Art Designs. Yummy Chocolate Cake Decorating Ideas (June 2024).