Useful properties, calorie content of Brazil nut - you will learn a lot! What are the benefits and harms of a Brazil nut


In our diet, Brazil nut appeared not so long ago.

Due to its features and exquisite taste, it immediately gained popularity.

Fans of healthy eating are not stopped by the rarity of the product, the high price for it, and a number of restrictions on consumption.

The main argument in favor of use has been and remains the mass of its useful and valuable qualities.

Brazil nut: composition as applied

Brazil nut - the fruit of a tropical tree with an exotic name - Bertoletia. The main place for its growth is the tropical territory of the Amazon.

Its fruit looks like a coconut, although it can not be called a nut. In structure, it is closer to cereals, and in appearance - a box with seeds inside. In one such nut, up to 24 seeds can be inside. The mass of each fetus reaches 2 kg.

Repeated attempts to grow the tree artificially failed. Therefore, all the nuts we eat are fruits of a wild tree.

The composition of the nut is impressive. Such a unique combination of nutrients is found only in Bertoletia. It contains:

1. Macro - and - microelements: calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, selenium, copper, zinc.

2. Styrenes and polyols: campesterol, stigmasterol, beta-sitosterol.

3. Vitamins: E, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), choline (B4), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), ascorbic acid (C).

4. Amino acids: alanine, aspartame, arginine, valine, glycine, histidine, leucine, glutamine, lysine, methionine, serine, proline, tyrosine, cystine, tryptophan, threonine.

5. Fatty acid:

- saturated: behenic, pentadecanoic, dodecanoic, margarine, stearic, myristic, peanut, butane;

- polyunsaturated omega - groups: alpha-linolenic, eicosadiene, gamma-linolenic.

The nutritional value. In 100g of walnut are present:

• proteins - 14, 332g;

• fats - 66, 43g;

• carbohydrates (fructose, sucrose) - 12.27g;

• starch - 0.25g;

• fiber - 7.5g;

• water - 3, 48g;

• ash - 3.51g.

Bertolemia refers to high-calorie foods. In 100gr there is 656kcal (2743kJ / g).

All the beneficial properties of walnuts are used by cosmetologists, doctors and culinary specialists.

Medical use. Fruit extract is a part of many drugs due to the fact that the nut has antitumor, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antisclerotic, antiviral properties.

Decoctions of fruits, shells and bark in traditional medicine are used in the treatment of many diseases and help recover after severe and prolonged illnesses, operations.

Use in cosmetology. The effect of walnut oil on skin condition was appreciated. Being a component of cosmetics, it creates a layer on its surface that protects from environmental influences, prevents moisture loss, nourishes, restores damaged cells, promotes rapid healing of wounds and slows down the aging process.

Oil is present in many hair care products. Its components nourish the hair roots, eliminate brittleness, and make them obedient.

Cooking Application. Use in a different form: fresh, fried, dried, salted. Included in ice cream, salads, jelly, sauces, pastries, chocolate, soups. In many dishes it is used as seasoning, giving a piquant taste. Valuable oil is obtained from the fruit.

Many art paints have walnut oil in their composition. It is added to maintain the brightness of the paints in the paintings, and the paints themselves are easily applied to the canvas.

The industry produces grease, which is constantly used by watchmakers in watch repair.

Brazil nut: what are the benefits for the body

The benefits of Brazil nuts are hidden in its rich and valuable complex of substances. Their combined effect on the body can benefit:

• Walnut is able to prevent the development of cancer of the intestines, breast, lungs, prostate gland. Protects cells from the negative effects of radicals and DNA from possible structural damage.

• Helps strengthen immunity: increases a person’s resistance to viral and bacterial infections.

• Reduces, and in some cases neutralizes, all existing inflammatory processes in the body.

• Useful for the activity of the entire hormonal system: participates in the synthesis of hormones by the thyroid gland, affects the functioning of the endocrine system and pancreas.

• It is necessary for the treatment and prevention of infertility in men and women, increases sex drive due to the normalization of the production of sex hormones, prolongs female reproductive age.

• Useful for the body to absorb vitamins.

• Reduces the risk of cardiac pathologies and blood vessels (especially effective in the prevention of stroke and heart attack), reduces the possibility of atherosclerosis, thrombosis, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

• Useful for organs of vision: prevent cataracts and improve visibility.

• It is able to remove substances harmful to it from the body. Reduces toxicity after prolonged use of pharmaceuticals.

• Helps to gain muscle mass, restores damaged cells in the muscles, affects their growth.

• Improves metabolic processes, contributing to weight loss.

• Useful for skin, nails and hair: prevents aging, cleanses, nourishes and rejuvenates.

• Normalizes metabolic cellular processes due to the action of polyunsaturated fats.

• Strengthens the nervous system: helps relieve stress, irritation, depression and chronic fatigue.

• Positive effect on the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal system, improves intestinal motility.

• Leads to a quick satisfying of hunger, improves mood, gives vitality.

Bertoleia is considered the most useful nut on the planet. But its useful properties are affected by the conditions and shelf life. If they are observed, he does not lose his valuable properties after 2 years.

When buying it, it is important to pay attention to the following facts:

1. When shaking the packaging, the seeds should not rattle. Their ringing indicates the expiration date.

2. Fruits should be heavy, dense, not wrinkled. Their lightness indicates that the nuts have dried, and the nutrients have long lost their strength. Shriveledness indicates a fungal infection.

3. Nuts must be peeled.

The freshness of the product is indicated by a pleasant aroma, lack of rancidity. The nuts will be slightly moist to the touch. At home, open packaging is stored in a dark and dry place for no more than 3 months.

Brazil nut: what is the harm to health

The benefits of Brazil nuts are obvious, but they should not be abused for several reasons:

1. Intolerance: when overeating, the first signs of an allergy and a worsening of the condition may appear.

2. The content in the fruits of two radioactive elements: radium and barium. Although their content is negligible, the amount of walnut consumed should be limited.

3. The presence in the shell of aflotoxin, a large volume of which will provoke liver cancer.

4. The high content of selenium can be attributed to the disadvantages. Its accumulation in the body causes:

- hair getting out;

- lamination of the skin and nails;

- liver damage.

5. When overeating a nut, a person’s body begins to smell like garlic.

6. If there is a tendency to gain excess body weight or obesity is already present.

7. During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, it is better to completely refuse to eat it. Although, according to traditional medicine, a nut helps to conceive a child.

There is an age limit on the use of nuts: children under 3 years old and older people after 65 years.

Do not immediately be scared and completely reject its use. A dangerous dosage is 100 grams of walnut per day! Given these contraindications and the health hazards of the Brazil nut, you should limit its use and eat no more than 3 nuts per day.

Brazil nut for kids: good or bad

Basically, nuts are loved for their taste and only then they remember their benefits. Any nuts, including Brazil, are useful for the child's body. There are several reasons to allow children to use this product:

• positively affects memory and mental abilities;

• has a calming effect;

• affects the correct formation and growth of the skeleton;

• important for the proper functioning of internal organs;

• increases the ability of the child's body to resist viral infections.

There are several restrictions under which children under 3 years old are contraindicated in this product:

1. With a nut, a child can easily choke.

2. Bertoletia is an allergenic product due to its high protein content. It is necessary to begin to introduce the child to him with a small amount, observing the reaction of the child's body. If the baby has a tendency to allergies, then up to 5 years it is better to exclude the nut from the diet.

3. Having a high fat content is a heavy burden for the digestive system of the child. His ventricle and intestines may not be digested and disorders of these organs will appear.

4. If the child has the following diseases: colitis, pancreatitis, enteritis, dyskinesia, then it is better not to give the nut to the baby.

For children from 3 years old, the daily nut norm should not exceed 20 gr (1-2pcs). If the use of nuts is not regular, then you can pamper the baby and give 5pcs.

When deciding to use a nut in treatment or as a prophylactic, it should be discussed with a doctor. Do not self-medicate, because all the beneficial properties of a nut when used improperly or dosages quickly turn into negative ones.


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