Plot for love on an apple


An interesting fruit is an apple. Because of him, Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise, an evil sorceress fed the bewitched fruit of Snow White, the magic power of the youthful apple drove Baba Yaga crazy. But then everything is a fairy tale, and we have a life with you, rationally thinking person will say. How can the usual “golden” that we eat for breakfast help in life?

Practicing magicians know: an apple is a valuable magic item. The conspiracy fruit is effectively used for various magical purposes. Conspiracies to love are particularly popular among magicians using this fruit. The article describes in detail the ritual algorithm by which the conspiracy on the apple of love will be truly successful.

Is it possible to start talking an apple on a man's love?

You can if you are careful enough. For a start - some information.

Rituals on apples have optimal performance and low cost of magical energy. The object of the ritual uses its own magician powers, feeding on natural energy. Weak energy can cause failure. Feeling uncertainty novice magicians, in order to avoid wasting time and effort should seek the help of a professional.

Apple is a symbol of love, having a light natural energy. Unlike cemetery love spells, conspiracy on it is not dangerous. However, this does not mean that the ritual can be carried out carelessly. On the contrary: the more accurately all the rules are followed, the more likely the outcome will be.

Effective conspiracy to love for an apple requires an early examination of the list of rules:

  1. The fruit for love spell should choose red and attractive, causing admiration.
  2. Except you, no one should touch him. It is best to take an apple from a branch growing in an apple tree garden.
  3. An apple should be healthy, without rotten and chill holes. If the fruit is wormy, it should be thrown out and abandon the ritual. It will be a sign from above that the ritual will not work.
  4. The ritual must be performed on the growing moon, when everything in nature grows and multiplies.
  5. If during the ritual you are distracted, you drop the apple or the tape will get confused and slide off - this is a sign that the ritual should be postponed.
  6. The conspiracy of the fetus no one except you should not see or touch.
  7. No one should know about the plot or the plot.
  8. In no case do not cut the middle! It will have a negative effect on your heart.
  9. Cut the fruit in one motion, do not make extra cuts.
  10. If, after the ritual, the apple starts to rot, instead of drying, the ritual fails.

These rules should be considered and accepted as an indisputable dogma.

Before embarking on the ritual, it is recommended to spend several days cleaning and healing your own energy. Observe weak post, eliminate harmful substances from the diet, visit church. Recommend to bring home a bouquet of "Ivan da Marya." These flowers enhance the bond between masculine and feminine energy.

On the day of the ritual, take a bubble bath, relax and come to a state of favorable detachment. Allow the Universe to give you everything you need. Stretch her open palm, opening a fist, in which you are powerless to try to hold the elusive. The fact that yours will come to you will only open up to this.

A plot on an apple on a man's love

Apple is a female fruit, so it will be easier for women to use it for magical purposes. A plot on an apple to read on the love of a man is most effectively through photography.

Before embarking on a conspiracy, take half an hour of your time in your thoughts and emotions. For efficiency, you can even talk to the diary or simply lay out the internal state on the paper. Think carefully: what emotions live in you now, what you feel for the person you are going to bewitch. Are you sure that he is the one and you will be happy with him? Do not make a spell if:

  • the man you have chosen is married or busy. You can negatively affect his mental state;
  • at the thought of him you are pursued by the desire for revenge;
  • if you proceed to the ritual in a very depressed state.

Preparation for the ceremony

Deciding on the rite, stock up with the necessary items:

  • an Apple;
  • photo of a man;
  • your photo;
  • knife;
  • Red ribbon;
  • pomade.

First of all, cut the apple in half, so that the calyx of the flower remains on one half, and the depression of the stem - on the other.

Take a photo and fold them face to each other. If they are larger than an apple, cut off the excess. Strangers in the photo should also not be.

Lipstick write on both sides of your empty names. Write yours first and your lover second.

Put them together on one middle of the apple, cover the second from above. Red ribbon tightly tie the apple, giving it an original look.

It is time to read the plot.

Plot text

Read the plot should be holding the apple on weight with his left hand.

“As Eve tasted the apple, so will Adam taste. As Adam tastes, so will Eve be bound forever. How to dry will be an apple that I speak, so you, God's Slave (the name of the object of love), will become dry for me. And as the apple finally shrivels, you will not stand it and come to me, the Slave of God (own name). The power of my love is light and strong, I don’t wish you harm, only happiness with me and good. Amen".

Tie a knot at the end of the ribbon holding the halves of the apple in order to fix the plot.

Put an apple in a secluded place in the sun. It is desirable that the place was open and well lit, but no one except for you had access to it.


Resorting to this plot from the standpoint of white magic, you cannot harm the object of love. The text of the conspiracy itself does not provide for negative consequences, on the contrary, it protects against them.

But it is important to remember that magic cannot change a person. Magic only enhances the available. Love spell does not work if the lover has no feelings for you. Love spell can also not work in full force, if the relationship had been painful for both. First of all, be prepared for the fact that you have to work on yourself and your attitude towards the person. This is the only way to ensure the success of a love spell.


Watch the video: Why Apple Has Lost the Plot! Long Live Android :- (June 2024).